Koen Scherer_Drijfveren profile picture

Koen Scherer_Drijfveren


About Me

Koen Scherer, orthopedagogy-behavioural scientist
"In the last couple of years, Koen Scherer has focussed on coaching people to improvise from the heart, in music. He coaches people with little or no musical experience at all, but also works with professional musicians. Main thread is to develop a sense of something "self", something that distincts as an individual. Through improvisation he tries to bring people closer to who they are, just by letting them enjoy the process of making music. Theoretical knowledge and skills are not really important, the idea of expressing emotions in music is what it's all about. According to his vision, music made from within and with integrity, is per definition 'musical'. Koen plays the piano and aims to invite his pupils to join in and create a musical story while playing. Just by being part of that experience, people discover the range of their possibilities and feel good about themselves."
Koen had private lessons until the age of 16. His teacher was pianist Willem Kuhne, former head of the department Improvisational Music at the Conservatory of Tilburg, the Netherlands.
(photo: Cees van de Ven)
Koen Scherer, orthopedagoog-gedragswetenschapper
"De laatste jaren heeft Koen Scherer zich met name toegelegd op het begeleiden van mensen in vrije improvisatie op muzikaal gebied. Hij begeleidt mensen met weinig muzikale ervaring, maar ook professionals. Centraal staat het ontwikkelen van eigenheid. Door te improviseren in de muziek tracht hij mensen weer bij zichzelf te brengen, het plezier te laten ervaren van muziek maken. Theoretische kennis en vaardigheden zijn dan van ondergeschikt belang, het durven te uiten van gevoelens in de muziek staat centraal. In zijn visie is muziek die eigen is en integer gemaakt, per definitie muzikaal. Koen speelt zelf piano en tracht aan de hand van zijn eigen pianospel de ander uit te nodigen tot het spontaan tot stand laten komen van een muzikaal verhaal. Het ter plekke laten ontstaan van muziek ervaren velen als een ontdekking van eigen mogelijkheden."
Something In The Way He Moves - Jeg Synes
Improvisatie bij schilderkunst
(klik foto voor Volkskrantblog Jeg Synes)
This page is created by Gina/Mizar5 and Koen Scherer.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2007
Band Website: volkskrantblog.nl/blog/6779
Band Members:
(painting by Cheryl Leslie Smith )

Gina/Mizar5: "This is what you get when throwing a pebble into a pond. Circles spread in concentric motion. We have a piano, something funny from Garageband ( Floating Embers ) and Saskia Laroo on trumpet. The piano is played by Koen Scherer, it's his improvisation. I just added the synthetic sound as a learning experience mostly. I then asked Saskia whether she'd like to add some trumpet."

And she did.

We're curious how other musicians feel about "Love", which is the title of this short piece. So we asked a few. Chico Huff (bass) and Georg Wadenius (guitar) will also participate in this Improv project and share their musical impressions of "Love". Interested as well? Then please leave a comment or drop us a message and we'll send you the mp3's. There are four options so far. You can take a pick or work with them all. Piano, piano-synth, piano-trumpet, piano-synth-trumpet. Who knows where these circles may lead us!
JoPie also created a version of their own, you can click the link or check the Dutch Volkskrantblog about their specific take on Koen's improvisation.

Kathinka Poismans (musician-music therapist) works with autistic children. She studied Classical Piano at the Conservatory of Maastricht (the Netherlands), has a Masters degree in Music Therapy and is starting up a research project (of 4 years), which will complete her studies in the field. This Perpetuum Mobile-Improv Project, concentric motion will in some way be connected to her research program. Our goal is to document the relationship between music, (autistic) people, efforts of communication and its outcome. Your participation would be much appreciated!

Gina/Mizar5 and Koen Scherer
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Saskia Laroo: Lady Miles interview in All About Jazz

(By Gina/Mizar5) A new album will hit the streets on March 15. Her name garners respect and admiration. Trumpeter Saskia Laroo, also referred to as a trumpet stylist, has been performing more than thr...
Posted by Koen Scherer_Drijfveren on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:53:00 PST

JoPies Perpetuum Mobile version of Liefde

Noud Hovius is one of the bloggers in the Dutch Volkskrantblog community, but there's also a MySpace site, http://www.myspace.com/jopi for his music projects with a friend. They decided to participate...
Posted by Koen Scherer_Drijfveren on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:34:00 PST

Georg Wadenius added guitar!

Georg or Jojje Wadenius, a renowned professional (session) guitarist/composer/arranger/producer/studio owner (Made in Sweden, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Saturday Night Live, Luther Vandross, Roberta Flack,...
Posted by Koen Scherer_Drijfveren on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 04:16:00 PST

Perpetuum Mobile-Improv Project

(click image, painting by Cheryl Leslie Smith)Gina: "This is what you get when throwing a pebble into a pond. Circles spread in concentric motion. We have a piano, something funny from Garageband (Flo...
Posted by Koen Scherer_Drijfveren on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:45:00 PST