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leave while you still can

About Me

v..'0I2l]$ >l^l7+ <0I..I+@*I/I +]-[3 +]-[0)_(g]-[+$ *)7 /v. y )3]2^!)7 (words cant contain the thoughts in my brain)a lyrical description of my depiction 2 sample 4 example I got black hair if u really do care but u betta b aware dat in my site peoples r polite n not up tight but sometimes readie 2 fight ne nite in my town by da way dey b brown clown lik the water that surround da shaolin ground thats how i visualize my eyes help you realize my size 2 no suprise im called tree standin at 6'3 rep da nyc naturally n mc aka mike chi thought as why be a lil sumthing bout mei need instant gratification 2 kill the sensation of contemplatin of the next situation i'll b facing with no need 4 hesitation this verbal agression kills my depression jus anotha rhyme session so da lesson i use pen n pAper 4 confessin my minds neva restin the thoughts keep fetchin these ideas that are etching 4 d3a+h hopin 4 that last breath cause there aint much left word is bond the thoughts still go on n da feelings explode lik a bomb so i tell 9ol../lcl, so get off my d*k, the thoughts r sik a mental trip my skull is 2 thick n my hearts 2 brick, so hav ur pick, of ammuniction, i got dat dirty diction my lyrical intution comes out like a narcotic's prescrition with crazy descripiton n a worse addiction that becomes twisted FicTiOn LiViN LiFe iN HoRribLe cOnDiTiOns WiT PeOpLeS So StReSsEd oUt ThEy B tWiCtHiN CoNtRaDicTiN mY oWn CoNtRaDiCtiOns losing apprechation, seeing the hating my fixation on this meditation a lil relaxtion 1 way 4 communication it has no physical realtion n angers is its retaliation n death is it contempation when i explode problems help it reload n gets complicated lik a bar code 2 da everyday person my mind state worsen so my life im cursin which has no rehearsen so im caught wit da burden i brought so i fought wit my own thought that i sought wishin it could b bought, over, one day this world will be over, until then i get the cold shoulder and grow olderthese drugs got da best of me lookin into da mirror 2 c my enemy concously i befriend me puttin myself thru a drag out misery repeatin my corrupted history actin lik da futures a mysterty tryin 2 mak dese problems stop tried 2 forget them wit pot n tried 2 strive thru hip hop n comminucate my feelin but my life im slowly stealin caus da shit always hits da ceilin tryin 2 find ways 2 cope lookin for a lil hope but all i found was dope 2 help drown da sorrows hopin 4 betta tomorows but my heart blak lik those crows wishin 2 fly away but im stuk hea 4 anutha day 4 my evils 2 come out n play n bein a constant reminda lookin 4 da lite but it only makes me blinda if i was only kinda 2 myself if i didnt roll 4 delf n lik 2 beat my self can u c da welt i kno da pain i felt frum da cards i delt but im not goin 2 fold as i look at da hand behold if only da story could b fully told but i gotta play my role even thou da games old it jus makes my heart cold but i still play jus find a new way I cant change my way in da bottom of da ninth inning jus keep on sinnin even thou i kno i aint winnin jus lookin 4 a new beginingaquaitin aquaitices n amazin all automaticall articulatin articulate advisments always applyin adhesive adverbs anoitin an ambience appreciated amongst artists an appeallin aroma allowin artist art activatin audiable animation animatin active activites abnormal alinment about anarkys atrocious anarky a ablin anarchists apaulin acts approved a amendity among arstrocarates allowin alamony as alibies anything advacatin abstract attacks aplied activation atribute aknowledgement around abstracists accomaditin advice aquired along ancient answers attributed action actin around addicts actions aggitatin addictions already agitated applicants advisin aborted applications anomously annoitin a appreciation and always aprhendin augmented advisements answering ackward answer automatically amazing a audience and abolishing awarkard ametuers allowing anybody admitting addicting actions apprehend advance abstract art advertising acceptable agression allocated adverbs abolish aceptable answer avoidin articulate accuracy astonishing archieve annoitin aristocrats arranging army advancements avoidin agresive astroplanes aiming ammunication at anarachy attracts average auidence applauding anybody advertising adorable answers asking around able actions aprehenending attractive asholes adorin aimlessly abnoshiously attractiveness anywayseLo Mi NaMe iS cHi, Da ConTiNuAl fLo Of EnErGy, a CrAk MoNk3y a La mOnKi De cRaK Fr^M Da StR3EtS oF ShAoLiN. I wAs BoRn FrUm A vIrIgIn N s0n Of BeZeLbUm, tHuS dA Sh0gUn MaRkT mI wIt Da SiGn oF Da B3A$T. I hAv BeEn CoNsIdRd aLoT oF ThInGs DuRiN My LiFeTyM, I was born during the begining of a new age, the winds of change where everything seems hot but always feels cold with the blind leading the mute talking to deaf ears. iN My LiFeTyM. I HaV tRaVeLeD Da ShoRe FrUm Da Sn0 cOvErEd MoUnTaInS in da north 2 Da SanDy HiLLs FrUm Da EaSt CoAsT 2 Da WeSt CoAsT oF dA EaSt CoAsT in the south sEaRcHiN 4 Da AnSwErS i aLrEaDy KnO. i c Da tRuTh n HaV SoLvD Da MyStErIeS tHuS uNdErStAnDiN y. I EnJoY OnLy Da PuRe(j/k), iF U KnEw WaT i c0nSiDa pUrE u ThInK i WaS cRaZy, oF sOuLs. I MeDiTaTe, CrEaTe(nEtHiN n EvErYtHiN), n NeVa ReGuRiTaTe tHuS i KnO WhO i Am I aM wHo I aM. I oNe DaE DrEaM oF LiViN iN Da SwIsS aLpS sO I CoOd Go OuT In Da NiCe PiNe TrEe sMeLiN AiR n cHiEf 0n A NiCe L Of Of LeGaL TrEes(ReMbA m0dErAtIoN 2 MuCh oF A GoOd tHiNg Is BaD) iN My CaNoE iN Da mIdLe Of Da LaKe, OnLy In Da sUmAs I wOuLd SpEnD My WiNtErS iN JaMaCiA BoBsLeDiN jAh Ma'N, My ThOuGhTs R In ChInEsE tRaNsLaTed 2 cHibOnIx wHiCh iSnT PrOpErLy TrAnzLTeD cAuS i DoNt WaNt 2 AnGeR dA sHoGuN By "OfEnDiN Da OfEnDeD", ShOOd hAv bEeN sAiD bY sOcRatEs(CaPiTaN oBiViOuS) BuT hE nEeDs AtL3aSt 10 PaGeS 2 SaY iT). "Y iS iT ThE ThInGs i LuV i aLsO DeSpIsE""ALL good THINGS r SoMeTyMs BAD eVeN bad THINGS r SOMETIMES good" "HoW CuM i'LL Do tHiNgS 4 oThAs I WoNt Do 4 MySeLf" " i SeEn 2 MuCh In My DaY So SiLeNcE iS mY aNsWeR" bY mWaH -m3nTaL n0+Es 1)sToP rEmBeRiN sTuPiD tHiNgS iN dA pAsT n