Hi Everyone, Hope that this message reaches you in good health and spirits. There are approximately 23 days left to the NATIONAL BOYCOTT(May19-23). As many of you may know, the NYPD detectives in the Sean Bell murder trial were acquitted on all charges. The judge in the case had made his decision based on the fact that the demeanor and background of Mr. Bell and his friends had warranted the detectives to shoot over 50 times. This judicial decision cannot go unanswered. Go back to the 80's with the death of Micheal Stewart and Eleanor bumpers to name a few. Go back even further to a time when it was legal to lynch African Americans. For too long we have sat idlely by while we let the "establishment" shoot our leaders(Malcolm/Martin/Medgar) and our young black/hispanic men(Stewart/Baez/Bell) and have done NOTHING about it.NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION. We must make this stand because if we do not, they will continue to just kill our leaders and young men when it suits them knowing they will not be held to the same judicial consequences as the average citizens. We can no longer turn a blind eye, because it may happen to us. The only thing that the establishment understands is the almighty dollar.So remember, do all necessary shopping prior to the MAY 19th (May 17 & 18). Buy no gas; fill up before. Do grocery shopping before. Carpool to work, if possible ride a bike or walk to work. Bring bagged lunch to work or leftovers.Spend not one penny that week. Make a donation of at least $/£5.00 to a Black/Hispanic organization....Bless.......PLEASE PASS THIS ON.BLACK WALL STREET (LET IT LIVE AGAIN)!!!"OUR BUSINESS IS YOUR BUSINESS"....SEEK OUT AND PURCHASE FROM OUR OWN...LET US GROW!!!THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO CHOOSE FROM...PLEASE LIST SOMEWHERE ON YOUR PAGE BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES, PRODUCTS, OUTLETS ETC WITHIN YOUR AREA......GIVE THEM CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, ENCOURAGEMENT....PLEASE VIEW VIDEO BELOW...BLESS!!! Part 1......http://www.blackenterprise.co.uk/InBusiness/Part 2WE GOT NO TIME FOR THIS......A NIGGA MOMENT!!! (In BRITAIN, 2007 was the worst year on record for fatal street violence amongst young people with 27 teenagers murdered across the capital, THESE MURDERS ARE NOT COMMITTED BY THE POLICE or THE BNP....OUR COMMUNITIES IN BRITAIN ARE KILLING EACH OTHER?)Too much time, energy and lives are lost arguing amoungst ourselves!!!Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome/Dr Joy LearyPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15
BLACK ICE!!!A YOUNG MANS STORY!!! Peace, I grew up in a poor part of London where most men get different women pregnant and run away 95% percent of the time so my mother was forced to take responsibility for both roles. She was a caring mother who also had to get two jobs to pay the rent and the bills because of the lack of a real father around. I was left at home while my mum was working hard and I was raised by TV, Music, Hollywood, MTV Base, Channel U and the Streets, I saw all the bling, nice cars, the money, the boats, the houses, the women and all the rest, I wanted it all.........so I looked around my immediate environment and surroundings, the people who had the money and material things were the crack, weed, heroin dealers, the credit card fraudsters, armed robbers, burglars and gang members. I thought college and university looked like a waste of time, all the people going there were/are broke...so I linked up with a friend from secondary school that was in my class, he was already in a gang, i started hanging around with him. At that same time my mum had also chucked me out because of my unruliness and bad behavior towards her, my younger brother and younger sister. Due to the lifestyle I chose I spent many years of my life going in and out of jail, spending most of my time on the inside and a few months on the outside, that became my life (even though I had a flat).....Until one day in jail, when I was bored, I