Movies, traveling, working and having a fun time while doing it.test
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American standards by artists old and new. The rock and roll I was raised on (50's through 80's).
Just about anything if they're done well. Casablanca still one of the best examples of American film. Comedies are important. Tootsie, Arthur, The Court Jester...
I love to work in and watch the sitcom medium but only when they raise the bar like Seinfeld and Frazier did. Scrubs is great, Two and a half men is good. A lot of the Dramas are well done but not often as original as West Wing was at the beginning.
I'm a nut for first person narrative detective novels: Raymond Chandler, Ross McDonald, John McDonald, Sue Grafton, Patricia Cromwell which is why I'm still working on my novel "Users" in that format. A sampling is viewable on
My favorite actors: Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, W.C Fields, The Stooges, Buster Keaton, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino.