Cacao is the food of the revolution. Cacao opens up your heart and helps you remember that life is magic.Cacao puts you back on track, in your flow, fully empowered to be the ecstatic superbeing you really are. Cacao transforms your consciousness,activates your cells, aligns your reality. With cacao, you really can have your cake and eat it - this is chocolate that loves you back. Cacao is the food of enlightenment, a sunfood, the food of the gods and goddesses too. Cacao is a gift from the universe to help us through the shift of the ages. Cacao is heaven!
..Superfoods are "you can have your cake and eat it" foods, foods of enlightenment, foods for gods and goddesses. They fulfill both our needs from food: to be delicious, nurturing, irresistably good and satisfying, and also to meet all our nutritional needs and fuel our bodies to the optimum. You need to love your food while you are eating it, and it needs to love you while it is in your body. It's all about the love, and love plus love isn't just double the love, it creates a magic which is infinite love. Eating these foods causes chemical reactions in your brain which put you on the right pathways, they guide you back to yourself, your inner wisdom,and enable you to make empowered choices which will create the life of your dreams. When we are living in accord with our higher intelligence, we become tuned into ourselves and eachother, and the magic flows. These foods nourish our bodies at the deepest level, the cellular level, and when we create harmony and alignmnent in our bodies, it manifests in our lives. That's why superfoods create superbeings. And the world really needs more superbeings right now.
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