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Lynda Forbes

About Me

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I am an Astrologer and Tarot Reader with 26 years of experience in the field. My main influence was the late great Astrologer, Robert Kent 'Buz' Meyers. I feel so fortunate to have been at the right place at the right time, so to speak.When people ask me what brought me into Metaphysics, my simple answer is "pain." At the time, Pluto was doing a two step all over my chart and consequently, my life was changing. Of course Buz would say, "You are right on time!" Many times I have veered into my other love, which is art, only to have this big 'hand' pick me up and bring me back into the fold. Well, I'm done resisting! Here I am for better or worse.Along with seeing clients on a regular basis, I teach both Astrology and Tarot, along with Psychic Development, Runes and the Medicine Wheel. Over the years I've been blessed with the greatest students, collegues and friends who have joined me on this Path. What a wonderful ride!For the last few years I have branched into writing, and have finished my first book, 'The Tarot of Recovery,' and have started two more. I've also had the privelege to write feature articles for 'Moon Shadows' magazine and other metaphysical publications.I am married to a wonderful Sag who makes me laugh and will drive anywhere. Between us we have 5 children and 5 grandkids, four of which are fire signs. Oh, the drama gets mighty thick but they are a total delight. I have vowed to be the craziest Grandma on the planet. (Think it's working!)Just to complicate things further, I am a lifelong artist, and have gone from weaving to sculpting, then integrating my clay into jewelry. If you woud like to see examples of my sculpting, take a look at my pics. I have very little time to work in this field these days but I always appreciate seeing what others are doing with their craft.This is my second page on MySpace as my first one was hit with a glitch as Mars Retrograde began to pick up steam. My apologies to anyone who tried to contact me or was a bit confused when they saw the two Lynda Forbes.

My Interests

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

When I have time, (oh boy, finding it is a challenge these days!) I love to read, work with Polymer clay, make jewelry, sculpt and work in the garden.Just spent the summer digging up sod and putting in beds all over my property. Cannot wait till spring to continue! I also collect varieties of a plant called 'Hoya,' or 'wax plant.' I'll admit it, I'm addicted!

I'd like to meet:

I'm here to meet Astrologers and Tarot readers and others who are interested in all forms of Metaphysics, art and writing. I hope to share my journey with like-minded souls and swap star stories along the way.


Actually I love all kinds of music. I was raised on musicals so I have a soft spot for show tunes, BUT I sill enjoy old hippie music of the 60's and 70's. My kids kept me listening through the 80's but I still adore the Moody Blues.


Just about everything but slasher movies. Love a good comedy or documentary. My husband goes to the video store and picks the ones that seem interesting. Does not give a hoot who is in them or what the plot seems to be. We call them Bill's' pick of the week. most of the time, they're great! Must be like a Zen


Boston Legal, Project Runway, the Sci Fi Channel.


Anything by Charles DeLint, Terri Windling, Midori Snyder, Morgan Llewellyn and other fantasy writers.


My father Lloyd Coon, a WWII Marine whose principals and integrity are unshakable. Bono, for using his celebrity to make a difference, William Shatner, because of the way he reinvents himself and James Spader for his outstanding acting talent.

My Blog

Cleaning out my files

 I was somewhat excited to see Saturn begin its transit of Virgo. Yes I know, I may be eating those words by the time it gets closer to square my Asc! The thing is, I do not have a Mutable bone i...
Posted by Lynda on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST