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Hi we are Ann and Marco,we are italian and we live in Rome, we are impassioned of trips. We live in a stupendous country of which we are in love,and how not to be it? If you love the art it offers you works of the greatest and famous artists; love the history? most ancient civilizations have left the signs of their passage and for us that we live in the capital all it takes is looking around to appreciate the wonder of the Colosseum, the Hole Romano, Navona Plaza, Fountain of Trevi, Basilica of S. Pietro, Pantheon, Ara Pacis, Plaza of Spagna,Piazza of the People, Street of the Condotti, Street of the Course etc. And how not mension the sun that shines for the most of the year, the eno-gastronomic tradition that represents our country and made us famous and appreciated all over the world; could you live without: Parmesan cheese Reggiano, Oil extra virgin of olive, pasta, pizza, mozzarella, mozzarella of bufala, gorgonzola, pecorino,caciotta, fresh bread of every type, polenta etc. Every year millions of tourists come to visit Italy and unfortunately they are not always well treated, bringing back with themself a bad image of our country. As Italian we would like that all the tourists could appreciate our nation, helping them to avoid ugly surprises and cheats, recommending them to have some sure holidays and a good memory of Italy.-------------------------------------------------Salve ci chiamiamo Anna e Marco,siamo italiani e viviamo a Roma, siamo appassionati di viaggi. Viviamo in un paese stupendo del quale siamo innamorati,e come non esserlo? Se ami l'arte ti offre opere dei più grandi e famosi artisti; ami la storia? le più antiche civiltà hanno lasciato i segni del loro passaggio e per noi che viviamo nella capitale basta guardarsi intorno per apprezzare la meraviglia del Colosseo, il Foro Romano, Piazza Navona, Fontana di Trevi, Basilica di S. Pietro, Pantheon, Ara Pacis, Piazza di Spagna,Piazza del Popolo, Via dei Condotti, Via del Corso ecc. E come non mensionare il sole che splende per la maggior parte dell' anno, la tradizione eno-gastronomica che da sempre rappresenta un fiore all'occhiello per il nostro paese e ci ha reso famosi e apprezzati in tutto il mondo; potreste fare a meno di: Parmigiano Reggiano, Olio extra vergine d'oliva, pasta, pizza, mozzarella, mozzarella di bufala, gorgonzola, pecorino,caciotta, pane fresco di ogni tipo, polenta ecc. Ogni anno milioni di turisti vengono a visitare l'italia e purtroppo non sempre vengono trattati bene portando con sé un'immagine non buona del nostro paese. Come italiani ci piacerebbe che tutti potessero apprezzare al meglio la nostra nazione, aiutandoli ad evitare brutte sorprese e fregature, consigliandoli per avere delle vacanze sicure e un buon ricordo dell'Italia.

