"art is why i get up in the morning
but my definition ends there
you know it doesn't seem fair
that i'm living for something i can't even define
and here you are right there in the mean time..." -- ani difranco
No human thing is of serious importance. -- Plato
NETWORKING: a partial list for now -- I need models for figure drawing, photography and to wear my clothing/jewelry/hair/styling projects. I need music people to help me determine if my words can be lyrics and my voice can be an instrument. I need artists to balance me and critique my work with a skilled eye that I respect. I need a group of amazing creatives to get a studio together or a loft downtown -- like a catastrophic sewing studio of arch welders, painters, showmen, photographers, whatever you are you should be married to your art the way I am. I need club kids, crazy flamoyant club kids who like to listen to music they've never heard along with music they know and love to dance to. I need people who like to read and people who like to write, the creatively literate.
FRIENDS: people with the power not to attach me to their potential for happiness. the casually fearless. the sensually deranged. avatars of chaos who cast burning glances. i love the epic and awe when they happen naturally but don't fucking force it, okay? i'll know. and i don't need to save you so i'd rather not be obligated to try. i want you to be okay with what is, as is. you should love to be you... not all the time necessarily, but you really should be who you want to be or at least on your way there. i want you to be inspired and inspiring (but that's the easy part). i want to be able to discuss things with you if the mood is right. i want to know what you are passionate about, what moves you. i want to read your secret book of poetry or listen to your favorite song. i want to connect. i want witty banter and inane chatter too -- it's not all about deep and meaningful conversations and understanding. i want you to be able to have fun.
By the way, I won't approve comments that are just ads for your page. Unless it has something to do with me in some way, I don't really feel the need to advertise for you. Sorry, but this is myspace.
i will listen to anything at least twice and if you really love it, i will probably like it when you play it for me. but music is mood is memories is monumental with meaning so there are times when i can't (or must) listen to something specific at the time. music made up my cradle and will probably cause me to go deaf to my grave -- music permutates and resonates with relevance that sooths with antisilence. so, no, i won't narrow that down to groups and genres. and yes, i do have some music i like better than other music but mostly it's a mood thing and i'm a thing of moodswings. music holds me here.
Sin City, War of the Worlds, City of Lost Children, Dark City, the 5th Element, Pirates of the Carribean, Metropolis, Pi, What Dreams May Come, The Dark Crystal, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Neverending Story, The Labyrinth, Pump up the Volumn, Heathers, Man on the Moon, Being John Malkovich, 8 Mile, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Empire Records, The Bridges of Madison County, Gangs of New York, Vanilla Sky, Minority Report, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, From Hell, The 9th Gate, Donnie Darko, Sleepy Hollow, Girl Interrupted, Moulin Rouge, Gone with the Wind, V for Vendetta, Secretary, Memento, Eyes Wide Shut, Amelie, Go, Blade Runner, the Corpse Bride, the Princess Bride, From Hell, Sleepy Hollow, Prozac Nation, Office Space
On Demand movies, documentaries, information, history and independant film type channels. and commercials. cut scenes. weirdness. the fuse network. late late late night TV. public access. invader ZIM and many other cartoons. background noise and company when home alone and up too late. the Tudors.
I would be here all night if I tried to list the books I adore. Since I have plans, let's just stick to authors: Steve Erickson, Mark Z. Danielewski, Haruki Murakami are my top 3 at the moment.
Okay, okay, I'll put in 10 books. But only 10. I am an avid reader, see, and I devour books like candy at Halloween.
So, my top 10 books are: Steve Erickson's Arc D'x, Days Between Stations, Our Esctatic Days, Amnesiascope, Tours of the Black Clock, Rubicon Beach, (and, yes, I've read the Sea Came in at Midnight... and I do like it but it doesn't beat out some of the others on this list); Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves; Haruki Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, (currently reading: Kafka On the Shore); Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins will probably always have a special place in my heart as will the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolf. And that's ... more than 10, actually.
"Wicked" by Gregory MacGuire (the book, i didn't see the musical) was RAD
there are momentary heroes, temporary heroes and legendary Heroes. I look up to and admire more people than you'd think. Plus there are those heroes that save living things from certain death, maiming or embarrassment and I have a few of those as well. And anti-heroes: the unwitting and rougish, the not-so-virtuous, the sneaky and snide. Heroes are an interesting thing for me, though.... telling someone they are my hero has, historically, been a fairly bad move in the sense that it placed an expectation (or percieved expectation) on their role in my life and unnecessary pressure on them or me to live into it. So, very generally, I admire people who overdo it well, who come out running, who maintain calm, who keep the peace, who shake things up, who fuck with the established conventions, who stick to the established conventions without losing their sense of individuality, who wear the weight of their world well. A hero doesn't necessarily posess all of these qualities and I'm sure there are more things I'd consider heroic than I have listed, but that is a good start.