I am just as I seem, only more so (but not all the time).
I am passionate about bbq, pan-fried okra and and of course, Sweet Tea.
I'm also passionate about music...especially the music in and around Asheville North Carolina. I enjoy listening to music every chance I get, but I also enjoy sharing this music with others and helping support promote the vast musical community which exists in Asheville and the surrounding areas.
I'm the founder and editor of The Asheville Music Scene, a website devoted to publishing news and gig calendars of interest to the Asheville music community. Visit the site at:View a calendar of local music events at:
I enjoy working the The Lake Eden Arts Festival, the NC Mountain Acoustic Music Association, the Swannanoa Valley Museum, and the Black Mountain Center for the Arts.
My goals (at least at this time) are:
♣ To celebrate life and it's countless little pleasures
♣ To learn from all I encounter
♣ To be honest with myself and others
♣ To focus on the overwhelming positive things all around me.
♣ To involve myself deeply with people, organizations, and activities which celebrate the wonderful life we've been given
♣ To laugh deeply each day
I consider myself quite fortunate to live here in the beautiful mountains of western NC. The Black Mtn/Asheville area is home to some of the most stunning scenery and more hot music than you can imagine. The other wonderful thing about this area is the number of amazingly creative and fun folks who make their home here. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends here who constantly inspire and challenge me.
Be sure and check of some of the great folks shown in my "friends" section at the bottom of this page. Their some of the best people in the world.
Rufus P Doohickey:
In recent months, as I have begun to explore the creative corners of my quirky personality, an interesting thing has occurred. An "alter ego" character has begun to emerge in the person of Professor Rufus P Doohickey, Est. Rufus is really a pretty interesting guy to be around. He's a bit older than I am and in fact is well on his way toward reaching his lifetime goals of becoming a crazy old fart and an eccentric old geezer.
Rufus emerges in a variety of personas and he's been rather quiet lately, but you never really know when or where he might show up. Rufus traveled up to Winston-Salem NC in March of 2007 where he appeared as a carnival barker in a film called Nest of Spiders which was set in a 1930's era traveling carnival/circus.
Old Geezers were once a common site in many small towns, but they seem to be a vanishing breed. So.....if you see Rufus P Doohickey around, be sure to say hello...
Here's a photo of one of Rufus P Doohickey's good friends, Leo The Lion-faced Clown. That's Leo in the middle