picked up a Quran and read it, one sentence hit me real hard: "Is there any one more misguided than the person who makes his desires his God." And for the first time I realized that money, girls and my desires were the false Gods that I worshipped and I was a 100% slave to them without actually knowing it. The Quran helped me to realize that the people that I was following unconsciously were the rappers, actors and mcs, these were my false prophets because I tried to act like them, look like them, dress like them, talk like them, dance like them, even think like them, in every single way. And what really shocked me were the clubs, raves and parties I went to religiously every weekend, they were really my mosques that I was worshipping in performing (pagan) rituals in. It took this book, the Quran, to let me know that I was worshiping myself and money and not God who I should be worshipping. So I read the Quran even more and when I realized that every other faith Christianity, Capitalism, Hinduism, Communism, Sikhism, Secularism, Buddhism, Judaism and PLAYERISM (THE EASIEST AND MOST DESIRABLE RELIGION TO FOLLOW) tells people to worship men or created things like rocks, stones or animals instead of God I decided Islam is the only faith or belief for me. The End.SPEND TIME GATHERING KNOWLEDGE, OPEN YOUR MINDS!!! (WITH OR WITHOUT A "RELIGION" IT IS VITAL TO HAVE YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT AND TO STAY FOCUSED)(I BARE WITNESS to the effects of RAP MUSIC of a "particular sort"/I BEAR WITNESS that a 10 year old child has been affected by the "lifestyle lyrics/stories" of some popular rap artists, who he admires, whos doctrines spread like wild-fire amoungst young peer groups......it is HEART BREAKING to have to tell a child that "You can not write lyrics like this about women, this lifestyles" is not "your" experience, this is not you!!!")HE IS ONLY 10 YEARS OLD, his mother works hard and is trying to set him on a "proud" path, he has made me aware of what influenced him to write his bars THERE ARE "MANY" THINGS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE MIND SET OF "OUR YOUTHS" Be AWARE!!! HEAR WHAT "OUR CHILDREN" HAVE TO SAY!!!HOODNEWS (Headline GANGSTA RAP/CRIME RHYMES/MAINSTREAM HIP HOP=NUMBER 1 SELLER=POP=POPULAR CULTURE=EVERYBODYS DESIRE (Music has a detrimental effect to the mind, body and soul, you are aware of this, IT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU, THE MUSIC being filtered through in BRITAIN is currently setting a trend in behaviours, the reality of a few has become popular culture for many!!!PROTECT AND REVIVE OUR CULTURE, OUR-STORY!!!The Racism went underground - Psychological warfare - never to be under-estimated, THOSE WHO HEAD CULTURAL DESTRUCTION INFILTRATE "EVERY" AREA OF OUR LIVES!!!PAY ATTENTION AND LISTEN CAREFULLY.......OPEN YOUR EARS AND EYES-Psychological Warfare!!! DR. FRANCES CRESS-WELSINGReal Leaders are well educated...give insight, are intelligent, do not comply, give guidence......knowledge equals power, WE ARE ALL LEADERS, THEREFORE ALL OF THE ABOVE and MUCH MORE IS OUR DUTY!!!! THE BLACK PANTHERS vs THE BLACKS WHO PARTY!!!NEVER forget those before you!!!(Real Men of HIP-HOP are aware, selfless not selfish...they share their stories, kick knowledge, they encourage, inspire and NEVER GIVE IN, give up or sell out, uphold the formula and use wisely (SEEK KNOWLEDGE and STUDY !!!)SELF DESTRUCTIONKRS1X-CLANPUBLIC ENEMYMASTER P speaks50 Cent…..respondsWISE words from KLASHNEKOFFKLASHNEKOFF tune!!!DONT TRIGGER!!!HAZE tune!!!BLACK BOYS Remix:BASHY, CHIPMUNK, TINIE TEMPAH, ALAYE, MIKE GLC AND LOICK !!!THE BLACK BOY SAGA CONTINUES WITH BLACK GIRLS featuring TORACCESS TO SLAVERY RECORDS - SIGN THE PETITION - Deadline to sign up by: 04 May 2008 .....GET SIGNING !!! Go to http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/freeaccess/ to sign the Petition.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS OF WISDOM, INTEREST, COMMUNITY ACTITIES ETC, I RARELY POST COMMENTS IN REGARDS TO ANYTHING ELSE!!!!
