Doyle profile picture


The bastard son of Belfast

About Me

Myspace Layouts You may know me as Doyle or Dirty Uncle Doyle. Perhaps you've heard of Mickey Black. Remember the name Doyle Falcone? Or you'd prefer to refer to me as Smooth Leo Milano. Does Mr. Starch ring a bell? Any which way you cut it, I'm the Irish bass player in Jersey's busiest band, the Hudson Falcons Inbetween collecting a pension or tattoos (whichever comes first) I do a little bit of modeling as well. Inquire within. .. "/On my downtime, I'm in a D.C.-based punk band called DUI. I write the music and most of the lyrics. Think oi-hardcore blended with Irish harmonies. If you feel so inclined, check out my record label; Workers United Records. www.workersunitedrecords.comI'm not big on talking politics or religion. The way I see it, at the end of the day, you have to square it between you and God, or you and yourself, so why get me involved? On a brighter note, at the end of every Sunday during the fall, this is what its all about. My loyalty knows no end for the Burgundy and Gold. Hail To The Redskins!!
D Delicious
O Outrageous
Y Young
L Lively
E Entertaining
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From Go-Quiz.comTake the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.Take the quiz: "Which member of Guns N' Roses are you?"

Duff McKagan
You are Duff McKagan, the bassist of GN'R. You've got a lot of friends & can drink anyone under a table. You're pretty social, but don't like to steal with spotlight too much. People like you how you are.Take the quiz: "WHICH MEMBER OF MOTLEY CRUE ARE U?"

Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You can intelligently debate any topic from theology, history, literature and philosphy... though only while you're out of your skull on booze.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which NFC East team are you?
You are the Redskins. You did the best in the division this year, going further than any others in the playoffs. Your team had good chemistry, but you didn't have enough experience. Your team has had a history of success. You've been in 5 Super Bowls, winning 3 of them.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeAt the end of the day, I enjoy a good pint of Guinness and a good coffee. Coffee, at the end of the day? Yep. I've been on the road for what seems like a long time now, seen some weird and really bad shit, heard a lot of bullshit and stranger-than-fiction stories, and through all of it, I think I can proudly say, I'm a less-complicated person than 75% to 80% of the rest of the people in the world. I've got my idiosyncracies [did I spell that right?], who doesn't? I know I come off like a weird dude sometimes, but I'm a chill dude who's way too into music and the Washington Redskins for his own good. I'd like to take a moment real quick to say hi to some friends that I haven't seen, talked to or heard from in what seems like forever. I hope that everyone is doing great and I miss all of you. You all have my love and I hope that you are able to pass that love along to your family and friends. Myspace Contact Tables Myspace Codes

My Interests

Check out my band DUI on our website www.duitilyoudie.comor check out some mp3s on have a myspace page in the works

I'd like to meet:

[The above image was stolen from Patrick Riggs and]


Punk [not this lame gay shit you hear on the radio now], 60's outlaw country, early Delta blues, hellbilly, OI, old-school ska [fuck 3rd wave NoDoubt bands] raggaton [its gets the ladies movin' in that special kind of way], NY hardcore and of course more traditional Irish songs. Bands-DUI, Charm City Saints, Big Daddy Chrome, The Screws, Fighting Chance, Hell To Pay, Latchkey, VPR, The Stabones, The Unabombers, The Strap-Ons, Social Dropouts, Misfits, The Goons, Generation-X, 4-skins, Cockney Rejects, Roger Miret and the Disasters, Pietasters, Cocksparrer, The Business, Infa-Riot, Born To Lose, The Crum-Bums, The Reddmen, Waylon Jennings, Hank Snow, Merle Haggard, The Meteors, Stout City Luchidores, Dog Company, Danzig, Samhain, Social Distortion, Hank Williams, Hank, Jr., Hank III, Little White Pills, Gary Og, Cro-Mags, The Clash, Agnostic Front, Dropkick Murphys, Street Dogs, The Screws, Emscherkurve 77, Chuck Damage, Supreme Commander, The Bombdolls, Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Official, Babies With Rabies, Alleged Bricks, Billy Idol, Rancid, Lars Fredericksen and the Bastards, Worn Thin, Mata-Ratos, Damage Case, Resent, Scheduled Beating, Booboisie, Hudson Falcons, Iron Cross, Condemned 84, The Templars, Scott Biram, Mobtown Hooligans, The Revelevens, Like No Tomorrow, The Boils, Tupac, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Ratos de Parao, Los Fastidios, The Oppressed, Klasse Kriminal, Violent Society, Belfast Brigade, Still Little Fingers, Deliberate Intent, Whiskey Rebels, Underboss, Five Families, Wailing Wall, Uno, Barry White, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, Teddy Pendergrass, Etta James, Son House, Robert Johnson, Elmore James, Bob Marley, Damien Marley, Ziggy Marley, Elvin Bishop, The Shit, Shooter Jennings, The Bluerunners, Peter Tosh, El Barrio, The Meters, Rose Tattoo, The Bruisers, Madball, and of course, my baby-girl, Adina Howard All joking aside, to anyone who reads this, please make sure that they play Hole's "Malibu" at my funeral.


