October 30th, 2007 It's with a heavy heart and weighted fingers that I have to write this to you all. At around 5:30pm, we helped guide Louie to heaven. He was suffering immensely, even in the oxygen chamber. He couldn't breath despite the sedatives, the oxygen, the medication. I simply couldn't let him suffer any longer. The doctor recommended a tracheal stent but we denied it. He was simply too fragile and old for the outcome to be successful. To let him have to suffer through infections or not surviving through such a strenuous surgery wasn't fair. Today was by far the hardest day I have ever had to face. Jay, my mother and I said goodbye to him and were there while he passed. My little angel, the one who did so much for so many people in this world has now received his wings and is in his eternal home where I know someday I will see him again. This hurts more then I could ever describe in words and I know it will hurt so many of you out there despite never being able to meet him....I know you loved him.Thank you all so, so much for all of your support, prayers and warm thoughts. Your prayers have always helped him in the past but this time someone up above made it clear that it was his time. Louie has been fighting tracheal disease and lung disease for years now and I can only say we were blessed, so...so blessed to have him be apart of our lives. No dog, no animal, nothing will ever compare to our dear Louie. I am having his body cremated so he can always be with us, no matter what.Thank you all again. Godspeed Lou. My god, do I love you and I will forever miss you. I'm sorry to everyone out there who knew and loved him...it was his time and I couldn't let him suffer any longer. SLEEPING with mommy and daddy on the bed (never on the floor!), eating as much as possible, sunning myself outside in the summer and going everywhere possible with mom on car rides
Animal Planet!
A Survey for Pets!
What type of pet are you? I'm a rescue purebred pomeranian
What is your name? Little Louie
What other nicknames do you have? Lou, Louis, Lucifer (when I'm being bad)
What is your favorite treat? PEOPLE FOOD!! Even though my mom doesn't like to give me it...daddy sneaks it more often
What would your owner describe you as? I'm mommy's top dog! I go everywhere possible with her..target, Juniors in the summertime, etc
What is the funniest thing you have done? I act fake...you can hold me like a baby and I lay there without a care in the world
What is the bravest thing you have done? I am bigger then EVERY big dog and go after them! They have nothing against me...I'll kick all of their doggy butts! (they are intimated too!)
Yes or No
Are you neutered? Yep
Are you a social animal? I love humans but not other dogs, I'd rather be alone but I deal with my brother and sister!
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? no! i'm a good boy
Are you friendly? VERY!
Are you overweight? well, Mommy says I'm "husky"...when she saved me I was skin and bones
Do you like warm milk? what do I, meow or something?
Do you eat cheese? Yes...love cheese
Do you eat bugs? No!
Do you live with other animals? Yes....my pom siblings Bear and Minnie and a bengal named Phoenix who I dislike
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? Inside of course!
Do you like to exercise? What's that? No, not a big fan
Do you like car rides? Oooo, where too? Love em!
Do you get into stuff? Nah, just food
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? both of them! I love em both
Do you like to swim? Never tried
Do you chase laser pen dots? umm...no? What do I like like to you..dumb?
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? more then life
The Kiss ...He had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.She is pregnant.When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.A photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina newspaper, "The Observer, " noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.My mom for saving me from that awful shelter!!RESCUE A POM!www.petfinder.com www.pomrescue.com pom-rescue on yahoogroups.com