STAY ALERT/STOP the misrepresention of black males and females in music videos, posters etc SOME THINGS SHOULD BE KEPT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!!! WHERE ARE THE BLACK BRITISH FEMALES MCs, MUSIC ARTIST and GRACEFUL SINGERS: who move with style and grace (They exist) THEY WOULD NOT STAND FOR THIS, wonder why i can not find them on my BRITISH MAINSTREAM MUSIC CHANNELS. THERE NEEDS TO BE A BALANCE, WE NEED A FAIRER REPRESENTATION, VARIETY!!!(Food for thought: These untruths are fed to our children on a daily basis....What are you going do when your own children start to mimick what is mainly being represented in music videos and the mainstream media) STAND "UNITED" IN FINDING THE SOLUTIONS for all problems in this EVER EVOLVING WORLD!....SIMPLY ME!We follow your lead...set an example!!!Please Visit:A Black Woman's smile by Ty Gray El:Spoken word!!! - You tube!!!
VISIT:MY LETTER TO HIP HOP - YOU TUBE)Sara Baartman/Hottentot Venus...less of this in videos respectfully!!!...........
..........so we can ENCOURAGE more of this!!!What are "you" fighting for?!? We used to fight for freedom....now we kill for money, women, areas, rep, egos, to gain respect, we kill over an argument, to prove a point, to get someone off our backs, because we cant solve a problem....!?!PURCHASE and watch POSSE...!!!!
.....know and fight your "COMMON ememy"....TRUE SOILDERS fight for a "just cause" unite and fight the "commom enemy"!!! Fight to stay "ALIVE"PROMOTE UNITY WHO EVER YOU ARE GET INVOLVED (Courtesty of OneVoiceNews)!!!WE FIGHTING TO OPEN MINDS NOW!!!
"PEACE IS OUR TRUE NATURE", which comes about only when we have found peace within ourselves.
If we have not found peace within ourselves, then we are bound to blame others and the world around us for the very faults that we see in ourselves.â€
(Amoungst ourselves we must find peace....look closely and see that we are fighting the same battle, we are part of the same struggle)MAKING CHANGES...1 year at a time..1 step at a time...1 day at a time...i gave up red meat as a teen...eased up on hitting my sister...cut down on cursing....pasted courses...made my home comfortable...cut out decking my home with pagan decoration(s) no tinsle, no tree, I dont give out Merry "Mithra" cards...etc years ago, dropped a few friends...changed careers...gave up alcohol 2 years ago...i dont buy weed...and right now...05/01/2007 the 1st day without a cig!!!From: Melanite Vegan LeagueHeres a good Brotha making it happen.
SUPA NOVA SLOM ( Queen Afuas Son )
Support this Brotha.
STIC MAN, AN AFFIRMATIVE THOUGHT IS 100 TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN A NEGATIVE THOUGHT!!!GUIDE/CHANGE YOUR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS BY USING POSTIVE THOUGHTS!!!APPLY PASSION INTO WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT AND YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT ACTIONS TO TAKE!!!PROTECT YOURSELVES.......USE YOUR CAMERAS, PRESS RECORD!!!CRIME good for BUSINESSPosse, Malcolm X, Amistad, Guess Whos Coming for Dinner (The Original), Blood Diamonds, Color Purple, Set it off, American History X, Baby Boy, Kidulthood, Gothika, 28 Days Later, Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, Alien v Predator, Terminator films, Troy, The Three Kings, X Men films, XXX (Starring Ice Cube), Training Day, 25th Hour, CB4, Rush Hour films, You Got Served, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Vanilla Sky, Kill Bill films, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, The Krays, Leon, The Ten Commandments (Elements of The Story), I HOPE YAH GET DA PICTURE!!!
DOCUMENTARIES-for educationCOMEDYS-Love to and absolutely have to laugh...SOME REALITY TV-Intrigued to see how different individuals react, cope and step outside of themselves to make changes...TRUE STORIES-For diversity...SHORT DRAMAS-The plots, the suspense, heart renching entertainment...AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT UKTV STYLE-House proud and would love to stop paying these people rent!!! Have been known to tune into EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS, WIFE SWAP, AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL, LATEST DRAMA TORN, THE APPRENTICE, THE DRAGONS DEN, ROSS KEMP ON GANGS, MAKING THE BAND AND WILD LIFE PROGRAMMES, UGLY BETTY....May i add to this that i have noticed that some of us maintain more than one myspace page, considering that we do not own any major networks it would be an idea to use one of these to upload and to educate "Our Children".
FIRST ever book enjoyed was THE ELVES AND THE SHOE MAKER as a child....RECENTLY I have enjoyed to the max reading and hearing about the PHOPHETS!!!