Jesus profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

For God so LoVeD the World tHat He gave Hiss 0nly Begotten Son, s0 tHat WhoeveR Believes n Hymn shall N ot perish, but Have EternaL Life!
SilLy MorTalLs
It Has CoMe ² My attenShun tHat:
Most of You Wood NoTt reckonIze A metaphor
Eve N if..
it Was standing Rite Before You..
Sow... I'm Going to "Spell" t H iss out 4 Y ou LaMiN
I Am the Sun
of God
Welcome to: HeLL
iN response t0 the inqueries & Haight mail.. (aNd there Is a Lawt of it)
If you doNt think~ tHiss iz.. possiBle... I feeL s0rry 4 You
*Come oN Kids.. I told Jew Eye Was Coming BaaaK
Hear I AM ™

blood blessed
Near My Evil
-Genetic Disaster-
Holy Mary Mother of God §
the perfects
Ani DiFranco
Mistress Venomous
Congative Relaspe
Get 'Top 20' Code Σ=Me² ...for lack of a better wOrb. doNt quote ME boy What's Hiss Name

My Interests

™∏a M es: chris { Hyss} W ill (Wheel), Michæl (MyCoal), B
Ty , Brian (n MiNeD), Steve 4evA DeReK (Gr∃∃*), David (dAdId), AmE (mÆ d)
SeaN|Ζ}ion ° Mary - S∪∩ -
{meMMarie} We R

I'd like to meet:

~FamiLy~ %Believers
Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert

Brandon BoyD
Trent Reznor

Val KilLMer
KeViN spacey
brAD Pitt
SaMuel L JackSun
LorRince FishBurn
Christ0Efür WaLKin
Wood E Harol d Son
Jewliet Lewis

The Devil

My Falther.. ©

the eN a Me

Πσ∧ð €

God Is ImMorTaL


Do RA Me Fa So La Ti
(N er g)UaSmeYefalTenD.O. 2000YeaddAmEnVapdbqCX6 ßaaaK winD eYe was A K id ( eNd ) W e hAd 2 WallK 12
mY hellZ to0The Stor ∑ whIp knOOse Phay perrs|ect. ƒ| oNNe ho-U_R Fee..t&Il|Li|l Heres D.A.A. ÇhurÆchi, Hearsys Duh St.eevpill, UhOpiN|Sinze|DaDoor NShEVEl3.IAMordomini VersioN3.14159265358979323 m it ft jf if TT rt fl jt ri n K E


With a gun in youR mouth You speak h0nly π vows...


