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Matt The Lord Zane

Anything outside the ordinary will confuse...

About Me

I am the lead singer for the band Society 1.

I am a suspension artist.

I direct porn when I am not on tour.


I am a Trancendental Satanist.

I synthesize all these things into everything I do.

My Interests

15 Statements Of The Inner Circle

1. Never deny Lust.

2. Respect And Follow Desire.

3. Live without regret.

4. Relinquish given morality.

5. Use fear as a guide to pursued action.

6. Strive for continued advancement of mind and body.

7. Die rather than fail or submit.

8. Reject illusions created by words.

9. Live life through action.

10. Develop conscious discipline.

11. Take full responsibility for your actions.

12. Always be aware from signs of the Satanic-aspect.

13. Seek all forms of power.

14. Renounce all rigid existence.

15. Complete all that you begin.

I'd like to meet:

Over 100 clips of live performances, rare interviews, suspension shows, backstage destruction and much more!

What I WantWhat I want is people to become disoriented in their surroundings Confused about their state of mind Then maybe experience the perpetual pain that is underneath all things This is a form of subtle torture from a manipulation Words can sometimes get you there All you have to do is have them written down Then do everything one can to get them into the hands of all those you want to suffer Why suffer? Because I hate them And the ability to be ignorant of the forces that their unable to perceive The simplicity of their existence is offensive The mere presence of this shallow joy brings about disgust that is a puke-ish yellow green I want to be sick and share it I don't know if something controls people's minds or if they're simply stupid That's irrelevant because this is just an answer or reason to inflict this disorientation in order to provoke mass madness I hate them I've always hated them And someday my hate will bring a sobering flash of awareness People - Awake! Hysteria Revolt!All is left crumbling So I laugh Now learn to live See and feel what you've been missing for years Its always been here "Were going to die!" Yes To conceive of death is beyond a comprehensible fright You're not immortal or happy for that matter You're alone, confused I enjoy it It's so much fun Would you mind dying for me now? Here? Here's a reason Reason It's all you have Now use it to justify what you're about to do Goodbye Will you miss me? And as you go away, remember Please remember I am the one that brought this to youConfusedIncest Screws Mutilated nipples Confused mothers I thought they were meant for pleasure? The dog died from second hand smoke She went into a coma We didn't find her for two days So I just put her to sleep Let me lie here Like this I need to be held as if someone loves me again I'm going to blur the lines with hope of giving you some satisfaction Anything for my babyFear Is The FatherFear is the father so the father must die Then I can live He has already been dead for years I'm a tool of karmic fate His choice would be made for him Two things happen simultaneously I transcend, he suffers Results from a single act An inevitable action It has come to do justice I have to grow so I must hurt Yes, with all birth there is pain and in this case death The fear from the shadow is him Torn with chance I've been subdued for too long Fisted with a dead relationship The other side is very appealing with hints of euphoria Was it meant to be forever?Fucking Is Never EnoughHer flesh lends insanity Fucking is never enough The beast always returns It is faceless, but you always feel it Fuck the insistence of release away just for a few moments of calm How it never ends Never endsFadingHe can not wait until his return He is drowning in a tired vessel Muscles saturated in stale depression The surroundings wreak of exhausted thought A heavy weight of undefined routine blurs conscious time It appears to be an infinite circle that is only broken with the rise of the sun The last night is one of a crucified man He suffers while trying to forget the final breath It is eternal confusion Perpetual loneliness in a empty sky The blue black sky that holds isolation No one at his feet No one at his head Nothing at all but distant dreams FadingIn DenialInability to perceive is learned in denial Why do you exist? You're already dead You were born with death in your eyes It follows you like an unwelcome shadow of cloudy dustIntended SoulAnd with one sentence my angel dies Her eyes fill with bloody tears from a child that will never exist Words murder many things and this time they murdered an intended soulForgive me father for I have sinned I kill off the unborn and waste my seed on vacant fantasies of gratificationBring Forth HorrorDeadly little children clawing at your groin They need to come into existence The woman help them by way of lust and go mad with influence from above They're not compelled by time but a celestial push that hides itself within nature A game played by unborn souls looking to escape the heavens The men, exhausted from effort to keep their dominance surrender Eventually their own seed will destroy them Some want this as a gateway to immortality I see it as a fight Did you know these are the same children who will rape and murder? It's an inescapable fact Purity brings forth horrorLittle GirlsI love to think of times when fathers and mothers look over at their little girls They love them with all their heart not thinking about the fact that soon their little girls will be on their backs, bleeding A man fucking their innocence away And eventually they will love it The perversions come from you, father There's nothing that can be done about it Little girls doing unspeakable things with the reflection of there creator Unconscious incestNumb ApprehensionI don't even know where to begin or end Go ahead and lie in this cold brick building as the thoughts rise up to your chest Outside cars drive on the highway with people that don't even know they exist Thick darkness - City sounds ImpossibleThe week has been worth nothing but decay Now destroyed No money or liquor to soothe the qualms in this constructed desert night What's one to do but practice reason and contemplation? And still the cars go by Will