Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... profile picture

Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D...

If I was given a £50 note for every time someone ASSUMED my fro was a weave-I’d have a bank balan

About Me

A little poem:
My Hair is Not Blonde and My Hair is Not Straight My hair is not blonde...Should I feel despond? My hair is not straight, Should I live in frustrate? The length of my back, my hair does not fall. I don't look like Barbie, the 'beauty' model doll.
My hair is black, thick and chemically free....So to look like a Barbie, I don't see the need! I look at the women in magazines and tv the "socially attractive" who don't look like me. Their hair is not kinky and wavy like mine, They have the look, that is considered 'divine'.
Those with dark skin and those with kinky hair, struggle against, all this negative warfare. We're continually reminded, each day after day, cuz we choose not to live, the "American way". My hair is not blonde, should I feel despond? And my hair is not straight, should I live in frustrate?
Should I be made, to feel less attractive?! Though the "American look," is actually the massive. I'm SO PROUD of my "African look," for all to view and see. I have a positive outlook, and am living chemically carefree!!!

Hhhhmmm what can I say about myself??? I hate these things-you know trying to psychoanalyse ones self is difficult-the truth is we as individuals often see ourselves differently to how others may perceive us, but I’m going to try and describe myself anyway…(“,)
Well to summarise one word I think best describes me is HONEST! I am direct (I’m sure many would agree-lol) I do not aim to hurt anyone’s feelings but I often tell it like it is and occasionally that may get me in trouble but I'd rather be honest and people know what I'm thinking rather than be fake...(",)
Let me try to explain...when my girls and I are going out and one may ask me “How do I look?”, some people would probably lie/avoid the question and respond “You look fine...” Trust me if you don’t look good I’m da lady to tell ya, which if you think about it is a good thing, you don’t wanna go out thinking you’re the hot gyal when you're notlol-I also appreciate when people are honest with me too!
Life is far too short for sugar coating things after all aren't we all adults? I’m just me and my moto is just be yourself people will either love you or hate you...if they hate you the issue is theirs to resolve so do not worry about it!

I regard myself (and my peoples do too-I hope lol) as a friendly, open minded and open hearted person I have nothing but love and respect for everyone provided the same love is shown back to me. I aim to remain positive and focused in all I do!
I DO NOT like negativity such as people hating on each other, those that judge what they do not understand and I have no time for people who are just out to try and cause trouble.
I would certainly describe myself as passionate and diligent especially when I have an idea-I try to make it a reality...I do not have time for dreaming-I have found dreamers never prosper...I refuse to live my life with regrets-you cannot change the past but you can at least try to map out a future.
Also please let me take this opportunity to clarify as I have recieved a few messages with queries about my hair-the knickname is Lady Fro for obvious reasons (smile) and YES the hair is *ALL* mine grown from my scalp and not purchased from my local beauty shop (but please do not get it twisted I'm not hating on my weave waring sisters-I have worn one myself lol)
I've said it many times and I will say it again, throughout my lifetime if I was given £50 for every time someone ASSUMED my hair was a weave I would have a bank balance to rival Bill Gates...
(Note to self-I need to start collecting those fiftys) L.M.A.O
The main reason im here is because im an amateur photographer (all images of me are by me) and I thought this would be the best place to show my photos then ya'll could comment on 'em so I can learn were I'm going right or I may be looking for females to photograph in order to do some test shots to improve my skills...
What LadyFro Means
L is for Loving
A is for Articulate
D is for Distinguished
Y is for Young
F is for Flawless
R is for Radical
O is for Outrageous

My Interests

I enjoy going to stand up comedy shows:

Chris Rock-This is a little raw but it's funny because it's true!!! Ignore the vocabulary and instead listen to the message...

Richard Blackwood: On kids today...


I love me some Poetry...

So WHAT IF I am a BLACK woman!!!

Poem for my unborn child...

MySpace...sista has a point!

I'd like to meet:

My Creator...

Also vibrant, energetic, open minded, real, down to earth, positive and drama free individuals from any origin, religion or ethnicity...

People who I can interact with on a mental level...

Always feel free to message me BUT with something constructive or just to simply check in and say hello, I'm cool with that!


