i have a JOB, FRIENDS, and a LIFE.
i don't have time for this lame shit anymore.
The dilapidating corpses weave in and out of the ground, rotted skin and bones protruding from soft dirt. Dark grey skies consume the earth into a pit of blackness. This is where I live; it's what I've come to know as home. I'm lost here, forgotten by those who I thought loved me. They made promises of green fields and sunny days; I waited for them to make it true. It didn't, they didn't. Their gone, I'm alone. It always rains here, the sun never shines, the trees are dead there's no breath here not even for me. I've gotten skinnier, my rib bones are beyond noticeable.
Over dramatics are my area of expertise, Kate Andrews's the name and Suicidal Tendencies are my game. I pride myself on my perfections and mutilate myself on my imperfections, Death is not something I fear nor is living, I just choose not to participate in either one, it's either that or my attempts at both have failed miserably.
Teen age life, it's something every kid looks forward till it does or doesn't happen, then the downfalls of having a life and not having one come into play, either you're out with your friends every night living it up on your McDonalds salary or you're at home... and there's not much to say about that.
My observant, anti social personality gives me lots of time to think and I've come to a not so surprising realization, I'm not normal or abnormal I'm lost somewhere in between. I'm one of those kids who aren't at home, but are never hanging out with anyone. I'm one of those kids who'd be upset if they'd miss the day some kid brings a weapon of some sort to school, I'm the one in the back of the class snickering at my own inside jokes, I don't fit in with any social group and I'd prefer to keep it that way. Being me is much more interesting.
she drinks coffee like holy wine
and she wishes every day were winter
her eyes hold secrets, her lips will never tell...
nobody has to guess
that baby can't be blessed
till she sees finally that she's like all the rest
tith her fog, her amphetamines, and her pearls.
she takes just like a woman, yes, she does
she makes love just like a woman, yes, she does
and she aches just like a woman
but she breaks just like a little girl
and she'll break your heart
she'll break your heart
before you have a chance to break hers...
and she'll never let you know
just how much she regrets it
courtesy of pixel industries