Like I've got time to wätch televisiön


Any type of history book is cool with me. I've been getting into books on social science, political commentary and tattoo works as well. Noel Ignatiev, Victor Hugo and Richard Marcinko are some authors I really dig. I'm down with the classics, i.e. The Odyssey, the Illiad and in my opinion the best one of the classic "Ancient Trilogy", the Aeneid. If you're into some interesting theories about how the earth came to be, check out The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin. Take it with a grain of salt, but its definently a cool reading, and a lot of what he says does make sense. The best book I've ever read though, hands down, is The Godfather by Mario Puzo. The movie rules, but the book kicks the movie in the ass.


R.E.D. [if you don't know, go to and download RED].

My Blog

I gotta thank Rapid City!

I gotta thank Rapid City. I have to. There's no other way to get around it. We had SUCH a good time playing Rapid City on Saturday night, and just the fact that they're bringing us around for one more...
Posted by Doyle on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 04:45:00 PST

Putting things into perspective

I dunno if funny is the right word to use, but I'm gonna use it cause I'm tired and too lazy to think of a more appropriate word at this point; Its "funny" how things fall into perspective when you're...
Posted by Doyle on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 03:03:00 PST

And once again, we find ourselves on the road

What the fuck is up? The Falcons are back on the road, plowing through towns and leaving a trail of beers and tears behind. Hahahaha. Thats what some kid said to me the other night at our show in Marq...
Posted by Doyle on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 05:33:00 PST

The next couple of days

Whats happenin'? Its been a while since I've been on this thing. Our internet is no more, so the wife and I are either utilizing the net at work or taking the subway to this kick-ass coffee shop that ...
Posted by Doyle on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:29:00 PST

Rules for dating musicians

This goes out to the ladies, and I'm sure many of you know someone that is guilty of breaking a couple of these rules. This was stolen, BTW, from Carlin. -Don't try to be the "manager", do not get inv...
Posted by Doyle on Fri, 12 May 2006 07:07:00 PST

Dublin Calling

Goddam its good to be a gangsta. And its good to be back home. My home away from home. Ireland. The ENTIRE island, not just the republic. I can't begin to express how overwhelming the emotions are tha...
Posted by Doyle on Mon, 01 May 2006 10:25:00 PST

Before I get outta here

I'm off for the Hudson Falcons European tour in a couple of hours, so, before I forget, I just wanna apologize to anyone whom I haven't gotten back to yet. Between moving to Brooklyn, the wedding, hea...
Posted by Doyle on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 09:43:00 PST

So get this

I'm in the gym tonight and some dude comes up to me and says some mouthy shit like "I've been watching the way you lift. It seems to me like you've got a chip on your shoulder. You should be in anger ...
Posted by Doyle on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 04:41:00 PST

The rumors are true

Yep, I'm playing bass for the Hudson Falcons. I posted the news on the DUI website, but I got a LOT of emails from people that were surprised about what was going on with DUI. Just to clear up any con...
Posted by Doyle on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 05:18:00 PST

Just to be clear

No I was not in Menudo. That is all.
Posted by Doyle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST