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I'm fuckin' awesome :)

About Me

Se Habla Español .......... and I sometimes speak with a British accent, just for shits n giggles..................................................... .......................................................

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My Interests

Im obsessed with the 60's...please contact me if you have a time machine :) oh and if you have a hover board (like the one in Back to the Future) you can contact me also :)...........................................Janice Dickenson and I have amazing racks! My new mommy...ha!*My Men's Shoe Ad*

I'd like to meet:

My Lovers Marc Bolan, Johnny Depp and Jim MorrisonWOW! BOOBS...**************************************************** ****

Generate your own contact table! ////the 2007 Scream Awards with Mrs. Rob Zombie


For those of you that know me, you pretty much know that Zeppelin is my fav band/musicians of all time :)Classic Rock, Indie Rock, Metal, 80's Hair metal bands :) Insdustrial, Siouxsie. I also loooove music from the 50's and 60's... pretty much anything that I can rock out to and that was made before my time :)... Rob Zombie is always on full blast when Im doing a shoot, Billie Holiday, Marc Bolan,The Beattles, THe Beach Boys, Quiet Riot, Janis Joplin,The Clash, Bob Marley, Marylin Manson,The Doors,David Bowie, Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones, TRex, The Cure, Jimi Hendrix, Radiohead,Smashing Pumpkins... 80's pop rock!! The Pixies, Weezer, Interpol, The Killers, Oasis, Joy Division, Tool,I really miss Rage Against the Machine.... There's so much more but I can't really think right now... haha. Um, hungry...


I wanna be a Goonie....I know Anchorman word for word, really I do! :)......Fantasy/Horror flicks,Natural Born Killers, The Princess Bride,Edward Scissorhands,The Shawshank Redemption, Fargo, 28Days Later,Anything with Johnny Depp, Ed Norton, Christian Bale, Jolie... Trainspotting, GIA, Girl Interrupted, The Shining, The Count of Monte Cristo, Memento, Romeo and Juliet (1968 version), Breakfast and Tiffany's, Sin City, The Notebook, I love small indie foriegn films as well.... and new to the list is The Science of Sleep,Y Tu Mama Tambien (anything with Gael Bernal Garcia) Hmmm, theres more, my head hurts...


Family Guy


...are the devil


Angelina Jolie....Sophia Loren... Raquel Welch....Stevie Nicks....................................................... ........