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de quo a

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello! My name is Deborah, de quo q in Cherokee. I am Cherokee, Irish, and Scottish. I am trying to learn all I can to learn the Cherokee way and anything I can about my Irish and Scottish anscerty. I am researching my past to find out more about myself. In Jan 1989, it was the worst time in my life but also the best time in my life. It started me in the progress in finding out whom I am and who I want to be. I lost both of my parents 5 days apart from each other. I was married but our paths took a different turn for each of us. I moved to Oklahoma where I find out that besides being Scottish and Irish I found out that I am all so Cherokee. I married a great man and I am happer than I thought I could be. I have lots of grandchildren both by blood and by adopting others. I love doing crafts and genealogy. Thank you for your time and friendship. Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Looking for someone who can help me find my path in life. I feel like something is missing in my life and to fill that hole I need to understand my heartage and my past. I am instreaded in meeting all types of people and learn about their heartage. People who would like to be friends with others.

Free Comments & Graphics


Native American, Gospel, 50 - 80's music, some easy listening, Irish & Scottish Musice & Elvis Music.img src= if width=205 height=265


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Dances with Wolves, The last of the Mochicans, and any other movie that involves Native Americans, Battle Star Gralatica, Elvis movies.


Battle Star Galactica, Extreme Makeover Extreme Edition, and anything to do with home designs.



All our Soldiers who have served past & present to gives and protect our fredom because freedon is not free. My husband Curtis who has always said I could do anything I wanted to do and who has always stood beside me in all things. My children who also stand besides me and tells me I can do anything I put my mind to. And last but not least GOD, his son JESUS CHRIST, whom I give thanks for the great things they have given me and my family.