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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stop Taser Guns opinion on TASER GUNS is to outlaw these electrocution devices and take them out of the hands of the police! Are we supposed to do everything an officer tells us even though they may be walking all over our rights? Would you want to be the next innocent suspect TAZED while being arrested for a crime you didn't commit? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VICT IMS OF THE "NON-LETHAL" TASER GUN:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chri stian Allen - Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 18, 2007, was pulled over by police for playing music too loud in his truck. Allen reportedly shoved an officer before he and his passenger ran away. He was TAZED after a struggle with the officers. He went into cardiac arrest and died. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Roma n Andreichikov, 25, Vancouver, May 1, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robe rt Bagnell, 44, Vancouver, June 23, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Samm y Baker, 59, Quitman, GA, Oct. 1, 2007, was TAZED by an officer outside a convenience store in Quitman, Georgia, causing him to fall to the ground. The fall caused Baker to dislocate and fracture his spinal cord and ended in his death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Core y Calvin Clark, 33, died April 16 after being shot. Autopsy results showed that Clark likely died from "acute cocaine intoxication" rather than two gunshot wounds he sustained while resisting arrest. Officers shot Clark with a TASER GUN and a hand gun after a vehicle chase. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~John Cox, 39, Long Island, NY, died after police shot him repeatedly with a TASER GUN. Friends of John Cox called police because he was acting erratically. Cox reportedly had not taken his anti-psychotic medication. When police arrived, Cox became agitated and police TAZED him several times. Witnesses said police beat and kicked the man as well. Medical examiners have found that Cox had cocaine and alcohol in his blood at the time of the shooting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nick olos Cyrus, 29, Mukwonago, WI., diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, was TAZED 12 times with a TASER GUN after a police officer caught him trespassing on a home under construction. An inquest jury has already ruled that the officer who shot Cyrus, who was delusional and naked from the waist down when he was stunned, was within his rights to act as he did. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jaso n Doan, 28, Red Deer, Alta., Aug. 30, 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jaso n Dockery, 31, Cookeville, AL., was TAZED because police maintain he was being combative while on hallucinogenic mushrooms. Family members believe he was having an aneurysm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robe rt Dziekanski - Vancouver, Canada - Oct. 14, 2007 A 40-year-old Polish immigrant who spoke no English, Dziekanski became distraught when he couldn't connect with his mother at the Vancouver International Airport. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrived on the scene and, after only 20 seconds and no attempt to investigate the situation, began to TAZED him. Even after he had fallen to the ground and was restrained, police continued to TAZE him, resulting in his death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ales andro Fiacco, 33, Edmonton, Dec. 24, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jame s Foldi, 39, Beamsville, Ont., July 1, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Raul Gallegos-Reyes, 34, Arapahoe County Jail (Colorado) inmate, died while strapped to a restraint chair and TAZED by guards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kevi n Geldart, 34, Moncton, N.B., May 5, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jarr el Gray, 20, Frederick, Maryland, Nov. 18, 2007, Police responded to a fight between four people in an apartment complex when Gray was TAZED and fell unconscious. He was taken to the hospital were he was pronounced dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Terr ance Hanna, 51, Burnaby, B.C., April 19, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rona ld Hasse, 54, Cook County, IL, Medical Examiner's Office attributed his death to electrocution from two TASER GUN deployments delivered by a Chicago police officer. The autopsy said methamphetamines contributed to Hasse's death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Howa rd Hyde, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Nov. 22, 2007 Hyde, a paranoid schizophrenic who had gone off his medication, was TAZED by police during booking after they said he became unruly. He died a day later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jerr y Knight, 29, Mississauga, Canada, July 17, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robe rt Knipstrom, 36, British Columbia, Nov. 24, 2007, died in the hospital four days after being TAZED, pepper sprayed, and beaten with batons by Canadian police after acting agitated and combative in a store. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pete r Lamonday, 38, London, Ont., May 13, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Patr ick Lee, 21, Nashville, TN, September 24, 2005 Family and friends of a Nashville man who died Saturday after being repeatedly shocked by police TASER GUNS gathered at the base of the state Capitol yesterday to protest his death and the continued use of the controversial devices by Metro officers. Police said they tried to restrain Lee after he was removed from the club and began running through the streets naked. At one point, officers shocked him multiple times with TASER GUNS and beat his lower body with batons. Lee, whom relatives said had planned to study audio engineering in October, is the second person to die in Nashville after being shot with a TASER since Metro police distributed 45 of the devices to their patrol officers in November. Police said Lee told them that he had ingested either LSD or PCP. But his father, songwriter Earl Bud Lee, who co-wrote Garth Brooks' hit Friends in Low Places, said hospital workers told him they had found only Valium and marijuana in his son's blood. Metro Councilman Jamie Isabel, who earlier this year had asked for a moratorium on the use of TASER GUNS by Metro police, asked for an independent study of TASER safety yesterday after the latest death. "With an independent study, Nashville will then know whether these devices are safe and are being used as they should be. I would prefer to err on the side of caution. Lives are at stake," Isabel said in a statement yesterday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mark L. Lee, 30, Rochester, N.Y., was suffering from an inoperable brain tumor and having a seizure when police TAZED him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Karl Marshall, 32, who died in Kansas City police custody two hours after he was TAZED with PCP and crack cocaine in his system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Larr y Noles, 52, died after being TAZED multiple times by Louisville Metro Police with TASER GUNS. Police said Noles was acting erratically and ran naked into an intersection. The TASER GUNS were used in an attempt to subdue Noles, officials said. Brandy Oliver witnessed the entire incident; "Noles never once raised his hand or acted like he was going to cause the officer any kind of harm." Oliver said that when officers asked Noles to put his clothes on, Noles said he had a license and was dancing. At that point, she said, Officer Metzler shocked Noles with a TASER GUN. "Mr. Noles stood straight up, head in the air and, I mean, it was like his body had just froze up, and from then on he never moved," Oliver said. Oliver claims that after Metzler’s initial shock, Officer Michael Campbell used his Taser directly on Noles' neck and back. She said the officers then lowered Noles' body to the ground, handcuffed him and put him in a police car. "He was not causing any harm,” Oliver said. “He was just a naked man. To me, it felt like they did not want to touch him." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Troy Dale Nowell, 51, died Aug. 4 after being arrested in connection with an assault in the 700 block of South Madison Street. One officer used a TASER GUN on Nowell after he tried to attack arresting officers. Nowell stopped breathing and could not be revived. Preliminary autopsy results found Nowell died from heart and lung failure because of a violent struggle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jerr y Preyer, 45, Escambia County Jail, FL, who suffered from a severe mental illness, was TAZED twice by a TASER GUN. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Quil em Registre, 38, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 17, 2007, was TAZED on Oct. 14 during a traffic stop. Police say he was intoxicated and aggressive and that they used the TAZER in order to subdue him. He went to the hospital in critical condition and died three days later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Perr y Ronald, 28, Edmonton, March 23, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jess e Saenz, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nov. 18, 2007 Police say 20-year-old Jesse Saenz struggled with officers and that they had no choice but to TAZE him. They say they TAZED him only once. However, a witness says there was no struggle and that the police TAZED Saenz for about five minutes. Saenz was transported to the county detention center where he died. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gurm eet Sandhu, 41, Surrey, B.C., June 30, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Walt er Lamont Seats, Nashville, TN In May, Walter Lamont Seats died after swallowing crack cocaine wrapped in plastic. In that case, police defended their use of the TASER GUN, saying it was the obstruction to his airway and not the TASER GUN that caused his death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Paul Sheldon Saulnier, 42, Digby, N.S., July 15, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Samu el Truscott, 43, Kingston, Ont., Aug. 8, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unid entified Man, Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 20. 2007 A man whose identity has not been released fled the scene of a car crash and tried to break into a nearby home. The man reportedly fought with the officer and tried to bite him. The officer TAZED him three times. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clar k Whitehouse, 34, Whitehorse, Yukon, Sept. 28, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clay Willey, 33, Prince George, B.C., July 22, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ryan Wilson, 22, Lafayette, CO., policemen on a stakeout approached Ryan as he entered a field of a dozen young marijuana plants. Ryan took off running, officer John Harris pursued the 22-year-old for a half-mile and then TAZED him once with an X-26 TASER GUN. Ryan fell to the ground and began to convulse. The officer attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but Ryan died. The county coroner found no evidence of alcohol or drugs in his system and ruled that Ryan's death could be attributed to the TASER shock, physical exertion from the chase and the fact that one of his heart arteries was unusually small. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WHEN WILL THESE ELECTROCUTIONS STOP? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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My Interests

