About Me
I, "Ride Tall in the Saddle, speak the truth, and shoot straight!" Please note that there are 2 players on my profile page. Feel free to shut the "Playlist Player," and put the Myspace player on or visa versa. I change songs often dependant upon my mood. Most often the songs speak louder than I ever could? I am a good guy tired of Games, Lies, Bullshit (excuse me for calling it what it is), and people that just haven't a clue about life, being in a relationship, or the work thats involved by "BOTH" that makes it all worth it. So, if you want games, do us both a big favor and buy a Playstation! I won't deal with the games. Lies? Theres no excuse for lies in a relationship, at all. Often times the very thing you are not saying is a lie to yourself, as well as to your partner. Its the hidden things (out of sight out of mind, what they don't know won't hurt, I'll keep this to myself, etc.), its the double standards people maintain, the double talking, doing things behind the other one's back, ignoring relationship issues, expecting of the other and not doing yourself, and yet, your NOT tolerating these very same things done to you by your significant other or even your own friends. Its all these factors that lay dormant in a relationship, and sooner or later become "issues" during a disagreement and end up rising to the surface!! Or in time, one confronts the other about these issues that are ongoing in the realtionship after trying to ignore them, holding silent for years in many cases while hoping for positive changes. This confrontation soon results in one or both saying/doing something thats not ever going to be forgiven, and may even lead to the end of what was thought to be perfect. I am too good of a man, that will give someone he believes in, cares about, or loves, total priority in his life. I am also a person that won't consider making a promise to you if I even see a small chance of failure on my part. I do, and will keep my promises, even if those promises mean that I make "personal changes" that are for the good of the relationship. Change is a constant thats always there. Change promotes growth, strengthens, and deminishes stagmentation, and tightens the bonds of a relationship but, its up to us to make every change that comes about to POSITIVE. To never grow, never change, or never try to be better is nothing but, "self will" gone rampant and is also known as "PRIDE." Theres a difference between self love and pride. Just as there is in ignorance and pride and this kind of pride is destructive to self as well as those around you. The kind of pride I am defining is the, "its all about me, centered around me, everything is totally for me, I do no wrong, I am blameless, I am perfect, I change for no one even when wrong, or just so self involved you cannot see another side or opinion", kind of pride...if you are feeling convicted at reading this part, please feel free to go to another profile if you are incapable of facing yourself!I am single, never married, and haven't any kids, but I do love kids. I play guitar (just a bit), and have played in several bands. I have a background of mainly supervisory and management. Its safe to say, I am a hold out for that one special girl that will complete me, as much as I complete her.I am a man that will not Lie, Cheat, or Play Games, and has little tolerance for these 3 things too. In hindsight, I've learned that those who say, "I don't lie", "hate liars", or despise these and certain other qualities in others, while claiming they them self are not these very things...usually are indeed, those things! That hate, anger, and attitude about these things is usually because its self reflection, and denial. Too many people today refuse to face themself in the mirror, as denial is strong in society as a whole. Also, remember too that any time you point your index finger at everyone else, you have 3 pointing right back at you.I also believe the most misused words in the english language today are, "I am Sorry, I Love You, and Thank You!" Think about this..."Is it mere reflex when you say any of these terms, even if its out of thinking you are being kind?" If so, I am sorry, but you just lied then! To me, these 3 terms are action words, without actions to back them they meaningless and empty. How difficult is it to, "Say what you mean and mean what you say, Walk the walk and talk the talk?" Trust me on this, "When I am wrong I can and will freely admit it, and when a sincere apology is due, you have it!" I will not let my "PRIDE" stand in the way of sincerity to myself or anyone else. I live by the "Begets Factor" where one action leads to the same ie: respect gets respect, love gets love, honesty gets honesty, etc.Also, never tell me you are trying when you aren't making an effort, or that effort is only in your own mind, you're being a hipocrite, or out right lying from the get go! I am a person that will have his hand out for you and help you, and even let you grasp it if need be. But I am only human, and when and hand gets tired waiting on you, and I take it back, then its probably forever too late. "Its not because I don't care, or not love you, but because maybe I love you too much." If there comes the day my response to you over important issues is, "I don't care!" or "I am done." Its safe to say I am, because you've either burnt me out, lied once too often, refuse to acknowledge the truth, or just will not ever get it till I've walked away. Also, after a few years in a job that demanded constant compassion, I can honestly say, "I cannot have compassion for anyone that does not do anything to help themselves first, especially when its through their very own actions and choices for which they are in that place in their life today. Don't expect me to understand or coddle when its all on you in the first place for the circumstances you pay for today!" I also come to realize that most everyone pays for their actions and choices in the end, each and everytime.So, you want to know more? Email me and feel free to ask. You will always get the truth, and if thats something you cannot handle, then do not ask...its that simple. But as in that job which needed my discernment and compassion, I came to understand that you can walk away despising me, but when you finally get it, and learn to appreciate me...don't come back and thank me either, chalk that up as a gift or perhaps a life lesson. Besides that, I most likley won't allow you another chance either way to get that close to me again, after I stood along or beside you, and you didn't hear me or made me wait the whole time I was there for you. More about me can be learned through reading my Blogs. No one of us is perfect, but if we can make just one positive change in our self each day...think how better we become. In closing this section, keep in mind..."We can't save or help anyone, that won't take those very first steps themselves, and its only through real honesty with ones' self FIRST that healing and positive changes are made or will Pride stand in the way of that too?
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