ReMbA iMpOrTaNt tHiNgS LiK No SmOkiN wAcKiE TaBaCi B4 DrUg TeSt 2)SoBeRiTy MaKeS Me EvEn CrAzIeR AtLeAsT WhEn Im DrUgGeD uP I dOnT dO Da CrAzY tHiNgS i tHiNk oF 3)DoNt Do FaVoRs 4)ReMbA Da YiNg n Da YaNg 5)prayer of serenity I hAv BeEn CoNsIdRd aLoT oF ThInGs DuRiN My LiFeTyM; NoMaD,LoNa, CoNaRtIsT, c0nViCt, EnDanGerMeNt 2 PuBLiC SaFTy, @$4013, AfRiKaN Am3RiCaN(SiCiLaN hEriTaGe FrUm My BroThAs Da EgYpTaIn sLaVs, aLsO sHaLoM ShAh La mY pRaIs3s b 2 aLLaHa), CrAk H3AD, CrAkEr, B-BaLL *( wHo Am i KiDiN iM wHiTe), TrAk *(yEaH RiTe), BuRn0uT, PoThEaD, dRuGy, FaRmAcYsT(BoTh), BuLLy, BuTTa BaLL(i WaS FaT wHeN i WaS LiL), ThIeF, cRiMiNaL, HeNcHmAn, BuM, PooL GuY, aNiMaL CaRtAkR, BaBiESita, LiTTaBuG, ExTeRmInAt0r, T3L3M@Rk@, SoLiCiTaToR, cAsHiEr, BoUnCa, StUdEnT, SpAnIsH TrAnZLaToR(iN cAsE oF EmErgEnCiEs), MuZiCiAn(i pLaY Da GaZo0), CoMeDiAn, CoUpLeS CounCeLa, LuNcH LaDy(iT iS TrU), cHeF b0iacHi, cHiEf, BoSs, A NoBoDy(By A gUy wHo WaNtEd 2 cHoP mY h3aD oFf), GrAvEdiGgA(By AnUtHa gUy wHo WaNtEd 2 cHoP mY h3aD oFf BuT AtLeAsT hE WaNtEd 2 F33D iT 2 Da FisHiEs), LuCkY, InTeLecTuaL, mAtHaMaTiCiAn, InVenToR, DaNcEr(OnLy WhEn DrUnK oR i ViSiT dA RoXy cAuS ThEaS EnUf RoOm), p0rN*/3XHB1T10N1$T( A wOoD b PolYaGaMiSt), pErSoNaL TrAiNa, FaShIoN cOnSuLtAnT, HoMe DeCoRaToR, mAiD, TeAcHeR, PrInTa, ArTiSt, Po3t, LaBoRa, sHaDoW, aLcHeMiSt, iLuSi0NiSt, ChEmIsT, Bi010iSt, PsYcHoLoGiSt, QuAnToM pHyScYsT(i CooD MaKe MaGnEtS lEvAtAt), MaD ScIeNtIsT, HiStOrIaN, aStRoLoGiSt, gEoLogIsT, SoOtHe SaYeR/NeCrOmAnCa, LaWyEr(My cLiEnT pLeAdS Da 5Th), PoLiTiCaN, MoTaVaTi0naLiSt A.K.A. cOnFiDeNcE iN a CaN, h3aLa Of Da s0uL, pHiLoSpHa, GoD(people belive in me but not in that way yet), MuTt, CrAzY, iNsAnE, NuTcAsE(iM iNsAnItY aT iTs FiNeSt)I FoRgOt @ MeNtIoN I HaVe BeEn CaLlEd; BuRnT, DrUgS, PoT, CrAk, tRiPiN(DuRiN cLaSs wHiLe HaNdIn In HoMeWoRk 2 A TeAchER), cRaka, W*66@, *66@(favorite from my father,BeZeLbUm, who also uses monster beast asshole schmuck n winner), ShOoD HaV BeEn BoRn AnUtHa KoLoR, AsH013, psykotic (2 my parents frum my 2nd grade teacher), MiKeY(0nLy aDuLtS hAv DiS pRiViLaGe), MiChAeL BeNeDiCt(OnLy wHeN iM iN SeRiOuS DoDo LyK GeTiN ArReSTeD), Mc, TrEe, cHi,cHi-Kn0, BuGgY, Yb YbEs 4 ShOrT, MaD sCiEnTiSt, SpAcEmAn(wHeN I WaS On Da HiGh 5), @$4013 (aGaIn Bi DiFeReNt PeOpL 4 DiFeReNt ReAsOnS), gOoFy, NeRd, SpEcIaL(OnLy wHeN SnObOaRdIn), PeTeR NoRtH, DiRaLeCt, fLoRiSt(i WaS tRiPiN AgAiN iN cLaSs), DuMbEsT SmArT kId(by my biology teacher), waste of space(by my summer school biology teacher), WaCkO WiT a MaNiFeStO(aNuThA TeAcHa DoNt ThEy HaVe Da BeSt tHiNgS 2 SaY bOuT Me), LaTiEnT HoMo s3xUaL(By A KiD wHo PoUrEd ChOcLaTe SyRuP oN hImSeLf n CaLLeD HiMSeLf GaY), MoMo, ScHuMk, BuTtBoY(FaV oF mY sIs), CoNfIdEnCe iN a CaN, StUpId, MeNoS 5(didnt last long i wonde y), EdUcAtEd(OnLy oNce iN My LiFe), SmArT(By Da PeRsOn wHo AgReEd WiT tHe PeRsOn wHo sAiD i WaS EdUcAtEd),GeNiUs(bY a DrUnK), jesus, angel, shakespeare, derek jeter(i dont seem the resemblance n a girl said i was better lookin n i should have taken it as an insult), che, the man, bastard child, and my favorite diablo..

My Interests

art, expression, ideas, taking over the world, drugs, music, clothes,women(sorry no girls allowed I got white hairs now)body language, touch, sensations, and food(i get violent if i dont eat)

I'd like to meet:

people with three arms n 11 toes walking upside down while drinking yeager in the middle of july on a busy street, or a female from switzerland who wants to marry me(thats the only way i could get citizenship, if not im stuck being a polticial refugee in amsterdam then



Tom ..

My Blog

a story i wrote a while ago but still unfinshed

the story of it real:1 : of or relating to fixed, or immovable things 2 a : not artificial,  : GENUINE : not imaginary It see's him different frum his past victim's.  HIs aurora stands out w...
Posted by chi on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 01:23:00 PST

facade...a poem

it looks so pretty and it seems so nice its that facade, you always have to think twice what you see is not always true its sometimes different then the things you knew facade   the words th...
Posted by chi on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 01:16:00 PST

the queston of the day?

penis envy   yup thats the question the day, i know some women fantasize about having a penis even if it was for just a day, so women how do you feel about wanting to have a penis and what magica...
Posted by chi on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 10:55:00 PST

the realization of getting old

i didnt take people getting married as getting old, i didnt take my frineds having kids as getting old, what really hit me is todays younger generation i guess middle america suburia emo kids, they re...
Posted by chi on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 05:06:00 PST

in the crazie adventures of a crakmonkie named chi

well i have found something harder then rocket science and brain surgery, autodesk maya, it is far more complicated and difficult then contracts where you need a lawyer to read them, last time i playe...
Posted by chi on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 08:06:00 PST

christmas is coming soon

does anybody want to buy me my three programs i want, its a total of $11,000(adobe creative suite 4 master, autodesk toxik, and maya unlimted), its more money then the computer i want to build, w...
Posted by chi on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 07:07:00 PST

i am sad to say this

vote for obama because i just heard palin talk in the debates, and she talks about jibberish so you no longer remember what the question is that she answered, she is a bloody cunt that needs to piss o...
Posted by chi on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 10:43:00 PST

an ode en espanol y ingles, i worte an ode because its been so long

mi corazón mi amor mi alma entonces sólo soy abandonado soñar para celebrar que se cierre y se siente su respirar su voz atormenta mis memorias relleno mi cabeza con fantasías tontas su todo justo una...
Posted by chi on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:13:00 PST


oblivous to everything that is around only recognizing what the mind has found the reality of the world is all abound but my own reality my mind surrond   am i trapped inside the box or outside i...
Posted by chi on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 08:45:00 PST

10 reasons

why there is a god 1)boobies2)food3)marijuana(drugs are bad, you shouldnt do them)4)stars5)big booties6)porn7)money8)the internet9)chicken10)bacon why there isnt a god 1)religion2)politicians3)vocal c...
Posted by chi on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 04:32:00 PST