GreenIQ has finally created the straightforward measure that will truly gauge your impact on the environment.
How? By simply taking our GreenIQ test you can measure how green you really are. Once the test is taken, custom tips will be sent each week according to the individual’s specific green interests and goals. The tips are intended for immediate use and easy integration into the member’s life, therefore helping to increase their IQ and minimize the weight they have on this world.
But being green doesn’t mean being perfect.
Maybe one person alone can’t make this world a greener place, but thousands, millions of ones will. One drop in a bucket hardly makes a splash. But millions of individual drops make an ocean.
GreenIQ believes that you don’t have to hug trees to support them, but you can refuse the wooden stirrer at the coffee shop.
~Mandy Moore~ Songbird, Fashion Designer, Actress Mandy Moore keeps her GreenIQ high by living an eco-aware lifestyle. “I recycle, I drive a Prius, and I also have an old diesel car that I converted to run on soybean oil. I do want I can for the environment, but I am always interested in educating myself more so I can make a greater contribution.â€