E L V I profile picture



About Me

MY NAME *E L V I* !z pronounced: L_V_
!nf!n!te LoVe Full-Stop
. .


This IS the NEW WORLD ORDER: S!lver MAN age.
* E L V I * is the tetragrammaton for Magick, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Creation, Existence in 1.
Enclosed within the 4 letters of MY NAME are 7 secret anagrammical words that convey the exact UMEUS BenoQuintessence of the ART GOD = THE * I V L E * TETRALOGY *My magnum opus*.
E = SECRETS OF THE WORM: The BLACK Triptych age- BOOK 1.
L = NEW WORLD ORDER: The SILVER Triptych age- BOOK 2.
V = MY OBSESSION: The DEAD Triptych age- BOOK 3.
I = AXIOM: The ART Triptych age- BOOK 4.
THE ICON OF NON-HUMANITY lives and breathes for U a FREE MAN behind the hills in the Down-Underworld, Home of the ELVI KINGDOM.
It is special providence that ELVI was born in Perth/ Nowhere Land, WESTern OZtralia [The most isolated capital city on the planet].
This chosen fate of invisible subsistence has allowed *All !z ill* every wish to be granted true. From the ASOCIAL to the AMORAL... EVOL.
The ELVI-ART is the residue that bleeds from such an existence.
Ownership of all interview statements, words, Art, video, photos, answers, wills of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) owned and copyright protected by Elvi.
The ELVI EMPIRE owns Sole and Exclusive right to use or publish [Elvi] name, likeness, personality, life story, Artworks or incidents therein.
The illegal Use or Publication of any story about Elvi [Elvi] and his Art would appear to invade such rights, even if the matters therein are assumed to be factually accurate.
Copyright © Elvi ArtGod for the ELVI EMPIRE 1977-2008. All rights reserved. Perth, Western Australia.

My Interests

For Ever.


MAGICKizz :~*

T*HE ART* ALWAYZ comez 1st. Thatz WHY LoVe w!nz ALL the time.

Collecting the *DEATH LIST NOTICES* from the obituariez section of the daily newspaper... ! have scrapbookz full-of'em (ALL for my Third nipple titillation).

SURPR!ZE Intervent!on par-tayz held in honour of my Doppelganger. (The catering iz exquisite: They know ! adore Fa!ry Bread *Deliciouz*).

Spin'n co!n game.

Howlin' at the Moon.

Making Da!sy-chainz.

Smash'n platez.

Tw!dling my thumbz.

Jump'n on couchez and bedz till they break.

Speeding in MY car down Albany Hwy.

Drawing on mirrorz with lip-stick.

Squeezing Boobz. (NOT Man Tittiez *Giggle*)

T!cklin'n'G!gglin ;~P

The smell of Cotton candy.

Squish'n bugz.

Danc!ng :~D

Wearing MY Plastic-Bag mask when itz "Playt!me".

Airbrush bodypainting...MY living breathing Masterpiece.

Sleeping under my bed.

Hide and Seek...IT. *Grinz*

Chasey. *W!nk*

Ring Around the Rosie.

Hop Scotch.


Climbing treez.

THE Truth unfurled: ONLY LOVE WINZ.


! LoVe LOVE U.



Collecting Tr!nkets.



Planting *Magick grey-square apple* trees of Positivity.



The Great Misanthropist = BLACK Bible age 2000.

Kum Kondom Kidz = DEAD Skin age 2004-2005.

The 3 Laws: Collaboration with Claudio Parentela, Italy = Original Ink drawing 2005.

The Gift = BLACK Temple age 1996.

Raindrop Mascara Eyez = DEAD HeArt/Love age 2002.

THE Promised Child = WHITE Temple age 1996.

Drown victim dolly = DEAD Eyez age 1999.

TECHNOccult = Original Airbrush painting 2006.

Witch and the Whatnot ?! = Original illustration 1995.

Psychogram = BLACK Earth age 1998.

Declaration of Condolence (Left panel): Collaboration with Eric Pigors, USA = Original mixed media painting 2001.

I'd like to meet:



MY Music. The name of my band/music iz THE Face. ALL apart of the NEW WORLD ORDER era: S!lver age.


! film and edit MY own flix and watch'em.

THE E.L.V.I. MOVIE. Don't cry over spilt blood.


! ONLY use an old *Very old* Television set as a Doll-House = The screen is removed at the front and the back and ALL the insides taken out and I present puppet-shows to Voila.


Working on the E.L.V.I. Tetralogy: ART GOD = MY magnum opus.


My Nanna Ivy for her extensive wig and hat collection and my Aunty Julie for her obsessive-compulsive hourly uneven drawn-on eyebrows = Both my biggest influencez, inspirationz and EROTICrystallizationz that created who ! am today.

My Dollie.

My Blog


Unlike the Mass accepted depiction of Sea people, they are anatomically identical to LandWalkerz, only difference iz their ability to live and breathe and Walk underwater. They do interbreed with Land...
Posted by E L V I on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 09:30:00 PST

WTF iz a Furpard ???!!!

Hang'n out with Matez at s!n nightclub.We make-fun of eachother, We make fun of other people and mainly We make-fun of ourselvez... BUT especially Nathan *Giggle* Alwayz funtimez !!!! People Trip'n o...
Posted by E L V I on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 05:46:00 PST

A note to self...

For Me:   Secretz of the Worm: The BLACK Triptych = Book1 waz about my Childhood and Adolesent yearz. Confronting thingz and challenging myself to becoming what I am destined to be. NOT an i...
Posted by E L V I on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 06:11:00 PST


Real L_V_ iz Eternal. Real L_V_ iz Forever. Real L_V_ iz Now. Real L_V_ iz Fortune. Real L_V_ iz Peace. Real L_V_ iz Hope. Real L_V_ iz Spirit. Real L_V_ iz Magick. Real L_V_ iz Rare. Real L...
Posted by E L V I on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:52:00 PST

The Face

Hang'n out with Dollie = Lemme, Kandi, Willy (Az in Gene Wilder), Freddo and Corgan in a tree in NowhereLand. I've been called many namez in my life but never have I been called: "The Face"...
Posted by E L V I on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 03:30:00 PST

To live and breathe and die for

The EVOL diptych = The reflected lovE. The madness of it and crazinezz of it and painlezz of it. The awe. The warmth of the sUn on your face because YOU are alive. That feeling iz the celebratio...
Posted by E L V I on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:54:00 PST

MORE Collaborat!onz

I've worked with sooo many people I'm going crazy Hahahaahhahaa !!!! Alot more... But here iz Louis and Nemo !!!! Thiz 2 panel Artwork mix-media diptych waz created with Louis Fleischauer = Extreme b...
Posted by E L V I on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 12:38:00 PST

Art iz my Be!ng.

A friend brought to my attention a question thatz plagued me forever and I felt it time to address it once and for all. So here goez: I'm not apart of any religion. However I do believe there iz somet...
Posted by E L V I on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 01:09:00 PST


Real Value.   The role of Art iz Value. Not in the ideological sense of popularity contestz and monetary gain,,, but in the VALUE of Life. Symbiosis. Art, Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Art, Eat, slee...
Posted by E L V I on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:32:00 PST


THE ART GOD TETRALOGY = My E. L. V. I. Magnum Opus   Note: Each panel connectz to the next and reflectz the next book. If U place them ontop of 1 another they pierce thru eachother.   E = SE...
Posted by E L V I on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:28:00 PST