Many. Music, Non-Violence,Human and animal rights, vegetarianism, helping others, reading good books, kind people, Guitars.
People who want a better world.
Flamenco. That is my passion and my job. However, I enjoy many different styles of music. Anything from the heart and the soul itself.
Documentaries. Good Concerts. Good comedy (George Carlin!) I prefer a good book or music.
Television SUCKS. Television is Mc Donald's for your mind. I'm sorry, but I like good food.
Spirituality, Shamanism, Philosophy, Ancient History, Art (Golden Mean - Sacred Geometry)...too many to mention by title and author.However, I have decided to list one or two from time to time, books that I consider worth their weight in Gold and beneficial to humanity.For this next couple of weeks, my recommendation is:The Holographic Universe (Michael Talbot)
My Grandmother. My parents and sister. Every single person that is or has been on this planet to make a positive contribution. Artists. Teachers. Counselors. Activists. My Cat and David Icke.