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Zombies make better boyfriends

I am here for Friends

About Me

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I can kick ass in 6 inch heels, bar brawl without ripping my skirt, slam shots of jager and not smear my lipstick, because I am that kind of classy girl! Honest to a fault and I usualy piss people off with it, but I dont mean to, I just havent learned tact yet. Deathly loyal to my friends, often outright bitchy to everyone else. I like going to shows working on cars, driving cars, getting ink, and new holes in myself and pretty pink things.
You Are 96% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?

My Interests

Zombies, Gore, horror movies,Cars, Tattoos, and piercings, beer, billiards, car shows, punk shows, Hanging out with my boys, I really dont hang out with girls, most of them are to much of a hassle. reading, being alone and outside, new socks, clean towels...

I'd like to meet:

just people friends are always good, and mostly I am looking for alot of the kids I used to run around with in Philly since I am living there again.


Rockabilly, psychobilly, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, Drop Kick Murphys, The Smiths, Speedevils, The Cure, Ministry, Thrill Kill Cult, Tom Petty, Anything from the 80's, Dead Kennedys, shackshakers, Operation Ivy, Psychocharger, Highway HiFi, Aliens and Strangers, Billy Idol, Generation X, David Bowie, David Allen Coe, Pigface, Blue Moon Boys,The Misfits, Flogging Molly, Black Flag, Blag 13, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Mos Def, Los Straightjackets, The Eels, The Cars ,Gin Palace Jesters, Waylon Jennings, Alkaline Trio, The Faint, Dangerville, The Cramps, Social Distortion, Boom Boom Cats, Blood for Blood, The Buzzcocks, Reggie and The Full Effect, Insidious Rays, Stiff Little Fingers, Conflict, Bad Brains, Merle Hagard, Tiger Army, The Used, The Vandals, The Clash, The Bouncing Souls, The Ataris , International Noise Conspiricy, Teen Idols, Drive by Truckers, The Exploited, Xray Spec, Something Corporate , The Deans, Joy Division, Guns n' Roses, Depeche Mode, New York Dolls, Dead Bolt, uncle Tupelo, Morissy, Emmylou Harris, Pukin Cowboys, Stray Cats so much I cant possibly write it here


the Last Time I commited Suicide, Boondock Saints, Big Lebowski, Twin Peaks the first season, Freeway, Labrynth, Office Space, most of Burtons work, Horror, bad Horror, Zombie anything.


Television?? I used to love adult swim and speed network. Watched alot of learning, history and discovery channels.ummm ohh yeah I am a Law and Order Junkie and I think I have seen every episode, CSI is also good..


Hmm I just read a book called the ethical slut and reread stranger in a strange land and atlas shrugged. so I guess that makes me a kinky dork...


betty paige, Ditta Von Tease, George Romero, Tim Burton, Dick Yuengling, the Re-Animater...

My Blog

why oh why does this shit happen to me....

so I got my phone lost/stolen on sunday night. Baught a new beautiful expensive phone Monday night. Last night the god damned Samoan calls me and we hang out. He is shit nasty wasted and proceeds to t...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 03:44:00 PST

weekend of doom

well I just picked up 12 hours of over time wich means unfourtunately that I am working 12 days straight but mmmmm paycheck! The Norwegian has reteurned from Norway which makes my toes curl just think...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 09:31:00 PST

pets are fun

I love the new kitten she amuses me more everyday. her antics are hysterical. I am hoping that I may have aquired a new pet since the norwegian isnt coming back from Norway. the new pet is adorable an...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 09:13:00 PST


so I had the weekend of hell got wasted friday and broke my spine in a near fatal miscalculation of the position of the toilet. then I lost my car keys saturday until sunday night got all pissed off h...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:49:00 PST

my flying monkeys will get you

no more hanging out with neighbors, samoans, or other miscreant types until all hours when I have to work. The samoan tells me that the bostonian is all about it, but  like him or not I dont ...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Sun, 14 May 2006 12:30:00 PST

so far from home

Alone the abscense of breathing beside me in the cold dark morning no laughing a long day spent by myself knowing you arent there to share in it. comparing everyone I meet falling short in the s...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:13:00 PST

hey man where you headed

going to see the disfunctional fam at thier best. Ambs, finally told the rents she is preggers, shawny boy got his license back and my dad moved into the barn. this should be fun fun fun.
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:02:00 PST

a weekend like no other

I am going home this weekend and I cannot wait it will be AWESOME old friends family drunken belligerence and love abounding. ahh the excitement 4 days and counting...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 05:12:00 PST

all work and no play makes Bree a dull girl

I have done NOTHING but work, sleep and be sick for like almost 8 days it is killing me. Tonight is for all of us to kick back and celebrate!
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 07:12:00 PST

my oh my

so I have taken the weekend to myself. I needed it. I have been sick and tired and generally feeling horrific. I slept alot didnt go out and spent quality time with myself. I learned a few things. Lik...
Posted by Zombies make better boyfriends on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 09:40:00 PST