God profile picture


Itz LaTiN fir Christsake

About Me

WarNiNg: Contents aR uNsTaBle & must be handled with' Kare ;)

I regret maeking al| of yew So *%#@ N SenseLess
|OLeast. Wee can B proud of our sHaMe
aNd Bi.D.Away ... I aPaulagize für Nothing
†he neX purrSun tHat trys 2 corerect one oF mySpellsizgeTTingAseant
gunn ... b|ast toothe faice Ma He R.I.P.(¯..·._(¯..·._(¯..·._(¯..·._(¯..· /..
pRe 10 ::cough:: tHis lanGauge is so oLd yule never realeyez ... ..your misSing so got dang muCh That i feeL as thou I Have fa iled the masses, leavving them lost iN godless, Meaningless LilIVes... ButT youy noWhat... Weir gonna break a phew ΣΣg $ l3 4 i get 2 ∑ t My 1ast meal ..And yes, I want BaKiN ∞ TheMotherStation + koOL-aiD will BreadE sumDa - ) NoTe (

My Interests

Stories rr Godd
It's Not eveN englIshh
LiTke NeVeR, Eyes Kno
B.C.SS2S2S2S2S2S2S2S2006 Ideas, they'r much easier to
change than beliefs ...and
sense none of you get it |
100% right, all of the time...
try and keep an open mind.
Your 0nly .. HuMaN
You forget A.D.0e6090606060906090609

I'd like to meet:

pP| Withe' hAlf a Breign Who got the baallZ 2 Sa hΣl|oWwW
P.S. throw me up'on your top friends, ThanX
SilhLY MorTalLs
It has CoMe² my attenshun tHat:
Most of You wood ∩oTt reckonIze A metaphor if it.
Don' t quote mee, the Bible says... tHis eNd tHat
B.Cus it Allso says Yee... but yeu NeveR see my Eye
4 watt it really iz
We Are different,
N I Love you All

Welcome to: Your Judgment Day
In responce to the inqueries & hait mail... (and there's a lot of it)00000000
If you don' t think it is possible i came back, I fee| sorry 4 you.000000000
If your waiting on someone with better "credentia|s, We|l.. youR justin000 Sane{IfItzNE1itzMeDah
Hear I aM
Once again

WarNiNg: This Paige coπtains OBfeπseive material, N ot suitable 4
The views expressed Hear are the SouL properr T
Re-creation and pi Rah c is en couraged

ImMorTaLiTy is AveilAble Free with'out purchase.
The T shirts R a $25 donation -that includes shipping & H (U.S./Canada)
Send a mail asking about the SurTz ..and ill HooK Ya uP with a|| the iNfo
ThanK yOu for your suppoort.
*CoMe oN PpL hellp ME build tHiss Ark, god damn it!
i sWaRe to:&#u@% let Christ starVe 2 deaf. AllahUsuK Amin -cR i P| e


The Prophets $
Know MoRe No less


MyifeYes "I'm Never"
-Its al|ways god, every scene...
Is it, or is it not, perfect...
That is the question.


Our colosseum, Our rite
"Do you read, cuz they talk 2"
"Try N keep up'
the Eves are good."
its Christmas all Year


I Am the lit'tle Jew
tHat wrote the Bible.


Did You Know...?
your member ID is your actual "place iN line" so..
Welcome to purgatory
please take a number aNd
eye will B with'yue shoreley
Yess I undersTand itz Over
Itz4ime2cu3doNtl0kS0siRprzd Eminent Domain
00010001001 iNtearNet
capable, yeT illiterate id E its
never seese to amaze mE
You r we|lcome 4 the A.D.D.
"Y" would god Be on MY
Space? anyw6y
"Eye... would RatheR di than
give yue control. "Put it tHis
Wayv... i swallowed m¥
tounge A long time a Go
Ilse0OIReMeMbErI0Io @