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About Me

This page has been started to help musicians and other professional performing acts. The goal is to help keep you informed about venues and most specifically, to help let you know when a venue has acted in an "unfair" manner. "Unfair" practices may include, but are not limited to:
Payment less than the agreed upon amount.Food and drink allowances that are promised and not honored.Last minute cancellations without offer of pay.Hazardous performing conditions - poor electrics, unsafe stages, etc.
We all know that choosing this way of life is a crapshoot, right? But, when certain venues are repeatedly being discussed in your area, for one of the above practices, post a comment and say, "hey, I want to let you know about...."
By the same token, when you have a great venue to tell us about, please DO!!
Disclaimer All content on this page is subjective, so when in doubt or when you have concerns about a venue, contact them first. One band's poor experience may be for reasons beyond the venue's control.
Rules Personal attacks of individuals will not be tolerated. Please limit your comments to a discussion of the venue, and avoid name calling.
Blogs will be updated and listed by state as comments or letters are received.
Thanks! and let's Keep Music Live!
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My Blog

Tennessee Venue List - Please be brief here....

Positive Reviews and Thumbs Up To:Downtown Grill and BreweryWDVX Blue Plate Special - (No pay, great exposure)Prince DeliCorner LoungeOn the Venue Watch List:Sullivan'sManhattan'sBackYard BBQOld City ...
Posted by venuewatch on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:35:00 PST

Please be certain of your post

Hey everyone....hope you are all well!My title here says "Please be certain of your post," and this is the reason why. Monday there was a message from someone who had left a comment. Seems that they ...
Posted by venuewatch on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:01:00 PST

South Carolina

Posted in comments 8/6/07, from Joltwagon."If your looking for a great place to play in Greenville SC. Look at Gypsy G's. Scott is the owner and he is a great musican as well. We had a great time play...
Posted by venuewatch on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 10:01:00 PST


Who's job is it? Is it the band's job? The venue's? How is it best done?What are your thoughts on this topic?
Posted by venuewatch on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:15:00 PST

Wow, Tennessee!

We've picked up friends in other locales too, but Tennessee, you rock!Thanks for the comments received thus far. Remember, this page is for you! Not me....
Posted by venuewatch on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 05:02:00 PST

Tennessee Venues

More on Sullivan's, et al, in Knoxville TN. This is an excerpt from a letter sent in this evening. The original may be found at Medford's Black Record Collection blog."We have played dozens of shows...
Posted by venuewatch on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:32:00 PST