Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire profile picture

Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire

Welcome to the Dark, Enchanting World of Fantasy and Horror Poetess & Author ~ Nicoletta Lynn

About Me

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Introduction ~
I'm a dark fantasy/Horror and writer/poet here to promote my writing and make some exciting new friends.
I write dark fantasy fiction; dark, tragic romances; stories of the surreal and the macabre; Gothic horror; supernatural horror; psychological thrillers; and deep, narrative poetry. I love the classic dragon, swords and sorcery stuff . . . and vampires. My writing consists of these classics, and many other fantasy topics as well. I have a unique style of writing . . . A bit different than the norm.
My book of poetry/short stories is schedule for release late February 2007 (for shipment within four to six weeks of that date) by Bell Noble Publishing. The title is Dark Whispers.
My book will be available at all the major on line book stores and many brick-and-mortar book stores as well. You may also special order it through any book store, directly through my publisher, on my upcoming website or here.
The price is $16.95 plus $5 Shipping. Please click here to order:
There will be a limited number of Delux Hard Covers available at $34.95 plus $5 shipping.
Thank you for your support.
NEWS: I'm starting my own magazine due to launch April 2008. I'm looking for writers and artists! More info to come this Winter!
Currently, I'm writing a New Age non-fiction book, a dark fantasy trilogy and a mystical novel. Please check my blog for updates.
This precious king is a larger version of my sweet, little Aslan. If not for the WEIGHT difference, they could be twins.

My Interests


Interests are Vast (and not necessarily in this order) . . . European history, poetry, magicK, dragons, collecting tarot decks & crystal balls, combat archery, sword battling, antique dolls, animals (especially large cats & wolves), my Royal Irish heritage, fantasy reading, writing and watching (movies), (tragic) Gothic romances, vampires, full moons, wintery nights, comparative religion, Jesus Christ, angels, English Literature, red wine (dry) . . . And motherhood which is the essence of femininity . . .
My charities are St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, MDA and Save The Tiger Fund. And I'm not mentioning this for praise. Just to plant some ideas in some very creative, intelligent minds.

MySpace Layouts
Funny Videos

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet open-minded, deep, moral people to befriend and a small fan-base for my writing.

Not literally lost . . . Just lost in YOU . . . Your spirit, your soul, your desires . . . Lose yourself IN yourself . . .
And that IS living . . . "Strange"

A Request Please . . . There is a difference between art and pornography. I love fine fantasy art (and this may include nudity as an art form), but I dislike cheap, tasteless pornography. Please don't send me a request for friendship if the majority of your page consists of pornography. I promote art and literature, not pornography. Thanks!

With that said, Prince Dracula and Countess Elizabeth Bathory listed as my friends? Well, come on! Part of the DARK FANTASY is just a little bit of HORROR. For me, it's not all about slashing and gore. After all, in MY stories, the horror is saved for the bad guy. My very first childhood crush was Roddy McDowell. But my very first childhood "love" was Bela Lugosi as Dracula. See, for me, it's about a dark, intriguing romance . . . A tinge of true love . . . A lot of tasteful lust . . . With a little BIT of BITE! The kind you could only truly get from a handsome VAMPIRE!
Copyright 2007

Buried at

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A Water Sign ruled by fierce Mars, warrior planet, and Pluto, planet of transformation.
Traits ~ Intriguing, magnetic (people draw towards them), mysterious, sensual (incredible lovers), loyal, forceful, vengeful (even if it takes 10 years to even the score), confident, naturally manipulative (can convince you the sky is green with little effort), highly intelligent/creative, intuitive and a bit on the darkside. They either love you or hate you, rarely an in-between. And they never forget a word said nor a deed done for or against them.
Best known physical trait ~ Hypnotic eyes.
Scorpios rule of the House of Sex, Death and Other People's Resourses (money).
The Scorpion is the strongest sign of the Zodiac.
By Rowan Astrology Copyright 2007

My Dragon, Jacenta. She's a European Fire Dragon. This is a baby picture.

I couldn't resist 'hanging' this picture. He's just so handsome.

Girly Myspace Layouts

"It's OK . . . Really. Don't be afraid. She won't hurt you. She only murders serial killers."

Love Is Poison.
Poison Creates A Slow And Painful Death.
Beautiful Cupid And Her Poison Arrow Of Death. - NLD

Buried at PhotoCasket.comPeter Bela and Boris

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Hard & Classic Rock, Folk & Celtic
Fleetwood Mac
Stevie Nicks
Peter, Paul & Mary
Paul McCartney
Guns & Roses
And a few more . . . Somewhere in the back of my mind . . .


I love movies... Favorites ~
Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe)
Harry Potter Series
Mists of Avalon
Lords of the Ring
King Arthur
Dracula Movies (old & new - original & fictional)
Anything with dragons, witches or battles.
I also (as mentioned) love many of the old horror movies. When I was a little girl, I watched Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karloff classics religiously every Saturday. Bela Lugosi, as the enticing Count Dracula, had a huge impression on my creative style. He inspires much of my writing even today. Dracula was the first horror movie I saw as a child, and he introduced me to dark fantasy and romance. For this, Bela is my "first love" and all-time favorite actor.
My favorite modern-day actor is Johnny Depp so I love all his work as well. Incredibly talented.

Myspace Layouts


No sitcoms. No soap operas. No talk shows. NOT the typical woman. (And I'm not a "shopper" either.)
Documentaries on history (ancient & Medieval), geography, angels, religion, psychic/metaphysics, science, animals, crime, the macabre, witchcraft.
Basically The Science Channel, The History Channel, Discovery, Animal Planet, and TLC.
Also, Sci-Fi Channel ~ Tales from the Darkside, Twilight Zone, etc.


The Inheritance Series (Eragon / Eldest)
The Chronicles of Narnia
Harry Potter Series
Gothic Horror and Dark Fantasy Reading.
And although I am drawn instinctively to the dark world of fantasy through Ancient and Medieval stories and Gothic horror, I do like the modern works of Stephen King.
MY books are yet to come . . . but will prove to be amazing . . . At the very least, in my own mind.


Only Two.
My Child. The only person who could ever make my ultimate dream a lifetime reality.
Jesus Christ. The REAL Christ, not the fictional one portrayed in mainstream soceity. "He consistently rattled the bars of the sitting 'Powers that be'- both in religious and governmental positions. He was a revolutionary figure and stood out from the rest because of his stand on the issues of the day." He was a tough rebel, a hippie, a leader, a king and my hero.
You can tell your true friends not by the parties they throw you or the gifts that they give . . . But by the hand that they offer you in your darkest hour.
- Nicoletta Lynn
May your night be lit by darkness.
- Nicoletta Lynn
"They say time heals all wounds . . . But my broken heart will never be healed by time . . . because time is the cause of my broken heart."
-Nicoletta Lynn
Graphics from and
Quotes from Goddess Aware Christian Women

My Blog

My Name

Here is a list of my pen names:   Nicolette Duddy Nicoletta Lynn Nicoletta Lynn Duddy Mistress Nicolette Colette Covington Nikki Dowd   I've used these names for fiction and New Age non-fict...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 03:53:00 PST

A Few Days Off

Hello Everyone, Just wanted to drop you a quick note letting you know that I'll be gone until some time on Sunday.  I have a killer deadline to meet, and I have to give it full attention.  ...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:36:00 PST

A Few Days Off

Hello Everyone, Just wanted to drop you a quick note letting you know that I'll be gone until some time on Sunday.  I have a killer deadline to meet, and I have to give it full concentration.&nbs...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:30:00 PST

The Crystal Dungeon

Greetings, I've been receiving many emails regarding my upcoming magazine, The Crystal Dungeon.  I want to thank everyone who is interested in contributing material.  As I review thing...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:18:00 PST

Thank You!

Special Thanks to all who commented on my poem, Christina.  I'll be posting a few more poems/stories during the upcoming weeks. I've also been receiving many emails regarding guidelines for ...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST

Christina (A Poem)

Most people, in the real world, can't understand a word that I say.  Unless the conversation is about the weather or what they had for dinner, they're lost.  I believe, while...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 06:15:00 PST

Just Some Stuff . . .

Well, it's very early Christmas morning EST., and Santa just stopped by with all his goodies . . . After entertaining him with cookies, milk, pizza and wings (along with several family members), I'm a...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:06:00 PST

Plans . . .

Greetings ~ I plan to use this wonderful journal board (blog) to post many interesting things, so please subscribe or check back now and then. Blessed Yule & Merry Christmas!  ...
Posted by Nicoletta ~ Mistress of Dark Words of Fire on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:01:00 PST