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Queen Afua

I am here for Networking

About Me

Queen Afua is the founder and CEO of Heal Thyself Natural Living Center; a health and wellness retreat base in Brooklyn, New York.
She is an internationally renowned authority on wholistic health, who has introduced the art of natural living worldwide through her work as a noted Herbalist, Certified Colon Therapist, Lay Midwife, Polarity Practitioner, Fasting Specialist, Motivational Speaker and Health Activist.
For the past 36 years, Queen Afua has been a dedicated healer of women's bodies. She blends an ancestral-rich spiritual cosmology with alternative medicine to teach women (and men) how to gain a pain-free, disease free and spiritually charged empowered life via natures way.
This approach has garnered her a reputation as an expert in the emerging field of wholistic medicine that brings about healthy, vibrant families.
A highly sought after lecturer, she has shared her message of health and longevity at NASA, The National Coalition of 100 Black Women and audiences in the Caribbean, Canada and Europe. Her essays and articles have been published in Essence Magazine, Black Elegance, The Amsterdam News and Caribbean Times.
Her celebrity clients include: Stevie Wonder, Iyanla Vanzant, Erykah Badu, John Amos, Vanessa Williams, amongst others.
"People are looking for answers, not smoking mirrors or crystal balls. We needed a healing revolution! It wasn't just my body in pain or my child that was sick. It was everyone I knew, everyone I spoke to, read about or saw. Everyone was just sick as I was. It was at that point when I decided to carry a fire. A fire that wouldn't burn. A healing fire."
GREETINGS ALL. I am unable to personally respond to all messages and comments. However I would like to thank you all for your love and support.

My Interests

Sacred Woman's Creed

As a woman, I am not powerless.
I am most powerful.
I can determine the destiny of my body.
I can heal myself.
It is my birthright.
It is my divine right to heal myself and my family.

Sacred Woman Spirit Prayer

"Sacred Woman in the making, Sacred Woman reawaken, Sacred Spirit, hold me near Protect me from all harm and fear beneath the stones of life. Direct my steps in the right way, as I journey through this vision.
Sacred Spirit, surround me in your most absolute perfect light. Anoint me in your sacred purity, peace and divine insight. Bless me, truly bless me, as I share this Sacred Life. Teach me, Sacred Spirit, to be in tune with the universe. Teach me how to heal, with the inner and outer elements, of air, fire, water and earth."

The Heal Thyself Center offers the following services:

The Womb Spa (Air).
The Eco Detox (Water).
The Consultation (Fire).
The 21 Day Fasting Program (Earth).

The 1 Day Seasonal Fasting Festival.

...and The Global Sacred Woman Village (Spirit/Ether).

A four-day Intensive Transformative Training to awaken the Healer Within.

You will learn how to tap into your inner power and liberate yourself through the teachings of The Sacred Woman 9 Gateways of Divine Natural Living.

Cool Slideshows

For more information, contact:

Heal Thyself Centre
106 Kingston Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Phone: 718.221.HEAL

Sacred Words Affirmations

I am a Sacred Woman filled with the Spirit of the Most Hight Supreme.

I am a Sacred Woman full of love and grace.

I am a Sacred Woman pure in state.

I am a Sacred Woman spreading healing across the land.

I am a Sacred Woman radiant and bright.

I am a Sacred Woman bringing forth the light.

I am a Sacred Woman moved only in the Spirit.

I am a Sacred Woman standing tall and strong.

I am a Sacred Woman healthy, wealthy, and all wise.

I am a Sacred Woman working magic from my Kitchen Healing Laboratory.

I am a Sacred Woman empowered with freedom and harmony.

I am a Sacred Woman working skillfully with Nature's four elements, calling air, fire, water, earth: "Come journey with me as we work, restoring harmony upon the earth."

I'd like to meet:

Everyone interested in my work.


Queen Afua is the author of two best selling books:

Her third book:
City of Wellness:
will launch in 2008.