Watching my beautiful daughter grow.:) I also am a Tigers & leopards (love the animal prints!)addict,I enjoy photography, drawing, making crafts, scrapbooking, learning feng shui, nature, animals, and trying to stay in shape. Although chocolate is one of my weaknesses.:( I also like angel figurines, waterglobes, butterflies, and anything with sparkle/glitter.;) I'm really into my candles (Gold Canyon Candles ROCK!), my water fountains, and anything to set a relaxing atmosphere. The sound and smell of the rain, waterfalls or sitting near a stream is comforting to me as well. When it comes time to have fun, I like to be spontaneous, laugh, live in the moment and don't look back!:)
To have passion and take pride, to make the best out of any situation and strives to better one self. One who does not judge others but is there to encourage and support. Someone who notices the small things in life, is thankful for all they have, and to give whole heartedly without selfishness. True friendship is hard to find, but once you do, cherish it and know you're blessed.*~ Life Is Not Measured By The Number Of Breaths We Take, But By The Number Of Moments That Take Our Breath Away. ~*Happiness Is Like A Butterfly: The More You Chase It, The More It Will Elude You. But If You Turn Your Attention To Other Things, It Will Come And Sit Softly On Your Shoulder.....
Enigma is my all time favorite, Elu, Yanni, Tori Amos, Stevie Nicks, Rosetta Stone, Sisters of Mercy, Moby, Depeche Mode, James Blunt, anything Rock/Heavy Metal, Relaxation/Sensual/Erotic, Techno. I like it all!:)
I like the typical tear jerker *chic flicks*, anything funny, and suspense. Movies that have a good meaning behind them and those that can make you laugh so hard! :)
Don't really watch much television. But, when I do get a chance, I may watch the news or a tv show I like is that 70's show and any ~home~ shows. Oh wait a minute, I get addicted to watching QVC late at night if I can't sleep! Lol!
Books on health, sensuality, poetry, inspirational, parenting, or flipping through a magazine. I really enjoy looking through magazines that consist of craft making,scrapbooking, and educational toys for my little girl.
My daughter who is teaching me to live to the fullest, laugh and enjoy all that is around me. Even the little things.:)