there be blood by my feet when I awake?A remnant from used anger expressed through money, pain, lust and escape Surrender into the enveloping chaos Why even try to make sense of all these things happening? There's too many of them already along with numb apprehension Trying to break out of patterned psychosis It's already so engrained The heart beats Then stops Then beats again The lungs fill with air Little particles that have traveled many miles just to be with you Look at the divine smiling Crooked teeth and all Excuse me for not laughingThe BeginningThe beginning of who we are and what we will become It's not written yet But it will be Written with excellent determination to define what just occurred -- What did just occur? Bones cracking Noises from above Cold air on the skin Will it all happen again? Will you ever happen again? So we're alone ... temptation This is what honesty looks like: Worthless -Suffering -Meaningless A question To mark your intentions Unspecific amounts of detail entertain It's working as we're getting closer and closer and closerWith RevengeMen create enemies through orgasm Their cocks are stiff with revenge The girl from the eighth grade Tortured into something worth dying for All part of a noisy game that grants wishes Rules and codes of conduct There are books written on this Yes Torture is allowedBurningMoronic death of tolerance Mid-Sunday afternoon Winter cool within LA sunshine Relentless persistence Nagging hunger outside of thought Outside of reason The scent of dead flesh and green salad mixed with a jingle from an ice-cream truck Children screaming for satisfaction Controlled by a lack of discipline and desire They only know of gratification and verbal release of uncertainty Screeching tires introduce adolescence The world is a poem on fire BurningHalf Hour SegmentsI watch television so I can forget Enter the realm of present indifference This is a modern meditation Millions of people in front of the colored - glass alter All focused with one attention Thoughts working as a collective Possibility - Endless But why should we care? I'm touching my fellow man Psychically Half - hour segments of spiritual devotion and achievement BeautifulEpisodeWhat lies ahead? An episode we've already seen Live it once again Automatic Pilot ---- ON! Programmable direction initiated Recycled response Stiff smiles False understanding For what? The small child went missing in the desert for days That was a sad show Or was it a mini-series? Unfolding before us once again Haven't we seen this before? No -- wait This is somebody new Don't we know the ending to this? Did you watch awake and miserable?Game OverI have a headache I can't take it anymore "There's aspirin in the bathroom" That's not what I had in mind "The shotgun is in the bedroom" Limp body falls to the bed Screams from the kitchen Fresh sheets soiled A boy is losing his virginity in the apartment below What a joyous occasion It's a hopeless relationship Release and demise Paramedics and used condoms Hospitals The Morgue Game overInevitable OutcomeI guess you were right Woman's intuition triumphs once again I could have never foreseen the inevitable outcome of something that already transpired before history The relationship was on a continuous loop of detrimental occurrence and flawed understanding I had to get away So many items of hope were left behind Now they mean nothing Meaningless faith in material couldn't save us What I am I trying to say? Mood saddened with delight The street lights blow out in honor of my celebration Whores call to signify correct victory and the feeling is one of curious hope Never again Sometimes we should listen to ourselves speak out loud in riddles and chants It's just your pleading seemed so innocent and sincere But once inside my hands were tied with specific knots I was forced to be dragged in circles of repetitive pattern This reintroduced the underground dungeon with stone and chain Grays and blacks Hints of light from above It never made any sense So I jumped over the fence and ran I don't want to hurt you I want to share my suffering with the world I want to experience the age and wisdom of eighteen with the knowledge of now The conceited wisdom brought invincibility and naive understanding with perfection in front of me My head is almost empty I've been expelling thoughts at a rapid pace Leaves me with nothing to say New words are needed Although I think we know and understand the scene before us This is something that will never exist or survive unless remembered Mutually extinct mindset and vision I had to kill it off Enter the forest of uncertainty and hunt The recollections of entrapment are wondrous The idea of taming this wild consciousness is poisonous Love comes last in this journey Sorry No need to fool ourselves Will we ever die again? Together? There is no more language No more trust It hurts GoodbyeWith A CrucifixDefecation Christ She was sodomized with a crucifix Doesn't know any better Wanted Jesus inside her Was it good for you... Jesus?LonelinessAnd this is loneliness In a car driving Night Empty roads Dimmed streets lights The hum of tires Radio DJ speaks passionately of welfare mothers, beaten children and government enforced sterilizationAnd this is loneliness Parking lot Empty cars Last to arrive Step out and look at the night sky Faded stars from the city lights The broken moon shines upon your face and only you Nothing but distant sounds accompany your footsteps as you walk to your destinationAnd this is loneliness The hallway No crowds No wait for the elevator No eye contact or meaningless conversation It's a clear smooth ride to the front doorAnd this is loneliness Dinner for one Single plate Single glass Talk to a blank - paged book Your voice is black ink on white paper Your response is fatigueAnd this is loneliness Space in bed Three extra pillows Not one added breath Solitary breathing A sure sign of isolation Existence is on the other side of a window that is locked And this is lonelinessDream KillersWill you love me at a later time, God? As for now I will walk the cold streets to search for you in distraction and fame I find cruel thought and faceless dream- killers that infect all purity brought before them It's odd being controlled by these blank beings who only exist when they