D'Stephanie profile picture


droppin' it

About Me

Since 1992 I've been spinning records all over from the Gambia to Rome to London to Paris to Amsterdam to Barcelona... for a mixed crowd ( the hip- the Royal- the young- the old- the jetset and the gettho) through the boundaries of broken beat - deephouse- reggae - soul - elektrofunk and a slice of afrodelic beatz. As a producer I have released several ep's on labels such as Sonar Kollektiv, Black Vinyl, Jalapeno, Chez, realbasic, Wha Roots, break it or leave it, Catamaran...check out the website for further info..

How I made my profile:
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .

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My Interests


Member Since: 8/31/2005
Band Website: dj-stephanie.com
Sounds Like: broken beat, old skool hipfunk, deephouse, afrobeat, Nu jazz, dubstep....watch the shake it down video here
Record Label: Sonar Kollektiv, Jalapeno, Chez, Black Vinyl...
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

pics FW releaseparty ft. daz I kue, Jazzanova / D'Stephanie ft. Wunmi at 10 days off / releases

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Posted by D'Stephanie on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 07:26:00 PST

summerbreeze august 2006 Playlist

Elektrons - Get up [ Genuine ] Icasol ft. Capital A - givin it up [ Pulver ] Omar - Your mess [ Either ] Marvin Gaye - Trouble man [ Tamla ] everyday people - all night [ peopl...
Posted by D'Stephanie on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 08:25:00 PST

upcoming releases

soon to be released :June 2006 : D'Stephanie ft. Philippo - c'mon and give it / Freedom fighter from the forthcoming album Droppin' it ! due to be released on Format September 2006 and distributed by...
Posted by D'Stephanie on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:59:00 PST

June's essentials chart list

June's essentials1. Maddslinky ft. Jenna - something extra (domu remixes) [ Askew ] 2. John Arnold ft. Ty - Style and pattern [ Ubiquity ] 3. David Borsu ft. Navasha Daya -...
Posted by D'Stephanie on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:58:00 PST