Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics as well as alchemy. The Occult. The study of serial killers. Ancient religions. Industrial music. Industrial S/M clubs. Egyptology. Sumeria. Babylonian Culture. Chaldeans. Qabala. Infernalism. Qlippoth. Demonology. Archeology. Anthropology. Criminal Psychology. Paganism. Satanism. Celtic. Norse. Germanic traditions. Shamanism. Native American culture. Voodoo. Santeria. Ceremonial Magick. High Ritual Magick. Occult Sciences and Art. Quantum Theorum. All ancient pagan philosophies. Jung psychology and how it applies to the Tree Life and Alchemy. Chaos magick and theorum. Paranormal studies. Ghost Hunting. The debunking of theorums of Christ. Debunking and exposing the occult 'Snake oil saleman". Proving magick thru science. Teaching and writing.
And One
Skinny Puppy
The Smiths
Alien Sex Fiend
Apoptygma Bezerk
Bad Religion
Birmingham 6
Front Line Assembly
Funker Vogt
Icon of Coil
Leather Strip
Nitzer Ebb
Project Pitchfork
Sheep on Drugs
Tactical Sekt
The Damned
Clan of Xymox
She Wants Revenge
Clockwork Orange
History channel and other anthropological films about ancient cultures and religions.
16 Candles
Breakfast Club
Natural Born Killers
Nightmare Before Christmas
All CSI's and Law and Orders.
All AE cold case files
Cold Case
Court TV
History Channel
Discovery Channel
Transcendental Magick by Levi 1910 version
The Magus by Francis Barrett 1967 version
Anthology of Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy by De Givry
Magic: Black and White Charms, Divination and Demonology among the Hindus, Hebrews, Arabs and Egyptians by Davies 1910 Version
Early Babylonian History by Hugo Radau 1900 version
The Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus 1914 Edition with Preface by Waite
The Teachings of the Masters by Rev. Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer
1952 version
The Dionysian Artificers by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa intro by Manly P. Hall 1936 version
Among 100's of other titles I own.