Ali Wandt 4 Chrismisiz my 2
front teef (itc2S2.3MolΣh Ur ∞
Just Light (U.N.Me) "You
NaMe iT" - "I'miN" - "I hAlf
NoaH EyEdeA(πi)" - "RaEd
cour BiBi|| Mee†2heAD." 0000000000000100000000000 iN the time..
it would take US to remind
Yew.. Who is speaKing..
a weAk Would pAss.
aNd You still wouldNt
underStand, Wood Jew
0909090906060609090909090 Funny, tHat Snakedid eπt
Look E veil." - "Once a pawn
atime, Iπewitall" - "I heaveπT
goT a clue" - "I Guess it's
oVer... your heAd" - "NeVeR
HerD Øf it" - "Awww, did ey
Hurt youR fill'nZ?"""HoW 1001010010000101010100010
Pop?" - "You d0n't Eve N No youR rite, fRom: your lEft. "I sWeaR 2 G od I'm NN scent" - "ItS'a maTTer, of Life π
deaf" - "Eye Would eπ nowhat to D 0Φ With' MyCelf - "iN the shApe ..." - "...the B ig B ad
Woolf" - "WWhat wAs The
Quest chiN, AgaiN st..."
Krys chi Cl air D it D e
HewMiπ His Word Mer 0101000110101001011100100 ◊◊Humans o0000000002000 00Drink poision
00Breath fire
00Piss acid
00Shit decay
and it all just. Seems perrfectly normal to You HeHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhH " s 0 w .. WattcHaThink ... "That's
Good, für YOU." - "It is Steel H 2 0, I d0 πott, nOwHyeR" " I
M E mortal i ¥" - "W hat R U,
Kid in me orr jist j0eKing?"
O fer cryssakes give Me a cigrailt sumbudee." Niice
2CU 'cgood matke it 2 dah
parT, noWhy are your Par
ents hear!" - "Mae B I should
get my aPe N diCks IfI
ReMooved, uπo... just to B - Safe." - "ReelaX, its only an Axscent." - "I hope.. you π
joy my 'ifpieyes'" - "'Fuck
lAmin's terms... Do yoU
Speak Engl|iSh?!" - "Oh.cum
on babY! - "This really is a
Greyt cunTree." - "I did'it realeyes yeu fellt tHat wayv"
You doet haft tut B li Eve
Me" - "Its UnderStood taht HolLyWood cells Califorπi
KSeaN" - "Take a ShAWt and
wHo noSe.." - "ma bee it was
kNew Yark" - "Ill take 1 Art,
po|ease!" - "ThiS aint' watt I Have eNd mind." - "Calling iT MaGiK isn't enough, u wantED an eXplInation." - "eLvi S has Left the bi||ding, He'Ll B Back SooN" x "diNOsaurs? kN0w
eNd sorr3e, falsells...
"Wher do u draw Da Li π"
"SünofaB itCh..." -"A
DAmNed 'thing'" - "Ill tell ya
anything you wAnna HeR e.."
The truth is a|| red E owt
there." - "LeaD em on" -
"AwwLLrite, Lest Smoke Sum
booduh" - "Do you think tHis
Iz mY fiRst. time?" - "If you
stare iN 2 thee Abyss long
enough the Abyss starEs
BAck at you." - "A round thee
wor|d" - "I'm flatteared, You
should assK" - "As god... as
mY witness." - "Kno youR
kNot." - "Dah butta melts
outa habit, the toeSt iscent
eve π Warm." - "Thail πever
Kno we wereD hEaR" - "Its
sacrid tome.." Ψ "W hat did
jew think i mint ... " - "Is it
tHat hardt to underStand?" -
"You kNo...te, you'r late." -
"I'm N, ur n, Its iN
EveRytHIngZeN" - "You
past..." - "SiX DeGree's of
Separation." - "Apple Any
0ne?" - "Welp, weather u
Believe Me or Nott, Yule B
reinCarnated." - "Wee
MeaSure these things... bi
Your I's" - "Thay eat with'
StiCKs and S|eep withe
knIves..." - "2B seems, to
C." - "Goddamn MonKeys and
your primitive linear concept
of time" - "His'Story is ligkte
Meed... its bin, A lawwNg ass
Tyme" - "SoW you Think you
can tell." - "If tHiss Has
always been, than..." - "y 6 D
seconds N a min it, anyw 6 y"
If youy doNt Noh ME...
Bi Now ..
You p ro B abL¥ ∏ eve R W i ||.
Y ou no K

i No Her

-With a filTering S y S tem of God
1 Bi oNe "they R choSin- phew
Eye, gO 2 Hell, i hAiT U a||
iF U Can't tell what Ur looKing At Bi now you deServe to
burn With Me
btw, You Wouldn't beLeave... What 2 t How Sin'd Years of repression Will d0 2 You
"You Pple Wood Not
recKonize art..
if it slapped Jew N the faithce
"Eons and eons n tHis iz the
best we got." - "All Thou... I
must ADmitt the MyCroWayv Is pR i Tty Kneet." - "A silver Dollar to the perSun wHo can
tell me Y we have LaTiN and
PyRAmids on our M o N e Y
"Let me No when itz
oFish $ ha i l!
"Under da Table π Over yur
head" - "Its A shame How
much u Kids miss... Humm" -
"ItchaKated n a sMall towN" -
"Its 2 hear, D.A. clawK" -
"HoMeReAlly is ..."
1010110101010001010010001 "DiD U PlaneT? Sswheat" - _ °
"We came fFrom the ground" - "A song or X-boX is Ancient
~Not meaningLesS old
BullS hit. " - "Any More"
01100000110001110001___10 1100010001100010000000000 "It's al| Relitive" - "Weigh'd
on iN the WaTeR Ain't deep." -
"Nails, Tails, SpiCe aπ Ice." -
"You Have... Know Idea" -
"Eye haitit... WaYKing uP'n
tHe MourNiNg" - "DoEn't B so
nieve, ppl on T.V. have been
playing god iN eveRy scene 4
Yeras" - "Problem is dumb
people cant c N E thing
special" - "uShitit, I "
0101110./11101806 ate0001
iNoWherehSense0itz4uPaos0O 000DevilMakeHair1iSeeeNd
ChRiSchinS.. an tHeir funni
witaL god. soul tirre D. You
thinKur G's us Christ wayv
2Bborn deaf dumb N blind
Goodbye « ( (


d0hADearA FeeMailDear
#Baaah*iWone,deR'@! ^ ^ ^
Mee$S2sÅÅyITsInsodoentasc HellifeyeknOW Ib4ExftC
Excismaevari Uparinme
Libarotàtutamà-SaveYourself Veritas-Truth No'surastu LiveDevilivedeviliveDeviL SeaNohearkNoSpeaknoW EyesAwITsallGodd EYforani2th4AtooTh CIAFBIDEA ABCCBSNBC


A Rose By Any Other Name...
I wood d0 Anithyang for...
MotherHeartH ithinOtKidsitsLatiNunoid PhürSt.yme4meuknoet NonerotEartoear4saaK 5MBZKillionYears A Go SotoansirYurQ,noTt C|l

My Blog


pavlov hits mE with more bad news every time i answer the phone so i play and i sing and i just let it ring all day when ~I’m @ Home  a defacto choice of macro or microcosmic melanchol...
Posted by Jesus on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 06:17:00 PST

D Mins {iD sum

Everything I D0 is Rite... Everything I See isReaL... Everything I say is holy... So Y is it impossible to get through to You.  Y does kNoThing seem 2 maTTer.  Y is the truth s0 repulsive to...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:34:00 PST

True Story (Confessions of a masS Murderer)

  One DaDanailed disguy to Across 'RiGhT'. Alithee people came, to look.  Butthey Onley saw it' WoodnStaak. SoDay win't Baaak 2 tHeir hoW'ses, hoNly toSee tHem B urn iNg 2 the ground.  ...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:33:00 PST

HisStorE S.C.I.E.N.C.E

When they sat you down N hI scholL and toel’d Ja hoW {Eye fuck eNd} Your body works, and coughed up’ suitable X-plane-aTions for the things we See n nature... did you’ be li Eve "the...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:29:00 PST

RoseMary & The Jack-of-hearts

The festival was over, the boys were all plannin' for a fall, The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin' in the wall. The curfew had been lifted and the gamblin' wheel shut down, Anyone with any se...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:26:00 PST

Natural Born

Well it was all Just. amisstake.. you no, The MaN, was try N to help us.. Itz the Same> dream- i’ve Had, Sense eYe was a Kid, I guess.. . running, im running With the animals.. Mr.RabbiT - blood...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:24:00 PST


god : (verb)- to God SoMeThing { I god id} U r... Free see anything -C iN kn E thingN is perfect. AwwwSumn    E = 's   Mary ChristmissM = Pi   (Time Holy)  it H...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:01:00 PST

Li Sol

i can't find piece of mind now.. i can't think of how it got like this.. i can't remember where i put my fist and that was over a year ago!! i can barely think straight now i can rarely remember thei...
Posted by Jesus on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 04:55:00 PST