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About Me

I'm a country brat living in the suburbs, transplanted from the city. I'm into Christianity, cars, guitars, guns, home improvement, and a good bourbon or scotch*. Rumor has it that I'm also handy with technology, but I disavow any knowledge of that. I live in Cockeysville, MD with my awesome wife , our son, and our dogs.
I believe that my meat and dairy should be pastured or free-range. I believe in sustainable farming , devoid of hormones, artificial diets, and antibiotics. I believe my fruits and vegetables shouldn't be covered in pesticides, and that they should be grown from seeds that haven't been manipulated in a lab. I believe I shouldn't have to take extra steps to eat food that hasn't been exposed to radiation . I believe in the Nicene Creed . I believe in attachment parenting , and breastfeeding in public, not in bathrooms. I believe in taking the whole baby home . I believe in shopping locally , and not spending any more money than is necessary in big corporate stores. I believe in composting and recycling everything I can. I believe Big Pharma © is evil. I believe I shouldn't be forced by the government to inject my child with heavy metals . I believe if the answer is "Republicans" or "Democrats," then the question is stupid. I believe in milk that hasn't been pasteurized or homogenized . I believe in civil disobedience, if it's in obedience to Christ. I believe in spending less money on stealth bombers, and more money on homeless shelters, aid for veterans, and vocational training for the impoverished. I believe it's wrong to kill people, inside the womb our outside the womb, with a scalpel or with an electric chair. I believe the "American dream" is a nightmare. I believe Jesus would kill His television . I believe arresting addicts is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I believe, in the words of Ozzy Osbourne, that " maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate. " I believe every person should have food and a place to stay, so please save that "some homeless people want to be homeless" bullshit for somebody else.

I play guitar and scream for Big Daddy Chrome (also on MySpace, [ here ]. My musical resume, in brief (a self-indulgent thing, at best):Disillusion (1990-1992) Blast Furnace (1991-1992) Hollow (1995-1997) Killfile (1997) Slick 57 (1997-1998) Big Daddy Chrome (2002-present)I've covered pretty much every angle I could imagine...punk, hardcore, industrial, rockabilly, solo "alt.country" performances for a couple years, and finally, good ole American rock'n'roll.

I am currently in the process of restoring three rad old cars: a '65 Dodge Dart, a '67 Dodge Coronet 440, and a '48 Chevy Fleetmaster sedan. The Dart belongs to my wife, Alison; it was a wedding present from me to her. The Coronet should be done this fall(2006), at least to the point of being roadworthy, while both the Dart and the Fleetmaster have a projected completion date of "sometime next summer."

My favorite kinds of music are hardcore (the real stuff, not this emofashioncore crap), rock'n'roll, oldschool country, bluegrass gospel, 50s rock, punk, rockabilly, 80s hair metal, 80s new wave and pop, goth/industrial/ebm/synthpop/etc.

I'm a partner in Workers United Records . Workers United focuses on working class music, such as hardcore, punk, ska, real rock'n'roll, etc. To date, we've released:the Mobtown Hooligans/Weekend Warriors split 7" The Big Daddy Chrome full length, Bad Timing The official 4 Skins tribute record: The Good, The Bad, The 4 Skins Tribute The newest CD from Fighting Chance, Terror, Hate, Fear .

I'm presently studying for the Priesthood within the Continuing (orthodox) Anglican Church. It's a long road to ordination when you can only study part time, but I'm more than happy to simply be on the trip.
I like politics, but I don't like stupid debates. I'll enjoy a spirited discussion any time, but I won't apologize for my beliefs. Just because I have a lot of ink and piercings, doesn't mean I play for your team. This is what a conservative looks like. A compassionate, anti-racist, socially progressive conservative, but a conservative nonetheless. However, please stop adding me to all of your horrid MySpace Groups, with names like "DUDE BUSH IS SO AWESOME AND LIBERALS ARE TEH GAY." I'm not down with that. Seriously. You people must be high.

I used to be a Republican, but one day I grew my soul back. I'm now registered as an independent, and hope and pray that Dr. Ron Paul gets a real chance at the Presidency. I abandoned any faith in the two party system long ago.

My Interests

Jesus, my family, cars, guitars, guns, unix, tattoos, home improvement, working with my hands, local economics, locally produced food, free range/pastured food, community supported agriculture, compost, sustainable living, homelessness, social justice, single malts.

I'd like to meet:

Maybe you. Maybe not. Did you bring beer and/or pie?


Social Distortion, Simple Minds, Naked Raygun, Pegboy, U2, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard,No Innocent Victim, Joy Division, Editors, Interpol, Husker Du, Sugar, pretty much anything Bob Mould has ever done, Killers, X, New Order, Dead Kennedys, Fear, Bruce Springsteen, Motorhead, the Cure, the Smiths, North Side Kings, Sheer Terror, Tears for Fears, AC/DC, The Cult, Sick of it All, Apoptygma Berzerk, Drive-by Truckers, Strongarm, Cro-Mags, Whiskeytown, SonVolt, Echoing Green, Project Pitchfork, Clutch, Breakdown, Murphy's Law, Next Step Up, Gut Instinct, Judge, War of Ages, The Enablers, The Deal, The Showdown, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Warzone, Sisters of Mercy, Minor Threat, oldschool Baltimore punk/hardcore (Red Die No. 9, DefCon, the 4 Fiends, Just Cause, etc.)

All the old 80s stuff, back when rock and roll was FUN: Guns'n'Roses, Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Maiden, Kix, etc. All the 80s new wave/pop.


Terminator series, Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, Falling Down, Super Troopers, Eastwood westerns, Goodfellas, Better Off Dead, Grosse Pointe Blank, Say Anything, One Crazy Summer, High Fidelity....if you make fun of me for being a Cusack nerd, I'll burn your house down.


I avoid network TV, except for old stuff on DVD (X-Files, Monty Python, Dukes of Hazzard, CHiPs, Sanford and Son)

On the rare occasion we turn the tv on otherwise, I dig anything on The History Channel, The Learning Channel, HGTV, etc.


The Bible, the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, dusty old books on liturgics, orthodoxy, and the early Church, zines, funky DIY stuff, anything tech related, socio-political stuff (fringy or otherwise), etc. etc.


Jesus Christ, my mom and dad

My Blog

Amazon.Com sells dog fighting and cock fighting videos

This isn't internet rumour or urban legend: Amazon.Com sells books and videos about dog fighting and cock fighting.  Go here to send a letter to Amazon CEO Jeffrey Bezos, telling him that you won...
Posted by Michael on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:56:00 PST

Attention all my Christian brothers and sisters, please read immediately

Fred Phelps and his crew of hatemongers are going to be in Harford County, Md tomorrow (Saturday 09/30) to protest the funeral of a fallen soldier.  In the unlikely event you don't know about Phe...
Posted by Michael on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

Swank, I finally got a garage

Awwwwwwwww yeah.....I finally got a garage. I got a double, a block from the house. It has power, so I don't need to putz around with a generator, or anything lame like that. I now FINALLY have the...
Posted by Michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

new Blood For Blood

I've heard a couple friends say they don't like this as much as Livin' In Exile. WTF? This friggin' ROCKS.
Posted by Michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST