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Cindy Alexander

I don't have time to pet the Fluff

About Me

I have one cat that stands on her hind legs and prays for me and another cat that can talk, seriously. I must have my toe nails polished at all times. (Forget about my hands ...I DO try but I play guitar and it just chips off.) I crave guacamole, constantly. I can turn any conversation into a song. I cry easily but I laugh even easier. I give everything away. I'm loyal to a fault. I'm moody. I clench my jaw when I sleep sometimes. I love my parents. They love me too. My nickname is "pnut" (like peanut). I have the greatest friends on earth. I have very few socks that match. Somewhere there is a black hole with all my miscellaneous socks....and my guitar pics. I'm lucky. But I work really hard. I mean...REAAAAALLLY Hard. I am passionate about cancer prevention, awareness and finding a cure. I believe in Love. I Love. And I am Loved. And some people say that I'm a highly functioning dysfunctional, the most organized disorganized person you will ever meet but I manage to get stuff done...eventually.

Now heres the stuff THEY want to know about me: Born weighing only four and a half pounds but with the voice that could fill a stadium....her parents figured G-d had a plan, they just weren't in on the joke. They sent their little "peanut" to the "crying doctor" when she was 5 only to be told she just "wanted attention." By 20 she stopped crying but she had head aches. And one day, Cindy Alexander was so irritated and grumpy because the guy who lived in the apartment above her blasted his stereo so loud that it brought on her migraines - so finally she crawled out of bed, pounded on his door and asked him to turn it down. Instead of fighting, Cindy and Paul Trudeau became best of friends, wrote a bunch of songs and started a band.

After a couple of years, a lot of gigs, and a ton of emotional epiphanies, Cindy put out a cd which was a compilation of her demos: See Red. Most of the tracks were produced by David Darling (Boxing Ghandis/ Meredith Brooks/ Brian Setzer) and Paul Trudeau. See Red earned a nomination for Album of the Year by the L.A. Music Awards, who the year before crowned her Songwriter of the Year and nominated her for Female Vocalist of the Year. The "Peanut Gallery" (aka Cindy Alexander fans) grew exponentially and Cindy rode the wave of the internet, topping charts at and becoming one of's best indie sellers.

In 2003 she released her 2nd CD, SMASH, also nominated for L.A. Music Award's Album of the Year. Smash features co-writes with Grammy Award winners Gary Harrison and Dennis Matkosky. She was named CNET's Net Music Countdown Net Unknown of the Year (joining past recipients such as Michelle Branch) and was named Female Artist of the Year by Just Plain Folks, also winning Pop Song of the Year by the same organization. Cindy kept busy touring in 2004 with a new distribution for her own label, JamCat Records, earned three more awards ( LA Music Award for Indie Pop Artist of the Year, JPF Songwriter of the Year, and All Access Magazine Best Female Vocalist), and recorded her 3rd cd with Dave Darling: Angels & Demons.

Angels & Demons was released in 05 to glowing reviews, and a live performance on air for Mark & Brian (KLOS 95.5 fm and affiliates) sparked an immediate sell out of ALL of Cindys cd inventory and a huge influx of new fans. That energy fueled a string of dates opening for AMERICA and Cindy began headlining festivals as far away as Barbados. Angels & Demons was nominated for three Album of the Year awards by All Access Magazine, L.A. Music Awards and Just Plain Folks, a songwriter networking organization which boasts over 40,000 members.

June 2006 unleashed a new compilation entitled Eclectic Cafe on Water Music Records featuring Cindys song 4 Hours alongside cuts by Aimee Mann, Heather Nova, Tracy Bonham, Moby and Duncan Shiek.

Cindy tours nationally and internationally (including entertaining our troops courtesy of Armed Forces Entertainment), and has shared the stage with such bands as The Bacon Brothers, Suzanne Vega, Joan Osborn, Bob Schneider, Ben Taylor, The Bangles, Edwin McCain, Marc Cohn, Howard Jones, Dishwalla, Gin Blossoms, America, Joe Bonamassa, Collective Soul and the list goes on and on. Her performances have been called "star quality" and the "best of the L.A. Music Scene" by both fans and critics alike.