Is This The Next Generation of the TASER???~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Traffic Cop Draws TASER GUN With-in Seconds!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Man TAZED To Death By Police In Canadian Airport In the wake of Robert Dziekanski's death a statement was released from Steve Tuttle that did not really make sense to me but you can be the judge: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Cardiac arrest caused by electrical current is immediate," said Steve Tuttle, vice-president of communications for Taser International. "This video indicates that the subject was continuing to fight well after the Taser application." "His continuing struggle is proof that the Taser device was not the cause of his death."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Campaign Against The Ticket TAZE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Women Gets TAZED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Police TAZE Drunk Driver Resisting Arrest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Drunk Woman Gets TAZED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UCLA Student TAZED by UCPD Police ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peaceful Demonstration Protesting Recruiters

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ther e are already about 250,000 of the stun guns in use, mainly in North America, but about 70 other countries are buying or trying Taser Guns including Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand.The electric jolt in the probes causes, what the US company calls, the "immediate loss of the person's neuromuscular control". The suspect is temporarily paralyzed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LOUI SVILLE, Ky. -- The family of a Louisville man who died after metro police officers used a TASER GUN on him multiple times have filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court.The family of Larry Noles seeks $5 million from the Louisville Metro in the suit filed this week – just before today’s one-year anniversary of the incident.The complaint also names police officers Michael Campbell and Matthew Metzler as co-defendants as well as Thornton’s, where officer Metzler was working off-duty as security guards at the time of the incident.Attorney Garry Adams, who represents the Noles family in the suit, said the central issue in the case will be the officers’ lack of training.Adams said there were specific warnings by Taser International, the maker of the weapons, against the type of use in the Noles case.City leaders have not yet been served with the lawsuit and Jefferson County Attorney spokesman Bill Patteson said there will be no comment on a pending lawsuit when the city is served.Campbell and Metzler have been cleared of criminal wrongdoing in the case.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to basics By Phil Lembo Posted Monday 19th November 2007 14:22 GMTThe TASER GUN has been a terrific money-maker for the company that sells it and for it's investors.It has been a disaster for public safety.No one to blame here but police department executives and elected officials who "drank the Kool-Aide" and allowed this deadly weapon to come into the hands of rank-and-file law officers.It was almost 50 years ago that police officers in the U.S. began to get much more sophisticated training in safe and effective techniques for subduing and restraining out-of-control individuals, like various martial arts. Even the use, and form, of the traditional police baton, itself understood to be a deadly weapon, went through an evolution. Disabling sprays of various kinds were tested and ultimately found to be inconsistent in both safety and effectiveness. Those experiences should have caused departments to be more scrupulous when it came to the TASER GUN.The basic problem is the same as it's always been. Too few officers tasked to control too few actors. Even when seemingly sufficient manpower is on scene, it seems that both communications with the target and a coordinated response by the "team" is lacking (the U. FL. tasering incident is a good example of this).Again, responsibility for under staffing and inadequate training of patrol teams falls on the shoulders of police executives and elected officials.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Blog

British Police have aproved TASER use on Children!

Police have been given the go-ahead to use TASER GUNS against children.The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngster...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:50:00 PST

First time Taser was named "cause of death" from medical examiner

Taser shocks ruled cause of death Company disputes first such finding Robert AnglenThe Arizona RepublicJul. 30, 2005 12:00 AM  A Chicago medical examiner has ruled that shocks from a T...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 05:10:00 PST

West Midlands Police Policies; United Kingdom

..>Our Policies Taser - Operational Use Involving Authorised Firearms Officers 1 PREFACE 1.1 Ma...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:24:00 PST

When the Electricity Hits

Taser's stun guns are designed to shoot a maximum of 50,000 volts into a person's body through two compressed nitrogen-fueled probes, thereby disrupting the target's electromuscular system. The probes...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:48:00 PST

Birth of Taser

In 1974, a NASA scientist named Jack Cover invented the first stun gun, which he named the TASER, or "Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle," after Tom Swift, a fictional young inventor who was the hero of a...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:47:00 PST

Police Admit Tasers Could Kill

Dec 13, 2006 6:30 PM Police have admitted for the fir...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:09:00 PST

UN Committee Against Torture -Taser Report

Nov 26, 2007 11:07 PM The United Nations h...
Posted by Stop Taser Guns on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:01:00 PST