Translations for FIREFLY Basque: euli ipurtargiChinese: yÃnghuochóng (traditional)Finnish: tulikärpänenFrench: luciole f.German: Glühwürmchen n., Leuchtkäfer m.Icelandic: eldfluga f.Italian: lucciola f.Japanese:(hotaru)Latin: cicindela f.Latvian: jantarpinÅ¡ m.Macedonian:(svetulka) f.Norwegian: ildflue f.Polish: swietlik m.Portuguese: vaga-lume m., pirilampo m.Russian:(sv'etl'ák) m.Spanish: luciérnaga f.Swedish: eldfluga c.
We all have the creative spark. Let it shine a little. Welcome to the field... let me know who you are.
APRIL ~ MAY ~ JUNE FEATURED ARTISTS: S.A. Griffin and Diana Bonebrake, the CollaborationsMARCH FEATURED ARTIST: Exene Cervenka, by Diana Bonebrake. Click the picture for a link
Featured Artist for February: Girls Rock! The Movie ..........Diana Bonebrake has written a very inspiring article that must be read. Here is the wonderful trailer for the movie:Featured Artist of the Month/January: Jim Herrington, Photographer. by Diana Bonebrake
From Patrick Kawahara for January: Yosemite in Black and White:From EMILY A. SAAEN of Russia (assorted Russian Holiday Cards): December Featured Artist: Michael Cano, painter
In case you missed it, here is the link again. Click on the picture
Contributors. Please check out their pages to the right:Aine MacAodha of Ireland:
Alison Mackie of Scotland:
Baby the Greatest of the World:
Brenda Everett of Canada:
Bridget Van Loon
Cameron L. Crowe of California:
Carey Fosse of California:
Craig Caudill of Kentucky:David Smith and Diana Bonebrake of California:
Dena Rash Guzman of Nevada:
Ellyn Maybe of California:
Emily A. Saaen and Venik of Russia:
Ena La Freniere of Michigan:
Geraldine Green of the UK:
Gill O'Halloran of England:
Hattie of California:
Jacqueline Gum
Jane Crown of Texas:
Janie of New York:
Jeffrey Side of England:
John Dorsey of Ohio:
Karen Bowles of California:
Lo Galluccio of Massachusetts
Marion Berlinger, 'Studio B & The Cat' of Austria:
Martyn Clayton of England:
Melanie Dorsey of NYC:
Nancy SJ of Arizona:
Ngaire Walker of Australia:
Patricia Carragon of NYC:
Patrick Kawahara of California:
Paul Bradley of Ireland:
Phibby Venable of Virginia:
Pris Campbell of Florida:
S.A. Griffin of California:
Scott Wannberg and S.A. of California:
Shelley Bluejay Pierce of Montana:
Stacey Mangiaracina of Louisiana:
Thomas Smidt of Denmark:
Vanessa Kittle:
Venik of Ural, Russia:Click Here - Join The Group!
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