Please Checkout our Website guaranaco.com.. ..Officially established in 1990, the Guarana Company was set up to distribute fairtrade Guarana products to the Uk festival scene and to gently introduce Guarana into the retail market. Our mission was to promote the many effective methods of use of Guarana from the original historical source of the Saterê-Mawé Indians of the Brazilian Amazon. The 1990's saw the rise in popularity of Guarana and as we toured more and more festivals awareness grew and many people found it useful in their day to day lives. These festivals included Glastonbury, Womad, the Big Green Gathering, Reading, Pride and many many more! 1999 saw the launch of the first Guarana based retail store and boutique bar in the UK and Europe. We are based in Sydney St in the North Laine area of Brighton. Come and relax upstairs in our chillout lounge or shop downstairs whilst having a coffee or sampling one of our many smoothie and shake recipes.These are truly delicious, healthy and sometimes very stimulating---consisting of anything from Brazilian Acai, Chinese Goji berries, Peruvian Maca to Spirulina, raw chocolate and Guarana to name just a few. Why not also get your daily shot of the highly nutritious wheatgrass while your here! A real Aladdins cave of health, nutrition and stimulation!!!Guarana is a natural herbal stimulant originating from the Brazilian Amazon basin. It comes from the climbing vine Paullinia Cupana. The plant fruits a red berry with white flesh and a black seed. When it ripens the berry looks like an eye and is known as the 'Eyes of the Rainforest' by the traditional guardians; the Satere Mawe Indians. Once harvested the skin is discarded and the seed kept as the stimulant. For powder the seeds are sun-dried. For bastaos ( Guarana sticks) they are toasted. Traditionally the seeds are then pulverized. to make traditional bastaos. Water is added and the Guarana is formed into sticks or Bastaos. These are then baked in a smoke house. Once baked a stick is then grated, using the tongue cartilage of the Amazon river cod (Pirarucu) , to make drinks by the indigenous Indians and local inhabitants alike... .. .... .. ..
guaranaco.com.. .. .. ..
guaranaco.comIn addition to our wide range of health and legal high produce the Guarana Bar also stocks a large selection of music including..... ..
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guaranaco.comClick below to view advertisements for Guarana Antarctica; Brazils favourite soft drink - outselling Coca-Cola, it is also most proud to sponsor Brazils football team!
guaranaco.comWe also sell a range of healthy literature..... ..
guaranaco.comA few festival shots (more to come) ..... .. ..