Knox Gigs profile picture

Knox Gigs

Support Knoxville's local music scene!

About Me

Website -

E-mail - knoxgigs at gmail dot com

Yahoo! - user ID: knoxgigs || AOL - user ID: knoxgigs

Thanks for visiting the
Knox Gigs
MySpace page!
Established in early 2006, Knox Gigs' goal is to spread the word on Knoxville's local musicians and local music scene.
We do our best to keep the Event Calendar updated, as well as review shows and venues to promote up-and-coming bands and artists from K-town.
Additionally, many out-of-town performers have added Knox Gigs as a friend here, to keep up to date with what's going on locally.
Our only caveat to you is this: we don't do bookings. At all. Ever. That's all.
If you are a musician, band, or fan, and you'd like an upcoming Knoxville show added to the Event Calendar, just drop us a message or e-mail. Thanks for supporting local Knoxville music!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Click this link to subscribe, and keep up with the latest on local shows, bands, fans, and more from Knox Gigs.


A few favorite local bands include...

My Blog

6.12.07 - Literal sound "bite"

looks good:sounds good:Head down to Downtown Grill & Brewery (Gay Street, Knoxville) to see the talented (and often barefoot) Cornbred frontman himself, Jon Worley, perform solo tonight. Show star...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:47:00 PST

Hottfest 2007 @ Corner Lounge

Hottfest is coming! Later this summer, the third annual edition of this Knoxville music celebration will be kicking off. The line-up for this year's Hottfest at Corner Lounge (842 N. Central Ave., K...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 10:44:00 PST

6.5.07 - Technology at its finest

A Most Sincere Apology from Your Friends at KnoxGigs: We're sorry. Due to computer issues, we haven't been able to update daily for the past few days. Stay strong, brothers and sisters, for there is h...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:26:00 PST

Knox Gigs' Artist of the Month: And the winner is... Overwhelmingly our winner for June, Mr. Thomas is slated for some live shows this month! June 8 - The Pint House June 9 - Blount County Humane Society Benef...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:12:00 PST

Knox Gigs Artist of the Month Poll: Counting down the hours

Alright, folks.. Just over 24 hours left to cast your vote for Knox Gigs' Artist of the Month! Remember to leave a comment here, on the main page, send us a message or email with your pick of ban...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Thu, 31 May 2007 07:40:00 PST

Talk about community - you rock, Knoxville!

I posted a bulletin earlier about a Knoxville band on tour in New England who had some of their stuff stolen.. looking at my own friends' bulletins, I can see how many people are thoughtful and caring...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:22:00 PST

5.28.07 - Memorial Day

Today's a day to remember people who make a difference and who have made a difference. I thank everyone who has made sacrifices to improve the community and impact the world. Life is too short to...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:11:00 PST

5.27.07 - No early bedtime for you!

Head on down there now. Trust us, your appetite for good, loud K-town rock will surely be satisfied. Tasty!...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:47:00 PST

Knox Gigs Artist of the Month Poll: Still time to vote!

sound off! Have you voted for your choice in Knox Gigs' Artist of the Month? There are only 4 days left to make yourself heard. Send us a message, leave us a comment... tell us who you're rooting fo...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Sun, 27 May 2007 11:54:00 PST

Event Calendar Update - RESOLVED

Hi Folks, Sorry there's only one listing for today's event calendar. We're having some MySpace issues with that feature.. hope to have it resolved very soon. It's fixed now - events are listed thru Fr...
Posted by Knox Gigs on Sat, 26 May 2007 07:47:00 PST