Cindy has also appeared on several soundtracks and compilations (Sugar & Spice soundtrack on Trauma Records/ Chilled Sirens on Water Music Records/ Sunday Brunch on Treadstone Records/ Eclectic Caf.. on Water Music Records) and her music has been featured in films (Here on Earth, Smokers, Sugar & Spice, Dorm Daze II) and television (Party of Five).

Yes...Cindy won NBC's/David Foster's STAR TOMORROW in November 2006 and although it was a great experience, she decided the "prize" was an offer she could refuse. Fiercely independent...she decided to stay that way, and thanks to the generosity and support of her fans who pre-ordered and donated to the production fund, her 4th cd, Wobble with the World was released October, 2007 and immediately nominated for Album of the Year by South Bay Music Awards.
For booking, contact Joy Collingbourne at the MOB Agency: [email protected]
Management: Toni Profera and Bill Siddons @ The Core: 818-986-8040
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/16/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: My band is constantly evolving and I have been fortunate enough to work with a lot of outstanding musicians based in L.A. Most recently: GEOFF PEARLMAN (guitar), HARVEY LANE (bass), CHIP MORELAND (drums), TINA TREVINO (percussion), PAUL TRUDEAU (acoustic guitar/keys/writing partner), HOWARD ULYATE (bass).I consider my producer the invisible member of the band, and he's oh so important to me: DAVE DARLING. Dave and I also write a lot of tunes together.YOU CAN ORDER CD'S TODAY!

Influences: Poetry of everyday Life, Dysfunction, Writing on Bathroom Walls, Desire, Dreams, Disaster, and oh
Sounds Like: "a multifaceted mega-voice" according to the press
"smooth like guacamole, hot like salsa" according to the waiter at El Conquistador
"a breath of fresh air" according to the cleaning crew
Basically very Cindyesque.

Click here for additional selections. Have a suggestion for a ringtone? Send me a message. :)

Record Label: JamCat Records (my own label!)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

MYXER rocks!!!

TODAY, Sunday....I am PICK OF THE DAY at Thousands of ringtones have already been given away for free and you are welcome to go grab it too! Myxer says:"Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 04:16:00 PST

A perfect day for a Bank Robbery

"Gee. It's summertime. What should we do today? Go to the beach? Grab an iced mocha? No...we can't afford an iced mocha. Let's go rob a bank!" Or so thought a couple fools who successfully robbe...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 09:25:00 PST

Watermelon Weather

Hey there ~ It's watermelon weather....the days of Flip Flops and the smell of sunscreen.  And then there are the ants in the watermelon juice that dribbled onto the deck, that crawl into your ...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:27:00 PST


Got the news today that a college classmate died this week of a heart attack.  SO young.  SO sad.  The weird thing is ~ just the mention of his name brought back so many sense-memory ex...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 02:51:00 PST

"I spent two weeks in India and never had food as spicy as THAT"

"I spent two weeks in India and never had food as spicy as THAT" So said my father in law last night.  You see, I'm trying to change it up a bit.  I don't want to serve him the same old turk...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:44:00 PST

Have you seen the Body Worlds exhibit???

I must say that it was the most oddly romantic and interesting date I've had in years. Never thought that a display of dead bodies, extrapolated arteries, fetuses and diseased organs would have floate...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST

FREE Cindy Alexander Ring Tones

Since you guys seem to love free stuff, my wonderful assistant Jen created some ringtones (because I'm a lame brain when it comes to technical stuff) and we put 'em up on my page for you to devour. Fi...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:27:00 PST

A Free Download in Honor of Memorial Day

May G-d bless our service men and women and all the families who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much so that we can live in freedom.  May their efforts not be in vain.  I hope ...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Mon, 26 May 2008 10:11:00 PST

Sick of Myself Tank Tops back by popular demand

A lot of people have been asking me for the "Sick Of Myself" tank tops at shows so I am ordering some for summertime.  They are black with silver writing, 100% cotton, say "Sick of Myself" across...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:51:00 PST

My Evening with Omar

Some stuff you don't know about me: there are actually other things in life that interest me besides music, my family, friends and my cats. Oh, and MySpace. I'm trying to EXPAND. You know about my mo...
Posted by Cindy Alexander on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:40:00 PST