A little poem:
My Hair is Not Blonde and My Hair is Not Straight My hair is not blonde...Should I feel despond? My hair is not straight, Should I live in frustrate? The length of my back, my hair does not fall. I don't look like Barbie, the 'beauty' model doll.
My hair is black, thick and chemically free....So to look like a Barbie, I don't see the need! I look at the women in magazines and tv the "socially attractive" who don't look like me. Their hair is not kinky and wavy like mine, They have the look, that is considered 'divine'.
Those with dark skin and those with kinky hair, struggle against, all this negative warfare. We're continually reminded, each day after day, cuz we choose not to live, the "American way". My hair is not blonde, should I feel despond? And my hair is not straight, should I live in frustrate?
Should I be made, to feel less attractive?! Though the "American look," is actually the massive. I'm SO PROUD of my "African look," for all to view and see. I have a positive outlook, and am living chemically carefree!!!
Hhhhmmm what can I say about myself??? I hate these things-you know trying to psychoanalyse ones self is difficult-the truth is we as individuals often see ourselves differently to how others may perceive us, but I’m going to try and describe myself anyway…(“,)
Well to summarise one word I think best describes me is HONEST! I am direct (I’m sure many would agree-lol) I do not aim to hurt anyone’s feelings but I often tell it like it is and occasionally that may get me in trouble but I'd rather be honest and people know what I'm thinking rather than be fake...(",)
Let me try to explain...when my girls and I are going out and one may ask me “How do I look?â€, some people would probably lie/avoid the question and respond “You look fine...†Trust me if you don’t look good I’m da lady to tell ya, which if you think about it is a good thing, you don’t wanna go out thinking you’re the hot gyal when you're notlol-I also appreciate when people are honest with me too!
Life is far too short for sugar coating things after all aren't we all adults? I’m just me and my moto is just be yourself people will either love you or hate you...if they hate you the issue is theirs to resolve so do not worry about it!
I DO NOT like negativity such as people hating on each other, those that judge what they do not understand and I have no time for people who are just out to try and cause trouble.
I would certainly describe myself as passionate and diligent especially when I have an idea-I try to make it a reality...I do not have time for dreaming-I have found dreamers never prosper...I refuse to live my life with regrets-you cannot change the past but you can at least try to map out a future.
Also please let me take this opportunity to clarify as I have recieved a few messages with queries about my hair-the knickname is Lady Fro for obvious reasons (smile) and YES the hair is *ALL* mine grown from my scalp and not purchased from my local beauty shop (but please do not get it twisted I'm not hating on my weave waring sisters-I have worn one myself lol)
I've said it many times and I will say it again, throughout my lifetime if I was given £50 for every time someone ASSUMED my hair was a weave I would have a bank balance to rival Bill Gates...
(Note to self-I need to start collecting those fiftys) L.M.A.O
The main reason im here is because im an amateur photographer (all images of me are by me) and I thought this would be the best place to show my photos then ya'll could comment on 'em so I can learn were I'm going right or wrong...plus I may be looking for females to photograph in order to do some test shots to improve my skills...
What LadyFro Means
L is for Loving
A is for Articulate
D is for Distinguished
Y is for Young
F is for Flawless
R is for Radical
O is for Outrageous ..