~kristi~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Girly Comments & Graphics
Hey...my name is Kristi and I am a 43 year old single mom here to make friends and just hang out when there is nothing else to do...I am not here to find the *Love of my Life*, I am not even here to date for that matter ... I am here to find Good Faithful Christian Friends on Fire for the Lord that can help me grow in Jesus ... I am here to find people that will except me for who I am faults, skeletons and all and will help me focus on the *Big Picture* not the *Here and Now* ... I am here to add to my family in Christ and develope friendships that will last the test of time. I am not perfect and I will have many more failures in my life but from now on I want to see them as stepping stones to becoming who Christ wants me to be ... this road which I wish to take doesn't come natural to me because I have lived too long trying to self-medicate ... I will have bad days and I will have good ... There will be days when I am just down right negative and will need encouragement from my Christian friends but there will be days when maybe it will be me that brightens someone elses day, that I will be the one to remind one of you how much God loves you and wants to heal you ... I am just ready to live the life God intended me to live and looking for friends to share with me along the way ... Peace, Love and Blessings to You All.Layout made by debiIsaiah 1:18 "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
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My Interests

FANCYPROFILE.COM"Family" is my biggest interest...being a good mom is priority...when I do get "Grownup time" one of my favorite things to do is take day trips to our wineries in the area...Texas has some great wines ;)...I love the festivals we have in the area...Alamo Drafthouse...drinks on the lake, live music or just driving in the Hill Country taking pictures...I am a really crappy pool player but I do on occassion like to play with friends and nothing is better then a quiet evening in with those important to me drinking wine, watching movies and just talking.
~My Son...My Heart...My One True Love~Our New Kitty *Jax*href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vdHdsb2hhLmNvb Q==" target="_blank"

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost I want to meet Jesus...there is a song by MercyMe called "I can only Imagine"...I love this song because to sit at the feet of my Lord and Saviour in the mist of His Glory is truly more then I can imagine.I would like to meet "Real" people, ones that don't live behind facades of personal grandeur...those not out to find personal gain at the cost of others but that are true at heart. Positive people that I can be myself with, and just be friends.~Please take the time to watch this video~.. ......MyHotComments.. ..

Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com



I love many different kinds of music but I would probably have to say that my alltime favorite band is Switchfoot... I like rock,softrock,Christian rock, instrumental, new wave, techno. I think it would be easier to say what I dont like which was Rap until recently I found out there is such a thing called "Christian Rap" thanks to my friend Timothy a 'Christian Rap artist'...he's in my friend list check him out...and no, I don't like much country either.~DENNIS JERNIGAN~My Favorite Christian Artist is Dennis Jernigan. I cried the firsttime I ever heard one of his songs in 1995 and I played his music constantly after that. His music has helped me through some very rough times in my life and continues to do so. Dennis has a fabulous testimony that I truly believe can only strengthen the hearts of anyone who hears it. Check out his MySpace at:http://www.myspace.com/dennisjerniganOr his full biography and merchandise at:www.dennisjernigan.com...~Julio Gilberto~I recently ran across Julio's profile on Myspace...he is an awesome Flamenco Guitarist. He has great style and he's a nice guy as well...check out his profile at http://www.myspace.com/juliogilberto


I like just about all movie except for Horror Flicks,slasher types. I even like subtitled Foreign Films. Action and War movies I would have to say are my favorites but a good heart wrenching drama can be good as well. I like movies that stir emotion but I cry every time I watch Bambi so with me that isn't hard to do.


CSI Miami, Law and Order SVU and Criminal Intent, 24, LOST and College Football. I like the History channel especially when it concerns religion, Ancient Rome. Greece. Wars, especially WWII, anything about the crusades,guess that would fall under religon and sometimes the Discovery Channel.


FANCYPROFILE.COM....I also like reading most anything by Dr.David Jerimiah


When I think of a Hero first thing comes to my mind would be Jesus Christ...for obvious reasons but I guess you might say the world is full of "Everyday Heroes"...my mom is one of my heroes...she is the most self-sacrificial person I know...she has given up more for her family then anyone should be asked to and still does...and you can't stop her...any parent that put their children first, Our Soldiers...Police Officers, Firemen, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers and lets not forget Missionarys....anyone who gives their lives in service to others...they are all heroes and I truly believe that in each and every living being is the makings of a hero...it is all in making the decision to be the best that we can be and to putting God first, others second and ourselves last which is not always an easy thing to do...that in itself truly takes a hero.Hot New Layouts Here!

I got this Sexy Comment from Commentsheaven.com!


CLICK HERE!~made for me by my very Dear Friend Eve...thanks sis...I Love You~

My Blog

~When Peace Like A River~

The following is the story of how my favorite hymnal of all time came to be. This song itself is powerful but once you know the story behind it...I don't believe you will ever hear it the same way.&nb...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:00:00 PST

"When a Pardon is not a Pardon"

In about 1830 a man named George Wilson killed a government employee who caught him robbing the mail. Wilson was tried and sentenced to be hanged. The President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, s...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:00:00 PST

A Lump of Coal

My Dear sweet and beautiful frined Lillie sent me this and I just wanted to share it...ThankYou Lillie...Love you   A LUMP OF COAL----------------------I SAID: Lord, I always wonder whyWhen bad ...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:11:00 PST

Am I Too Lost To Be saved?

       I cry out Dear Lord I need You to rescue me Do You not see the tears that I cry Hear my pleas of forgiveness Am I too lost to be saved?   I cry out Dear Lord My broken ...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:01:00 PST

Mask of 1000 Faces

I wear a Mask of 1000 faces For I do not wish for you to see who I truly am The sin and guilt I hold inside A heart hardened by the triumphs of the world.   I wear a Mask of 1000 faces The tears ...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:52:00 PST

I dont know what I feel

I have been sitting here trying to put into words how I feel and i have had the hardest time. Have you ever had those nights when you cannot stop crying...your face is flushed and your heart is beatin...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:00:00 PST

The Touch of the Masters Hand

The Touch of the Master's Hand 'Twas battered and scarred and the auctioneer Thought it scarcely worth his while To waste much time on the old violin, But he held it up with a smile. "What am I bidden...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Sun, 18 May 2008 12:51:00 PST

From the mouths of Babes

My son taught me an important lesson today... It's his 9th birthday and between relatives and friends he was given quiet a bit of money. He delighted in signing the backs of the checks as we sat in th...
Posted by ~kristi~ on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:38:00 PST