Ali Wandt 4 Chrismisiz my 2
front teef (itc2S2.3MolΣh Ur ∞
Just Light (U.N.Me) "You
NaMe iT" - "I'miN" - "I hAlf
NoaH EyEdeA(πi)" - "RaEd
cour BiBi|| Mee†2heAD."
iN the time..
it would take US to remind
Yew.. Who is speaKing..
a weAk Would pAss.
aNd You still wouldNt
underStand, Wood Jew
Funny, tHat Snakedid eπt
Look E veil." - "Once a pawn
atime, Iπewitall" - "I heaveπT
goT a clue" - "I Guess it's
oVer... your heAd" - "NeVeR
HerD Øf it" - "Awww, did ey
Hurt youR fill'nZ?"""HoW
Pop?" - "You d0n't Eve N No
youR rite, fRom: your lEft. "I
sWeaR 2 G od I'm NN scent" -
"ItS'a maTTer, of Life π
deaf" - "Eye Would eπ nowhat
to D 0Φ With' MyCelf - "iN the
shApe ..." - "...the B ig B ad
Woolf" - "WWhat wAs The
Quest chiN, AgaiN st..."
Krys chi Cl air D it D e
HewMiπ His Word Mer
◊◊Humans o0000000002000
00Drink poision
00Breath fire
00Piss acid
00Shit decay
and it all just. Seems
perrfectly normal to You
" s 0 w .. WattcHaThink ... "That's
Good, für YOU." - "It is Steel
H 2 0, I d0 πott, nOwHyeR" " I
M E mortal i ¥" - "W hat R U,
Kid in me orr jist j0eKing?"
O fer cryssakes give Me a
cigrailt sumbudee." Niice
2CU 'cgood matke it 2 dah
parT, noWhy are your Par
ents hear!" - "Mae B I should
get my aPe N diCks IfI
ReMooved, uπo... just to B -
Safe." - "ReelaX, its only an
Axscent." - "I hope.. you π
joy my 'ifpieyes'" - "'Fuck
lAmin's terms... Do yoU
Speak Engl|iSh?!" - "Oh.cum
on babY! - "This really is a
Greyt cunTree." - "I did'it
realeyes yeu fellt tHat wayv"
You doet haft tut B li Eve
Me" - "Its UnderStood taht
HolLyWood cells Califorπi
KSeaN" - "Take a ShAWt and
wHo noSe.." - "ma bee it was
kNew Yark" - "Ill take 1 Art,
po|ease!" - "ThiS aint' watt I
Have eNd mind." - "Calling iT
MaGiK isn't enough, u wantED
an eXplInation." - "eLvi S has
Left the bi||ding, He'Ll B Back
SooN" x "diNOsaurs? kN0w
eNd sorr3e, falsells...
"Wher do u draw Da Li π"
"SünofaB itCh..." -"A
DAmNed 'thing'" - "Ill tell ya
anything you wAnna HeR e.."
The truth is a|| red E owt
there." - "LeaD em on" -
"AwwLLrite, Lest Smoke Sum
booduh" - "Do you think tHis
Iz mY fiRst. time?" - "If you
stare iN 2 thee Abyss long
enough the Abyss starEs
BAck at you." - "A round thee
wor|d" - "I'm flatteared, You
should assK" - "As god... as
mY witness." - "Kno youR
kNot." - "Dah butta melts
outa habit, the toeSt iscent
eve π Warm." - "Thail πever
Kno we wereD hEaR" - "Its
sacrid tome.." Ψ "W hat did
jew think i mint ... " - "Is it
tHat hardt to underStand?" -
"You kNo...te, you'r late." -
"I'm N, ur n, Its iN
EveRytHIngZeN" - "You
past..." - "SiX DeGree's of
Separation." - "Apple Any
0ne?" - "Welp, weather u
Believe Me or Nott, Yule B
reinCarnated." - "Wee
MeaSure these things... bi
Your I's" - "Thay eat with'
StiCKs and S|eep withe
knIves..." - "2B seems, to
C." - "Goddamn MonKeys and
your primitive linear concept
of time" - "His'Story is ligkte
Meed... its bin, A lawwNg ass
Tyme" - "SoW you Think you
can tell." - "If tHiss Has
always been, than..." - "y 6 D
seconds N a min it, anyw 6 y"
If youy doNt Noh ME...
Bi Now ..
You p ro B abL¥ ∏ eve R W i ||.
Y ou no K
i No Her
-With a filTering S y S tem of
1 Bi oNe "they R choSin- phew
Eye, gO 2 Hell, i hAiT U a||
iF U Can't tell what Ur looKing
At Bi now you deServe to
burn With Me
btw, You Wouldn't beLeave...
What 2 t How Sin'd Years of
repression Will d0 2 You
"You Pple Wood Not
recKonize art..
if it slapped Jew N the faithce
"Eons and eons n tHis iz the
best we got." - "All Thou... I
must ADmitt the MyCroWayv
Is pR i Tty Kneet." - "A silver
Dollar to the perSun wHo can
tell me Y we have LaTiN and
PyRAmids on our M o N e Y
"Let me No when itz
oFish $ ha i l!
"Under da Table π Over yur
head" - "Its A shame How
much u Kids miss... Humm" -
"ItchaKated n a sMall towN" -
"Its 2 hear, D.A. clawK" -
"HoMeReAlly is ..."
"DiD U PlaneT? Sswheat" - _ °
"We came fFrom the ground" -
"A song or X-boX is Ancient
~Not meaningLesS old
BullS hit. " - "Any More"
"It's al| Relitive" - "Weigh'd
on iN the WaTeR Ain't deep." -
"Nails, Tails, SpiCe aπ Ice." -
"You Have... Know Idea" -
"Eye haitit... WaYKing uP'n
tHe MourNiNg" - "DoEn't B so
nieve, ppl on T.V. have been
playing god iN eveRy scene 4
Yeras" - "Problem is dumb
people cant c N E thing
special" - "uShitit, I "
0101110./11101806 ate0001
ChRiSchinS.. an tHeir funni
witaL god. soul tirre D. You
thinKur G's us Christ wayv
2Bborn deaf dumb N blind
Goodbye « ( (