desire Or is this a perceived existence rooted in faith? Hollywood moguls and gods Almighty dealers of the human spirit Powers obtained by those who instill it Millions of souls infused into ego At one time these were just men Who wrote the holy books? Who wrote the latest script that was made into movie gold? Were did the immortality come from? Men who forfeited their free will and thought to uphold the delicate paper that captured and held the ink All of this in hopes to ascend into the heavens The heaven of silver-lined clouds? Of giant picture deals with six-figure salaries? Or self-serving ego monuments feared and coveted by everything and everyone You choose It's all the same A grand joke But we all believe Therefore this is the word of truthCompensationA rusted nail found in freshly picked flowers Drops of dew from the melon's skin Fresh sex in dirty bodies The smell will kill you New born babies and fast cars Government goons They will get you This thought is too erratic to prosecute Although I should watch what is written That will make more than one watching (Everybody) War satellites Fascist regimes Conquered dreams and bloody land Covert business ventures Planes Bombs Missiles Bullets Nuclear Consideration Results and compensation for an underfed lust stomach Doesn't know if he should fight or fuck Doesn't know if his wife is his mother Here eat some of this, son It will purge the sins away Candy-coated genocide A family cure-all It's been passed down for generations Please come to the baptism on the military base made for war The priest politician uses water with genetic profiling technologyOn This DayTorture in birth Slit wrists and puppy dogs licking the wounds Bodies twisted in orgasmic fear Old skin and rotting flesh This is not what we planned forHer hair was many colors but she only knew how to do one thing And that was laugh... nervously The eagle can only agree Strange hallucinations of blue and red mountain tops existing in layersReality is out of alignment and being perceived by one brain cut in half This is something other than the world Out of the way Out of all conception that was born on this dayShut Off Your BreathMillions of electric shocks introduce hell Suffering from incestuous unrelenting thought This is self-destruction This is the production of insanity Quick! Watch me go into the end and out of the beginning Watch me go wild on reds and blondes Watch me go to a place of confused worship Watch me touch a child Look at the kids with the eyes of the devil pierce my facade No biting into freshly spanked-buttocks It's all within the five-year nightmare A scheme to get between your legs and thrust Time to fade Shut off your breath and die Quietly I mustn't be disturbed while trying to cumLust MoneyA strip club in the middle of a war zone It glows from hovering fascist helicopters and bright pink neon lights Inside gold and silver poles are wet from drool soaked dollar bills and sweaty palms Greed gyrates and slithers on display in the form of unattainable woman Their cunts are luring mouths, singing the song of enticement Lust money Lust money Lust money It's a mantra to all those who ascribe to this unforgiving lifestyle Under this one roof we have the two most powerful elements in all of reality Although it is unbalanced due to the fact that one of the participants in this charade is insincere A very troubling scenario when one brings together the possibility of flesh and currency Add alcohol and magnify the urgency of the dire outcome that will exist in this volatile relationship Hard-earned cash and stiff cocks can only confuse the mind How can I comprehend these opposites? Could this be the true root of all evil? Does the marriage of these two cause the birth of what we know as immoral? Lust hides in rape and molestation Money can lead to various levels of dishonesty and murder So it seems the two in unison will bring about some abstract form of the devil himself And from this manifestation perfect evil is spread into eternity The atmosphere is a breeding ground for egotistical insanity Can anything be understood after your innocence has been utterly destroyed?EverywhereNow I see poems everywhere Everything is an artistic vision Perfect and complete waiting to be pulled from one's subjective state Made into something that will exist infinitely All these pieces are just records of things that occur in and out of time Maybe painted with some unnaturally present color -- Does it bring about response? Good Everything is so beautiful at times I want to die -- How could I possibly record all that is?ConfusedI hear voices outside Indistinguishable chatter Like little bugs running over each other Confused What are they doing up at this hour? This is a time for dreaming and facing things in odd ways that require suspended understanding The minds are lost within our heads The soul needs to come forth and claim the prevalent position Living without thought is one thing but living in shallow thought is another It brings about an indifference that is deadening It will scrape the shine from your eyes and leave vacant holes of nothingness I want what they want They want what millions have Are we speaking of love? I don't think so Lust driven action Occurrence Doubt Desire Why do woman lie? "Because we're ashamed" They have the wear and tear to prove itBroken DreamShe carved his name in her stomach Filled it with black candle wax Dreamt of his blood on her lips and tongue Wanted to imbibe the influence that seems to be so inescapable Absence of this and madness settles in for sure The obsession is a common occurrence of the day This is what she does: My body is yours for the abuse Please hurt me Make me suffer by your hand I want to feel death from your fingers Dominated by a god of mortal beginnings Shrines of worship Instructional tapes of confusion Is this a broken dream? She touched my face and I ate her Never again will I be clear of distant gratificationWaitingA twelve year old cunt waiting This should be a scene of disguised rape but instead it's a funeral What happened to this tired cock saturated in despair? Invincible warrior of lust with your weapon of satisfaction I miss you I miss you and your boiling distractions of little death Is it true that this is the end? What a way to concede in the face of such