Rob and Amie are a paranormal team called Paranormal Research Investigation and Renunciation (PRIAR). We are located in Rhode Island and we travel throughout New England to investigate paranormal phenomenon. Private home or business investigations are always free of charge though some destinations may require prearranged travel reimbursement.
Our practice provides our clients with private intimate investigations. We will assist our clients in validating or debunking their encounters by providing them with thorough analysis of our findings/conclusions. Our strong Christian faith allows us to perform house blessings upon specific request.
PRIAR maintains a scientific perspective at all times. If you feel you need an investigation or would like to refer an investigation please email us @ [email protected]. We are also available for collaborative consultation or investigations with other groups. Sincerely, Rob and Amie
Robert - Rob served his country as a U.S. Navy Seabee for ten years. Injury forced his retirement as a veteran in 2005. Rob has experienced paranormal phenomena throughout his life and has been actively investigating the paranormal for over 8 years. Since 2004 Rob has maintained his research under professional affiliation. His approach to paranormal investigating is both scientific and spiritual. Rob's gifts of Discernment, Clairaudience and Clairsentience are useful tools though they are not a primary tool and will not be disclosed as part of the evidence unless the client should specifically request this information. His strong Christian faith has allowed him to cleanse houses of oppressive entities. EVPs are his passion and he is a spiritual adviser.
Amie - Amie is a homecare Hospice Registered Nurse and has a Bachelors Degree in Science from Rhode Island College. Her interest in the paranormal after a personal experience intrigued her to search for evidence of life after death. Amie began her search skeptical of paranormal phenomena over 5 years ago. Though she is now a believer, her approach to paranormal investigating is both scientific and evidence based