Jeff Ostrander profile picture

Jeff Ostrander

None of us is as smart as all of us

About Me

I really dislike writing about myself; this small piece is from the profile on my website.
Jeff first found interest in paranormal phenomena many years ago after learning of his grandfathers gift to see and be open with the spirit world, unfortunately he was to young to understand and be supportive to him before he passed away, when his grandfather was growing up he was labeled as crazy due to the fact his gift was not understood buy his family.
Jeff now has acquired many books of notes his grandfather wrote to document his experiences. Now having the ability to continue to document occurrences and work with other groups to help achieve the answer about why some spirits are bound to the earth forever.
I investigate locations all over Ontario CANADA and the USA. If you are part of a Paranormal group and would like me to join you on an investigation Email Me
To visit my website click here on Jeff's Paranormal
Outside of the Paranormal, I have a wife and 3 wonderful children. WE LOVE Monster Truck racing and have traveled to the United States to see the top trucks in the USHRA.
I also enjoy riding my motorcycles. There is nothing like riding down a winding, country road surrounded by trees! I have found this to be the best way to take the stress away and leave your troubles behind.

My Interests

Paranormal Studies.................Here are a few pictures from the Mid-South Conference and Palace Theatre Investigation September 23-24 2006 Louisville, Kentucky.
Create Your Own!

I'd like to meet:

At this point with being involved in Paranormal Research, I would like to meet people who share my enthusiasm in this life long journey.

I would like to also meet people who work hard to get proof positive scientific results without crossing the fine line of having photo's or EVP'S the are not 100% unexplainable.

I hope to meet people that want to make a difference in Paranormal Research. Learn from the ones who have done this for many years and are kind enough to pass on their knowledge to guide the students who will possibly make a difference in the future.

ALSO, I am trying to break the myths of "They Say". "They Say" ghosts do this... use this piece of equipment because "They Say". Who is "They" and where is the documentation???

It's time we pave new roads on this journey and stop traveling down the same ones.


I enjoy a wide variety from classical, pop, classic rock...every type of music has a place in my life.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Sixth Sense, and A Haunting in Connecticut... basically I like all documentaries that involve the paranormal, as close to the truth as possible without stretching for the viewer.


Creepy Canada, we shot 1 episode in 2003 together and 3 episodes in 2006
| View | Add Favorite 2003 Thorold Tunnel, Thorold Ontario CANADA 2005 Mcburney Park (Skeleton Park) Kingston, Ontario CANADA 2005 Fiddlers Green Pub Cambridge, Ontario CANADA 2005 Keefer Mansion Thorold, Ontario CANADA


I am currently reading "Shadows Of The Dark" John Zaffis and Brian McIntyre, and continue to read my grandfathers journals from his psychic experiences.

Ghost Tech - Vince Wilson

Ghost Science - Vince Wilson

Haunted People, Haunted Minds - Bobby Atristain

I have been asked several times. If I wanted to be a paranormal Investigator where do I start?

The best piece of advice I can give anyone wanting to get involved in paranormal studies is read lots of books, not about one subject or one author but learn about many subjects and read many author's view's. Another thing which is very important is to reflect on is what you skill you can bring to the paranormal community.

The most important thing that I cannot stress enough is be professional, being invited into ones home or business is a gift, be friendly and respectful and represent the paranormal community in a positive fashion.


My hero's are my family and friends who support me as I push on to prove the existence of ghosts as I travel on this lifelong journey. I am here to help people who feel helpless dealing with what they believe to be the unknown and I will gain knowledge in return........In loving memory of my grandfather Ken Sydney, I will see you some day and we will have lots to talk about......I love you with all of my heart.

My Blog

Jeff and Violet on the front page of the Barrie Examiner

Ghostly Pursuit; Paranormal investigators try to explain the unexplained Posted By Kelly Pottage Got ghosts? Maybe a spirit or two? A levitation getting you down? Or perhaps you've had an unexplainabl...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:12:00 PST

Profile picture, do you think it's a ghost? Please read

Hello fellow investigators, I think now is the time I share with all of you about my profile picture. This picture was taken at Fort Henry in Kingston Ontario CANADA in 2005. This location is reported...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 08:30:00 PST

Not giving up

I don't know how many times I have wanted to give up from the lack of evidence I have collected over the years of investigating.   Sometimes I wonder what an I doing wrong? but a part of we also...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:19:00 PST

Location Interview

Hello fellow investigators, now is the time for all the groups to put our heads together and help each other document the paranormal instead of working in a competitive fashion, as I said before I am...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:19:00 PST

Equipment checklist

Here is a copy of my equipment checklist before heading out on an investigation; I wanted to share this with all groups. This may help avoid getting to an investigation and realizing you have not pack...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 05:06:00 PST

On the road to recovery

Hello everyone, I just want to let you know I am well on the road to recovery from my hernia surgery. I went back to work last Tuesday on light duty, mind you I work at a desk so light duty means I ju...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:33:00 PST

Enough with the Orbs

Although I did not write this article, it is a very good piece of information for those who are in the paranormal field whether you are an experienced investigator or you have recently started your ow...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:59:00 PST

Ghost Detection

Good morning to my friends and colleges,    I have been doing some thinking about offering free training to the paranormal groups in Southern Ontario Canada. It would include tips on Intervi...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 06:45:00 PST

Ouija Board Session

I recently received an email from some one; they had just purchased a Ouija Board / Spirit board and wanted some tips on conducting a session. I wanted to share this with my new friends on My Space. ...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:39:00 PST

Thank you

I would like to say a special "Thank You" to everyone who has submitted stories of their possible haunted locations please KEEP THEM COMING I am in the process of opening new case files.   If you...
Posted by Jeff Ostrander on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:54:00 PST