Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. profile picture

Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hello, my name is Mary-Louise. I was named after Mary-Louise Parker, who plays Nancy on the TV show "Weeds". I was born August 6, 2007. I'm grown from a feminized BC Buddha (BC Bud) seed. That means I'm a female marijuana plant. I'm growing next to exclusively female plants so I won't produce any seeds, and since there's no males around to pollinate me I will take that "seed-producing" energy and produce more THC instead. I'm just a toddler now but someday I hope to grow up to be an ounce of some tasty smoke. I want to grow up to be an ounce of some icky sticky funky skunky smelly green shit. But I don't know, my grower is a noob.
I'm here on Myspace to make friends, so add me!!

My Interests

I like lots of sunlight, water and vitamins. I love to kick it in my black flowerpot in the sun. Someday I hope to move to a real indoor growlight. I'm thinking a metal-halide light.

I'd like to meet:

The guy who first put my ancestors in a pipe and smoked them.Myspace Contact Tables


Cypress Hill, Willie Nelson


Friday, Up In Smoke
DEA Agent Shoots Own Foot


Weeds, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Robot Chicken, Family Guy


Jack Herer

My Blog

My own country

NEXT STEP              What's the next step? In life there's always a next step, and another one after that, and so on. Let's take an example: a...
Posted by Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:46:00 PST

Shoulder injury, Vicodin, unemployment

Now I will recount for you the story of how my grower got to where he is today. To make it more personal, I will pretend that I am him. It was April 2004 and I was having lunch with a woman I wor...
Posted by Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 04:54:00 PST


My grower just got his new grow light yesterday! I'm so excited! Tomorrow he says he's gonna move me to the grow room with the real grow light. Up until now, I've been outside in the sun during the da...
Posted by Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 02:34:00 PST


We're going BIG TIME!!! My grower finally ordered a top-notch 400 watt grow light. WOO HOO!!! It's about time. It should arrive within a week. I can't wait to soak up some of those special rays. He's ...
Posted by Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:28:00 PST


I think my grower doesn't know what he's doing. I need some faster-draining soil. This dirt he's got me in is retaining way too much water and isn't great for my roots. I can live with it for now but ...
Posted by Mary-Louise BC Bud Plant M.D. on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 01:19:00 PST