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I am here for Friends

About Me

Im a wife, mother, and best friend to all. Im a demogirl and a ghost investigator. The addy for our paranormal site is

My Interests

I love camping, hiking, canoing, photograghy, swimming, biking, paranormal investigations. Oh ya and i love to flirt its like a sport for me lol.

I'd like to meet:

People who are open minded and make new friends, because friends are for life.


Classic rock ,heavy metal, classical symphony, some opera,blues and some jazz.


Based on true stories and horror.


CSI las vegas, rescue mediums.


None fictions and horror. Some romance ones just to stir it up a bit.


Mother Teresa and Mandela

My Blog

Screening new recruits

How much and how does one have to go to screen new recruits with out getting bit in the ass by them after so many months? For our team is a three month probation. But in light of what has happened in ...
Posted by Sharon on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:52:00 PST

Do’s and don’ts for investigations.

Things you do not do on a investigation:1: Do not let somone who does not know how to hold a camcorder without shaking about like its a toy.Do: put it on a tripod and practice at home not on an invest...
Posted by Sharon on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:52:00 PST