licking ass, recieving licks, tearing up your clothes in the middle of the night, walking all over your face in the morning and meowing loudly when i'm not even actually hungry, or i want to go out and kill baby birds.
weird people who aren't annoying as hell, those who are experienced at quality ass-licking, witches who can help me return to the material plane to wreak havoc on the living and lay smelly gassers in the catbox of my choice.
ASSUCK, Discordance Axis, Darkthrone, Black Flag, Satyricon, Behemoth, Rudimentary Peni, Goblin, Negura Bunget, Weakling, Ludicra, Amber Asylum, The Damned, Spider Compass, Kajun SS, Krystov Penderecki, Bethlehem (before the sellout), the Freeze, GG Allin and the Jabbers, New York Dolls/Heartbreakers. the Jack SAints, 45 Grave, Christian Death (w/ Rozz), the MAD, 13th Floor Elevators, Ved Buens Ende, SILENCE OF DECAY(Italy), Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon and Down There, Merzbow, Nurse with Wound, the first 3 ULVER records, Sangre Amado, The Vanishing, Nervous Gender, Hammers of Misfortune, Asunder, Dystopia, Amon Duul II, Diamanda Galas, Stiff Little Fingers, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Big Business, horror soundtracks, William Blackcolm (Black Host!), Flux of Pink Indians, Subhumans, the Pogues, Sour Mash Hug Band, Wages of Sin, Ennio Morricone, Aghast, songs about pussy
Suspiria, Inferno, Cat's Eyes, Il Gato Negro