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People who love Italy and travels, able to share experiences and make them available for all the ones who come to visit our country.---------------------------------------------------- -----------------People who love trips, that want to come to visit Italy and have a safe vacation recommended from who has already had experience.------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Send your photos of the most beautiful places you have seen in Italy with a brief description and if you want your nominative to the following e-mail address: [email protected] amanti dell'Italia e dei viaggi,piene di esperienze da poter condividere e mettere a disposizione di chi viene a visitare il nostro paese.------------------------------------------------------ ----------Persone amanti dei viaggi, che vogliono venire a visitare l'italia e fare una vacanza sicura facendosi consigliare da chi già ha fatto esperienza.------------------------------------------------- ----------------Manda le tue foto dei posti più belli da vedere della tua città con una breve descrizione e se vuoi il tuo nominativo al seguente indirizzo e-mail: [email protected] to Rome Rome Introduction: Today's Rome, Roma, is a vibrant and lively city with reminders of its past everywhere. In Rome you will encounter ancient monuments, medieval and Renaissance buildings and fountains, and great museums. Rome is the capital of modern Italy and boasts many fine restaurants and cafes, good nightlife, and lively streets and squares. Although Rome is a huge city, its historic center is small. Rome Location: Rome is on the west in Central Italy, not far from the coast. Modern Rome's main port is Civitavecchia, where cruise ships docks to visit Rome. Transportation to Rome: The best way to arrive in Rome is by train. The main station, Stazione Termini is close to the historic center of Rome. There are several outlying stations, too. You can also arrive by bus near Termini station or in Piazzale Tiburtina in front of the Tiburtina train station. Rome's airport Fiumicino is a major international airport and visitors from the United States often arrive here. You can take a train into Rome from the airport. You'll probably want to avoid driving in Rome. Public Transportation in Rome: Rome has an extensive bus and metro system (Metripolitana) so you can easily get almost anywhere on public transportation. Be aware of pickpockets when riding in crowded subway cars. There is a good transportation map, Roma that's worth buying if you plan to use public transportation. Look for it in tourist offices, newspaper stands, or souvenir shops. Rome Tourist Information Offices: There is a tourist office in the train station that can help you find a hotel and gives out maps and information. Most staff at tourist offices speak English. The main office is on Via Parigi near the Piazza della Republica. Rome Festivals: During the summer there are music and cultural festivals. The Festa di San Giovanni, June 23-24, is an important festival with dancing, music, and food. Around Christmas, there are nativity scenes in many churches and there are religious festivals and processions during the week before Easter as well. The Spanish steps are a good place to go for the Spring Festival in April. Pickpockets in Rome: Be aware of pickpockets especially in the train station, on the metro, and in crowded tourist areas. Pickpockets may be groups of children, people trying to get you to read something, or even a woman carrying a baby in a blanket or shawl. As in all crowded places and big cities, you should always carry your credit cards, money, and passport in a travel pouch under your clothing. Rome Hotel and Lodging Recommendations: Places I've stayed in Rome and recommend. Daphne Inn (The Daphne Inn – Location Carved out of two apartment houses near the Piazza Barbarini in central Rome, both Daphne Inn locations (Daphne Inn Veneto and Daphne Inn Trevi) are near the Barbarini metro stop. The Piazza Barbarini is a major square in Rome featuring many stores, all services and a taxi stand as well as a metro stop. We managed to walk to the Daphne from Termini station, not recommended if you have a lot of luggage), a small, personal bed and breakfast with two central locations. They even give you a cell phone so you can call them if you need help or suggestions. Hotel Residenza in Farnese - nice 4-star hotel in a great location near Campo di Fiori. Hotel des Artistes - large but quiet budget to moderate accommodations near the train station. The private rooms are very nice and there are dorm beds available, too. Palazzo al Velabro Residence - Apartments, good for longer stays and families. User-rated hotels on Venere (book direct) - I often book hotels on Venere. Rome Weather: Rome has a Mediterranean climate. It is sometimes unpleasantly hot in the summer. Romans will tell you the best weather is to be had in October. They even have a word, ottobrata, for those bright, sunny, Roman days. April and May, or Late September through October are the best times to visit. Rome Attractions: Just walking around in Rome can by entertaining and you will can something interesting almost anywhere. Here are some of Rome's top attractions. • St. Peter's Basilica - Basilica di San Pietro is the largest Roman Catholic building in the world. It houses important works by Michelangelo and Bernini. • Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani, the largest museum complex in the world, house art spanning 3000 years from the Classical and modern world. Here you will find the Sistine Chapel and Michelangelo's frescoes. • The Colosseum - Colosseo is the largest monument in existence from Imperial Rome. It is a huge amphitheater that housed the fierce gladiator and wild animal fights. A good approach is along the Via dei Fori Imperiali. • The Roman Forum - Foro Romano is one of the city's most important archaeological sites. It was the focal point of Republican Rome and has monuments from 900 years of history. Best of all it's free! • The Pantheon is Italy's best-preserved ancient building, It started out as a pagan temple and then became a church. There is a nice piazza in front of it that makes a nice place for an evening drink (although pricey). • The Capitoline Hill is a great place to get a view of the Roman Forum. The focal point of the hill is the grand Piazza del Campidoglio designed by Michelangelo. There are two important museums housing an impressive collection of sculptures, paintings, frescoes, and mosaics. • Piazza Navona is a lively piazza ringed by upscale cafes. At its center are three lavish fountains. • The Villa Borghese houses the Galleria Borghese, a large collection of famous sculptures and paintings.


SAFE HOLIDAY ITALY---------- amanti della musica italiana, Luciano Pavarotti,Andrea Bocelli,Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti, Albano Carrisi, Raffaella Carrà,


SAFE HOLIDAY ITALY---------- amanti dei film italiani, La dolce vita, Totò e la malafemmena, C'era una volta il west, il bello il brutto e il cattivo, il gladiatore, Ben Hur, Toto', Sofia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Alberto Sordi, Sergio Leone, Ornella Muti, Monica Bellucci


