David profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My account was compromised, and now I got it back. I am changing passwords and email addresses on all my accounts right now.
I feel like that the hacker should get this:

Animated GIFs
I do not accept friends who have inappropiate content in his/her profile MySpace page. Sorry for some of you ladies who keeps sending me dirty messages for me to IM you. I am not that type of guy. Lol. All you do is get me report you to Myspace, and have your accounts deleted. If I do not accept some of you right away? That does not mean I am ignoring you. I am having too many females requesting as friends but not the type of lady friends that I want to keep company with. Also, females, please do not use guys' names like Jeremy and Steve to try to sneak past my guard. I do not think Jeremy or Steve has the body parts to be mothers. Lol, how stupid is that?
I am a graduate of Norman High School back in 1987, and moved to Arkansas in 1995. I attended Arkansas Tech University in 1996 until I graduated in December of 2001. I got three poems published so far, and am working to get others, some of my short stories and some books published. Have ideas to start short stories and books about science fiction of rodeos and cowboys, hunters, scuba diving and other tales that seems to be missing from science fictions these days. Imagine cowboys competing in rodeo events on bulls, horses, cows and alien species from different planets, plus they comepete in ranch style competitions and underwater rodeo on bullsharks. Looking for people who would like to help model the characters of the future. Who am I looking for? Cowboys, bullriders and rodeo stars, scuba divers, football players, baseball players, singers, actors, ranchers, farmers, skydivers, hunters, basketball players, police officers, firefighters, military people, and many more to learn from them. I like to learn from others.
I am also a certified diver, and I have ideas and stories to write fiction stories about divers, rodeos, and many other interests.
I am disabled since the day I was born when I was born with a deformed inner right ear. I suffered from ear infections since then. I had tubes put in my right ear when I was 7 years old so that my right ear can drain properly. I have a speech problems since then. Discovered in 1992 that I am suffering from nerve deafness because of all the ear infections that I had. Later that year after I was electricuted at work at a McDonald's, I found out that I have bone spurs in my neck. It was pinching on my inflamed nerves in my spinal column. Doctors told me that I can become completely paralyzed. I can only do office jobs or desk jobs anymore because of it.
Some of my friends know me from Yahoo groups as Poncer_1 or Pouncers49. Some of the groups that I own are Scuba Water Rescue, World Trade Center Sept 11th Pt 4, Keep Them Safe, Real Life cop Shows, and others. I am also known as Pouncers on MSN. On Furcadia, I was known by my main character as Poncer. On Neopets, I am known as Pouncers. On some paid to read forums, I am also known as Poncer. On NiteMyste, I go by Sternoff. I also have other handles as Spitfire after the dragon character in one of my stories, Muddragon, Scubadragon, Warrior Dragon, Digger Vole, Batalac, Dingo Warrior, D0uncer, Fuzzy Flame, Horsier, Monster Horse, Santa Clause, and many others.
Created a trivia webpage here.
Created my own forum here.
Pouncer's Publishing Forum
Created my own business website that I am trying to start.
Pouncer's Publishing
Looking for help in partnership in my business venture, and someone to help out with scripting, html, and website maintance. I am also looking for logo makers, and others who can draw.
I am now being harassed by the owner of Code4Gold. He have took advanatged of my disability for his own gains, and he has been harassing me, and posting my personal information online. He also took back the blog site that he created for me as part of my working for him, and is using it to attack me.

My Interests

science fiction
online games
role playing games
board games
Scuba diving
Wreck diving
Cave diving and exploring
ice diving

I'd like to meet:

My old friends from all the schools that I attended.

All the relatives that I have not seen in a while.

All the famous people that I do admire who are actors, actresses, sports stars, television personalities, cowboys of the rodeos and so forth.

Other scuba divers, cavers, and people who shares my interests.

Other people who would like to volunteer as models for characters in the stories, and get a chance to read the stories first.


I like pop, top-40, R&B, some hip hop, some rap, some rock and hard rock, some metal, country, classical, standards, some new age like Enya, and some Religious.


Star Wars trilogies
Star Trek
classic horror and sci-fi movies
Independence Day
a lot of science fiction, fantasy and horror


Special Unit 2
The Chronicals
I Love Lucy
Family Ties
The A Team
Doctor Who
Blake 7
Tomorrow's People
Brisco County JR.
Star Trek
Scooby Doo
The Big Valley
CBR Rodeo
scuba diving programs
some hunting and fishing shows


Books I have been aspired by?Piers Anthony's X.A.N.T.H. and Blue Adept series
Stephen King
Mark Twain
Larry Niven
Andre Norton
Jules Verne
Alice In Wonderland
Christmas Carol
Island of Doctor Moreau
Julius Ceaser
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Wizard of Oz
Oedipus Trilogy
Twelfth Night
Inherit The Stars
Gordon R. Dickson
Simon R. Green Deathstalker series
Robert A. Heinlein
Deep Fathom
Star Wars
The Hardy Boys Mysteries
Arthur C. Clarke
H. Beam Piper's Fuzzies series
Doc Savage series
H. G. Wells
Call of the Wild
Robert Lewis Stevenson
Robert Lewis Stevenson III
Edgar Allen Poe
JRR Tolkein
Sir Arthur Conan Doyal


Peirs Anthony
Lucielle Ball
Davey Allison
Will Clark
Debbie Gibson
Dustin Elliott
Bubba Dunn
Denise Masters Jones a friend of mine from high school who became famous as part of Points Of Grace.
Lamar Hansford
Doug Brown
Ryne Sandberg
Ryan Klesko
Tom Glavin
my dad
my friend Nathan Teaff who is a Natuarl Guardsman and a police officer in Russellville, Arkansas.
J. Coustuea
Adam Ravitch
John Stoneman
Ty Murray

My Blog

Space Rodeo Competition Story Idea

I have a new idea for a story that I wanted to do which I want to know from all the from all the cowboys and rodeo stars out there if they like the idea.Here we go.It is the future. What would it be l...
Posted by David on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 05:28:00 PST

My Website Is Getting There

My website for Pouncer's Publishing is getting there. I have gotten the pages redone, move some things around, and added new stuff. I just need to figure out how to install the banner scripts includin...
Posted by David on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 03:29:00 PST

Advertisement In Books And Stories

I have an idea which might be great. How about advertisement in the storyline? Like what I write about The Sea Creature? I can throw in an advertisement of the equipment used like the brand names, wha...
Posted by David on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:07:00 PST

Looking For People To Help Me Do Research

I am writing a book from a short story call The Sea Creature. I am looking for people who can help me learn about these subjects.police officersfirefightersCoast GuardNavy Sealsother military diversth...
Posted by David on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:02:00 PST

Pulling My Hair Out Over My Website

I am really having troubles getting my website up and running. I am having so much problems with the C-Panel and I am also having problems scripting. I may have to look for someone I can trust who can...
Posted by David on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:55:00 PST

Top 50 College Football Teams

50.Troy    4-2     Debut49.Miami, Florida   4-2    3948.Tennessee  4-2     Debut47.Wyoming    4-1    Debut46.UCLA   4-2      3645.Hampton U.   5-1    4944.Tulsa    3-2     3443.Colorado    4-2     Deb...
Posted by David on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:53:00 PST

My Top 50 College Football Standings

1.Boise State   1-0 2.Florida   1-0 3.Louisville  1-0 4.Wisconsin   1-0 5.Ohio State   1-0 6.LSU   1-0 7.BYU    1-0 8.TCU &nb...
Posted by David on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:06:00 PST

What Am I Writing Now

Well, here is what I am doing and completating on what to write.1.Doing an advertising sponsership for professional bull rider Nathan Tull so that he can gather enough money for his target goal of rea...
Posted by David on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 01:11:00 PST

Update On Tag Elliott

Someone sent me information about Tag Elliott and I found the news story about him. Tag Elliott was injured in a bull riding accident. I remember seeing Tag on The Outdoor Channel riding for the CBR. ...
Posted by David on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:25:00 PST

MySpace Bugs

There seems to be so many bugs that is taking place right now. 1.Security issues about phishing. 2.Comments 3.Blogs 4.Removing Videos 5.Other bugs   1.As many of you know, there have been about 2...
Posted by David on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 08:56:00 PST