beauty A granted wish is meaningless if given beyond the place from where it was conceived It's like an answer given to a question that was forgotten What will we do now as the impressive numbers reminisce of wild times and unstoppable action? Reincarnation through medication? Youth inside of a needle? A possibility What else if left after the feasts of flesh have transpired? No longer compelled to nourish oneself by skin What occupies the space? The infinite whole that connected us to primal understanding of hunted victory? What else is worth death?Complex ToysBillion dollar playboy lost in the monotony of the world Only sees it as something that bides his time This is a way to meaningless death that will once again render him equal with fellow man Until then go ahead and reign through excessive monetary superiority and intelligent ego Open your mouth and spill forth empty pleadings to purchase living projects But this is not just about flesh, is it? People are complex toys Behavioral manipulation is the object of the organic game Strung out and abused we wonder "How is this possible?" How did his power become exerted over all moral judgements and beliefs? So wake up and realize that we're play things that breath With this realization understand the inevitable Give me a moment to explain this time to Mr. Monetary Ejaculation Someday the fortress of dollar bills will be nothing but numbers as you lie in the bed with the morphine I.V . The young nurses are disgusted by your old stench and secretly hold their noses Your brain is bruised from indulgence of chemicals The pain almost hurts as much as the loneliness It has feasted upon your soul The glimpse of a possible hell comes into focus as your breathing becomes shallow and forced You asked yourself what just happened because nothing makes sense anymore And maybe for a very specific second you understand nothing ever did Money was a false enlightenment The drugs were to confuse the subconscious ramblings of guilt Your true life didn't exist for many years Now it never willOne Man SpeaksCan we find God in anger? In burnt hair on the summer ground? In green grass and fresh wet dirt? In everything? The rolling hills are living with a heart beat Let us go out to the middle and make a fire We'll sit and talk of things that have no meaning We'll reminisce and contradict everything over the course of the evening Under the night sky that shouts stars swirling above our heads We go deeper into abstract musings and contemplation's One man speaks of his desire to live on the sea A deep dark blue sea with rolling water into eternity The vision is broken by a bug crawling on his leg but soon we're all lost again in hope by the hypnotic movements of the fire The flames, in form of dancing premonitions, foretell the future Bright orange flames are alive with endless information of everything that can not be conceived So how many here need to see something beyond the carefully distributed propaganda and corporate-sponsored logic? This could be the journey of the uninformed coming into reasonWe could have a lapse of judgement and do something dangerous such as the four boys driving in a silver sports car One Hundred Fifteen Miles Per Hour The two in the back don't care Anytime they could be taken Does it matter that there is a deer ahead waiting to annihilate the indifference racing towards it? They won't be introduced tonight Sorry boys Better luck next time Or should we mention the cat girl who invited the young man up to her room? The parents weren't home She asked him under the pretense to see how rooms of teenage girls looked He observed every corner as she lie in her bed hoping Nothing occurred because of disbelief and inability to conceive of possibility His hips were as far away from hers as possible while there lips touched That was fun Nice roomEternally AmbiguousI am a murderer I am an angel I am in-between the sexes I do not exist except in your perceptions I appear from your desire I am a chameleon Eternally ambiguous No form Today I am this Tomorrow I'm that Flexible and undefineable I mold to your perfection Therefore becoming perfection But only to youTen WorldsTen worlds inside of a city built on dreams Relentless determination encased by invisible mountains Borders and edges with a common thread The all star police A lost baton acquired in a parking lot bent from beating Exhaustion Bitterness Anti-depressant medication Hurry up and swallow your pills Your getting mean Random occurrences picked, plucked and fucked Collagen injected lips Coke whores Wild eyed children in search of the rock cock fantasy Movie streets Recognizable faces And those sounds All of the sounds....LostLet's escape from the red basement There's a whole world out there Rainbow stars and a three dimensional moon hang suspiciously low from the numb black sky Warm snow stretches across the land and invites us to run through it forever Can we break from the domination of the group? They are different from us Snakes and lizards were on display just moments ago They expressed there hunger for freedom It was instilled within our soul This is why we run I ran for three thousand miles and arrived in the desert only to become lost searching for that night I still carry the essence deep inside If we could of only known that time was going to endAnythingSearching Absence Confusion Enjoyment Sleep Connection Death We don't need to speak of anything specific Words are nothing but sounds Interpretation is everything Little teenage mall tramps don't care There learning how to take a finger which will eventually lead to a fist And the occasional hurt crotch with the question Did anything happen last night? They went from lipstick to blowjobs Now there are so many lies Realize that men want to believe everything in support of there dominance A foolish lion eats her first child and grins A soldier kills his first enemy and cums A young girl is castrated and never heals from the wound Severed hands and feet Caned buttocks Diseased cocks Will you ever cheat on me ...God? I'd fuck him if he asked A simple deviation No correlation Raped prison guard beats his son What is ecstasy Jesus? See the dirty feet walking on the white carpet? That's all this is Nothing can cleanse the world We are progressive demons We are here to annihilate