SAFE HOLIDAY ITALY---------- Thanks Lorelei from Canada Italy - the Grand tour !!SAFE HOLIDAY ITALY thanks WatchMojo.comSAFE HOLIDAY ITALY Thanks Racingvic from Australia Images from FlorenceSAFE HOLIDAY ITALY thanks Lucia Passos from Brasile Venezia - VenicePelos Canais de Veneza com Emma Shapplin Um paseio de gôndola por Veneza com Emma Shapplin cantando Spente le Stelle.SAFE HOLIDAY ITALY Thanks DUCCIO da Prato Italy ecco il video del nostro viaggio a Napoli, Sorrento, Capri, Pompei e PaestumMany images of NaplesSAFE HOLIDAY thanks Steve Scrivener from United Kingdom Scrivener's Italia Video a beautiful video made by steeeve.. with pictures and videos from his holidaySAFE HOLIDAY ITALY Thanks erdottorebrega da Roma ROMA CAPOCCIATop 10 Cities in Italy - Italian Cities Worth a Visit Italy has many beautiful and historic cities worth a visit. Travel to cities is best done by train as driving in Italian cities may be very difficult and the extensive Italian train system is inexpensive. Most city centers are well-suited to walking and parts of the city centers may be closed to transportation. Large Italian cities generally have good public transportation, too. 1 Roma – Rome Rome is the capital of modern Italy. Rome is full of history everywhere you look. It has many ancient monuments, interesting medieval churches, beautiful fountains, museums, and Renaissance palaces. Modern Rome is a bustling and lively city and has some excellent restaurants and nightlife. The Vatican and St. Peter's are also found in Rome. 2. Venezia – Venice Venice is a unique city built on water in the middle of a lagoon. Venice is one of Italy's most beautiful and romantic cities as well as one of the most popular for visitors to Italy. The heart of Venice is Piazza San Marco with its magnificent church. There are many museums, palaces, and churches to visit and wandering along Venice's canals is interesting. Venice is in the northeast of Italy and historically was a bridge between East and West. 3. Firenze – Florence Florence is one of the most important Renaissance architectural and art centers. Its Duomo and Baptistry are magnificent but crowded with tourists as is their large piazza. Florence has several interesting museums with many famous paintings and sculptures. There are also Medici palaces and gardens. Florence is in Tuscany. 4. Torino – Turin Turin, host of the 2006 Winter Olympics, is a major cultural hub with excellent museums, elegant shops, and good restaurants. There are also some very nice examples of baroque architecture and historic palaces. Turin has many historic cafes, artisan workshops, and arcades. Turin is in the northwest of Italy, between the Po River and the foothills of the Alps. 5. Milano - Milan Milan, one of Europe's richest cities, is known for stylish shops, galleries, and restaurants and has a faster pace of life than most Italian cities. It also has a rich artistic and cultural heritage. Its Duomo, with its beautiful marble facade, is magnificent. La Scala is one of the world's most famous opera houses. Milan is in northern Italy, about 30 miles south of the alps, and near Lakes Como and Maggiore. 6. Napoli - Naples Naples is one of Italy's most vibrant cities. It lies on the coast south of Rome and is the most important city in southern Italy. Naples has recently undergone some renovation but still retains much of its old character. It holds many historical and artistic treasures. 7. Bologna Bologna is known for its beauty, wealth, cuisine, and left-wing politics. Its streets are lined with beautiful arcades, making it a good place to walk even in the rain. It has one of Europe's oldest universities and a nice medieval center. There are several attractive squares, lined with buildings with nice porticoes. Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. 8. Perugia Perugia is a very cosmopolitan city and home to two universities. It hosts a world-famous jazz festival in the summer and its University for Foreigners is a great place to learn Italian. It's a walled city on a hilltop with great views over the valley and has several important monuments and a good central square. Its history goes back to the ninth century BC. Perugia is in the center of Italy and is the capital of the region of Umbria. 9. Genova - Genoa Genoa, on the northwest coast of Italy, is Italy's principal seaport. Genoa was a 2004 European Culture Capital; money flowed into the port city made famous by Columbus and now it's a better place than ever to visit. Genoa has a fascinating aquarium, an interesting port area, and a historic center said to be the largest medieval quarter in Europe, with a wealth of churches, palaces, and museums. 10. Padova - Padua Padova is a university city and has some of the best nightlife in the Veneto. It has lively squares and narrow medieval streets and is home to the oldest botanical garden in Europe as well as Giotto's frescoes. Its Basilica of Sant'Antonio is one of Italy's main pilgrim shrines. Not far from Venice, it makes a less expensive base for exploring Venice for a day trip by train.


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Toto', Sofia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Alberto Sordi, Sergio Leone, Ornella Muti, Monica Bellucci

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Tell us Your experiences of trip in Italy

tell us your experience of trips to Italy to be able to recommend the future tourists to the best. Thanks of your precious collaboration, Italy is thankful of it.
Posted by SAFE HOLIDAY on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 01:42:00 PST

Raccontaci le Tue esperienze di viaggio in Italia

Benvenuti nel Blog di Safe Holiday, raccontaci la tua esperienza di viaggi in Italia per poter consigliare al meglio i futuri turisti. Grazie della tua preziosa collaborazione, l'Italia te ne è grata....
Posted by SAFE HOLIDAY on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST