My parasite "Poseidon Goodtouch".Jumping cars. sports goggles. the breast informant. clubs in the philly area, destroying things in back rooms and taking offense when i'm confronted. chucking 40's off my roof. yelling "QUE"?!?! boobs on my shoulder, sweater kittens, local shows, kicking you in the face while you sleep. zombie practice. playing golf with beer bottles and pool sticks. "hot sexxx", maniacal laughter and falsetto singing. taco tuesday. WILD ZERO SATURDAYS. being a fat fatass. the sound of glass breaking, screenprinting. intensified. breaking things in the backyard....well, anywhere. climbing up the roof and yelling at people to set off better fireworks. fireworks in general....except bottlerockets. bacon. bacon. bacon. sausage. burgers. hot sausage. burgers. bacon. the jitney. weeshaun. kicking it. i mean kicking things. that's all.
"A defining moment for any misfit is finding others like yourself, even if the only thing you share is the feeling of not belonging anywhere else."
Also, a midget sword swallower.
Ska. Soul. Rocksteady. Roots Reggae. Skinhead Reggae. Rockabilly. Punk. Rockn'roll. TURBONEGRO (they're in a class of their own, goddammit.)
Anything with blood, guts, nudity, beheadings, eviserations, lacerations, disembowelment, scalping, stabbing, uhm...tidal waves of blood, cannibalism, zombies, pychopaths....ah, you get the point.
Fuck TV.
collected works of aleister crowley. abrahadabra.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes - the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing that you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.- Jack Kerouac