Music: ZaneEntertainment


Guitar Suspension


The History Channel


Anything by Carlos Castaneda


Those who live in opposition to convention, habit and social compulsion.

My Blog


MATT "THE LORD" ZANE ON RUDE TV'S "BAADMASTER'S DUNGEON" SHOW!"BaadMaster's Dungeon," the Internet's award-winning alternative lifestyle show, will host a killer line-up for their upcoming show schedu...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:04:00 PST

Society 1 Enters Studio To Record Sadist Messiah

Society 1 enters studio to record Sadist Messiah Hollywood, CA -- After three years of talking about it, Matt Zane and Society 1 have finally entered NRG Studios to begin recording "Sadist Messiah." W...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:27:00 PST

Society 1 TV Episode 27 (Recording Sadist Messiah Begins)

Society 1 TV Episode 27 (Recording Sadist Messiah Begins)Yes it is true. More information coming this week. I will update this blog. In the meantime check out the Youtube update of our first week at N...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:48:00 PST

I have a Facebook now.

I have finally been convinced to get a Facebook profile. Here is my profile: Here is my bands Society 1 page:
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:41:00 PST

Society 1 Set To Release Live And Raw

Society 1 Set To Release Live And RawSociety 1 will be releasing its' debut album with MDIon June 16. The band will be releasing "Live and Raw"which will be made available for download via iTunes. "P...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:19:00 PST

Society 1 Signs With MDI Distribution

Society 1 Signs With MDI Distribution Society 1 has just signed with MDI Distribution to release new material completely independent from an established record label. With this decision the band will ...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:51:00 PST

Matt Zanes Radium Volume 2 Released/ Watch Trailer Here!

Matt Zane's Radium Volume 2 Released In the latest volume of the Radium series, Pleasure Productions starlet Tera Wray travels the country to interview today's hottest metal acts and bring...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Tue, 20 May 2008 11:32:00 PST

Society 1 Interview At The Metal Den

Hey people this interview is actually with Dirt the bassist of my band Society 1 but it was so good that I had to post it on my page. If you are interested about a lot of the behind scenes bullshit he...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Society 1 TV Episode 26

Society 1 TV Week 26 News about the Society 1 Live And Raw record. See some interesting versions of Society 1 songs with a banjo and check out a small clip of Radium Volume 2. ...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:59:00 PST

Matt Zane Donates His Hair To Locks Of Love (Updated)

Matt Zane Donates His Hair To Locks Of Love Hollywood, CA -- It's true. Matt Zane has donated over 17 inches of his trademark hair to the non-profit organization Locks Of Love. Locks of Love provides ...
Posted by Matt The Lord Zane on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:39:00 PST