SoO ManY MaNGOs SoO LiTTLE TiMe profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------i Love to play basketball and listen to muzik as well as dance. in my free time if im not playing b-ball i write poems or just write just to ease my mind, cant stay home always on the move, my mind has a gazillion stuff going through it and ur 1 in a gazillion thats in it.--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------about me hmm im a MTV junkie, i watch cribs cuz i drool over there stuff and dream of one day having it. i eat bananas and apples oh and i love mangos cuz im indian, indian and mangos some how go together. i love to listen to R&B rap got alot of tupac, actually all his cd's listen to some rock but im mostly a hip hop guy. i love to go out clubbing and to parties------------about me hmmm i am a neat freak everything must be organized in a certain way. i like all things that are classy, retro, and vintage. i love to shop and be in style. i have a fetish for shoes shoes shoes i have sooo many more that most girls do and the same for hats. my best friend thinks im gay cuz of that haha but im not im straight i just like nice things LOL. and i try to show great character cuz its a lasting impression on pple -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------hmmmm i work with computers, can buildem program and blah blah blah my major is computer science and im a computer nerd im very talented with computers but very lazy... im a has been in basketball that was my first love i still play but now trying to live my dream through my brother... now a days just tryin to save some money to get a street bike and build a drift car yea but i keep getting in trouble with the law and they keep takin my money away =[ .... i come from a really conservative family yes my parents have the indian accent and they are fully aware of it hahah there hilarious and ive learned what life is from my parents they have helped me through so much i owe them so much cuz they have been there when i needed them the most ---------------------------------------- how do u feel about pple, i responded, "Do i care about people? sure i do, only genuine people though, not people who are all about they're money and looks, to be honest none of that means anything when u die, only thing that lasts in everyone's mind is ur integrity and character, which probably the greatest thing"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Interests

basketball for life, some how the police always come for me so i guess they have an interest for me, girls , fast cars , working on cars, drifting, bikes,

I'd like to meet:

I was taught to show my love to everyone because you never know when that person will be gone

why you should love women??Nourished in her womb, born of her, he is betrothed and married to a woman. With her you get friendship and through her does civilization originate. When she dies you seek another for through her does the household continue. Why call her low from whom kings are born? From one woman is another born; none can be born without her. Guru Nanak says only God has originated without her. That face is fortunate and as beautiful as a jewel which praises Him. Such a face will be bright in God's court.i love women!!


rap, R&B, hip hop, freestyle, old skool rap fo shizzy, pop but never too greasy, rock makes ya bop bop go flip flop and ya come back to hip hop


Fight club, Snatch, gladiator, boiler room, pulp fiction, the emperors new groove, farinelli, paid in full, blow, boys in the hood, belli, japanese godzilla movies, god theres so many i cant think of any more rite now ill add more later


THe SiMPSoNS, FuTuRaMa, FaMiLy GuY, MTV, MTV2, BET, VH1, im a music video junkie, JacKAss, PUNK'D, to be continued


KaMa SuTRa, leading an inspired life, 7 habits of highly effective people, hamlet, romeo juliet, jungle book, spiderman comics etc...


this may sound cheezy but my Mom, Dad, Older Sis, little Bro, My best friend syed, and spiderman

My Blog

The Big Red Kool- Aid

My Heart... Large, soft, red as passion, once broken, now healed, filled with blood that drives me to do my best and worst, gives me that soft touch, helps me release my rage, guides me to the shinnin...
Posted by SoO ManY MaNGOs SoO LiTTLE TiMe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

read this shit NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with w...
Posted by SoO ManY MaNGOs SoO LiTTLE TiMe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

raj is a blog

blog blog blog
Posted by SoO ManY MaNGOs SoO LiTTLE TiMe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST