Make A Difference for Working Musicians Around the World. Vote for our Idea: Tune Your World = Music + Microfinance. We're in the finals round at the business idea contest site The prize is $10,000. We need your vote by midnight on May 31.
Please vote today!! Go to Ideablob.comCalabash Music is a socially responsible music company that is supporting the careers of many of the most talented musicians from every country in the world. Calabash is a new approach to trading and networking around music.
Change the Way the World Finances Music
Microfinance a Working Musician and do a world of good.
Calabash is applying the principles of microfinancing to the music industry. Our groundbreaking approach is the creation of peer-to-peer microfinancing of new music projects. We're using the power of online social networking to deliver start-up capital to aspiring musicians from developing countries around the world.
Fan Funded Music
Tune Your World operates on a people-to-people model: Musicians obtain funding for their recordings from their fans -- without giving up ownership or control. Fans and Sponsors are able to feel a personal connection with a music project and get progress updates from Musicians. So, instead of buying music via a distribution network that prevents most of your money from getting to the artist, peer-to-peer microfinancing lets you sponsor small amounts directly to any musician that you choose. Learn more
- We're providing opportunities for revitalizing the music industry in places where the music industry has never really worked very well.We have built a micro-finance platform (at )allowing music fans to back their favorite artist while sharing in their financial success.We're developing a mobile delivery, promotion and payment platform allowing direct engagement between artists and fans at live events and distributing music in parts of the world where personal computers with broad band connections are rare.We're creating a micro-publishing and syndication platform allowing artists and fans to create and sell mp3 albums on their own web site or blog.We're taking advantage of creative commons-style licensing allowing for flexible pricing and multiple uses for music content and creating new sources of revenue for both mash-up artists and original content owners.We're partnered with the most respected media companies with large and dedicated audiences who want to learn about world culture including: National Geographic, Discovery Channel, the BBC and Public Radio InternationalWe're applying socially responsible practices to the independent music industry that place artists in control of their music.
If you want to support great music from everywhere -- visit
Featured Calabash Video: Samba Tremeterra 'Brazil Carnival' The Brazilian Samba drummers and dancers of the batucada group, Samba Tremeterra have been performing under Deraldo Ferreira's direction for several years. Based out of the Brazilian Cultural Center of New England, the group is the real thing. The Cultural Center was recently named an international Culture Point by none other than Brazil's Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil.
(Layout provided by Mike Industries .)