Can't live without my collection of CD’s is huge and full of all genres plus I don't go anywhere without my ipod (",)-Here is just a sample of my tastes…



My favourtite artists of all time (in no particular order)

These are the albums I listen to the most and highly rate:

Songs in A Minor
Catch a Fire
The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill

3 Feet High and Rising
Funk This

Everybody Loves the Sunshine

New Amerykah, Pt. 1: 4th World War
The Police (2CD Anthology)

As I Am
The Blueprint
Chapter 2: The Voice

The Score
Share My World

Whitney Houston - The Greatest Hits
Life After Death

What's Going on
No More Drama

Who Is Jill Scott? Words and Sounds, Vol. 1
Brown Sugar
Stone Love

Complex Simplicity
Where I Wanna Be

Diary of a Mad Band
Another Level
Corinne Bailey Rae

High Times: Singles 1992-2006
Love Jones: The Music (1997 Film)

The Real Thing: Words And Sounds Vol. 3
When Disaster Strikes

Motown A Journey Through Hitsville USA
J.E. Heartbreak
The Songbook of Micah

Off the Wall

Beautifully Human: Words and Sounds, Vol. 2

Mary Mary

All for You

Late Registration
The Essential Isley Brothers
The Writing's on the Wall


My favourite movies:

The Godfather
The Color Purple
House of Flying Daggers

Paid in Full
How to Be a Player

Set It Off
Trading Places
The Wood

House Party
Love Jones
Brown Sugar

Devil's Advocate
Back to the Future - The Complete Trilogy
The Best Man

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
American Pie


I really don't have much time for TV BUT I do try to tune into the following programmes...

OPRAH-This theory of "THE SECRET" makes a lot of attract what you are, for example if you're lazy you attract laziness, if you're diligent and positive you attract like minded people...

The Secret on Oprah 02/08/07 Preview


Disappearing Acts is my favourite:

NIV Holy Bible
Disappearing Acts
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?

Milk in My Coffee
Waiting to Exhale


My MUMMY!!! Mum you are the one and only constant person in my life, you have always been there for me even when I have pushed you away...
You never fail me and you understand my insanities-you are my confidence builder, you have shown me like no other what it means to be a strong, independent and proud black woman!
You are one phenomenal woman…God has blessed you not only with beauty but brains and diligence…I love you more than my life…God bless you, Mummy
My Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!
Martin Luther King the third-A pioneer in bringing the civil rights movement into the open.
Sojourner Truth-her name means travelling preacher and that's what she did spreading the Gospel and fighting for the abolition of slavery
Rosa Parks, fought for equality and the simple pleasure of getting on the bus via the front entrance. She was arrested in 1955 when she stood her ground for refusing to give up her seat. As a result there was a boycott of the local buses and within a year the buses were integrated!
Dorothy Dandridge-The first EVER black woman to be nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress Category, she achieved this in 1955
Oprah Winfrey-She's amazing, talented, diligent: She has overcome all the dramas that life threw at her and believe life dealt her a rough hand...But look at her now!
Mary J blige is like a big sister to me, giving me advice via her music, I have found her lyrics to be inspirational especially songs on the albums NO MORE DRAMA and THE BREAKTHROUGH
And last but of course by no means least-I AM MY OWN HERO!!!
When I am sad only I can actively make the decision to smile, when I fall down only I can pick myself up…
It took me a while to work that out but the simple fact of the matter is I look up to and highly respect all those listed above and they have all influenced who I am today BUT only I Lady Fro has the ability to craft my own destiny by the choices (whether they're right or wrong) that I make in life...
Word of thought (Me sounding like Jerry Springer tu ratid lol)….In life never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted…
Instead learn from it and improve for the next time, Blessings Lady Fro xXx

My Blog


I am sure I am not the only person who has suffered or is currently suffering from a cyber stalker so I dedicate this blog to anyone who has gone through this... To all cyber stalkers,It is a good thi...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:10:00 PST

Just sitting here, thinking about...

Just sitting here thinking, thinking about my maker& One day I would like to meet my maker face to face so I could finally obtain answers to many questions I have& This maker has so many names& &...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:22:00 PST

Case of the Ex?

Dear Friend,   I am writing this blog as you never gave me the oppurtunity to respond-perhaps because the truth hurts, but please understand I am not trying to hurt you just trying to help you un...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 09:31:00 PST


Fro:         &n bsp;        It's that time of year again when we  have that "talk" You know when I make all these...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:30:00 PST

Some of yall need to find some R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!!!!!

OH MY GOODNESS...WHAT IS IT WITH SOME PEOPLE ON MYSPACE??? Some of ya'll need to find some R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!!!!!  Right about now I am vex, pissed off and would like to bitch slap ce...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 01:46:00 PST

What is it with Black People and homosexuality???

Hello...   Ok, the reason I have written this blog is because I have had many conversations recently with people in reference to their opinions on homosexuality but I have found that when I...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:24:00 PST

200 years since abolition of slavery-yet we are still slaves!

Greetings, I searched high and low for this on the internet as some friends and I were having a discussion regarding why black people often do not work TOGETHER like other races but tend to hurt...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:08:00 PST

The pregnant look soooo not da lick!!! lol

    Sup peoples , My first diary entry on myspace...wooo hooo lol This actually happened last year summer but peoples always seem to laugh when I tell 'em the story and now the wounds have h...
Posted by Lady Fro-R.I.P. Auntie D... on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:50:00 PST