Matt Woods' Plan A profile picture

Matt Woods' Plan A


About Me


Top 12 DIY Picks by Lee Zimmerman
"It’s only a matter of time before singer-songwriter Matt Woods finds wider recognition. His second album offers the immediacy and accessibility that major labels generally latch onto. On songs like “My Way,” “Flight to California” and “Lonely Ones,” Woods wades through one emotional tempest after another, garnering powerful, affecting performances that resonate even on first hearing.
Woods matches his commanding vocals with an ace backing band in Plan A. Together they provide the riveting, rock-solid arrangements these tunes call for—whether turning up the heat for a searing rocker or adding just the right touch of nuance to one of Woods’ searing, sad-eyed ballads. It’s that balance between frenzy and finesse that gives these rugged, restless narratives an unequivocal sense of determination and purpose."
A Change of Plan by Mike Gibson
"Plan A sounds like a song-oriented band, sure enough, but the songs are tough as well as tuneful, spurred on by more than enough overdriven guitar-play to satisfy fans of Magpie Suite.
Plan A's lyrics are a cut above most confessional rock songwriter fare. Woods is a plainspoken fellow, a guy who mostly wears his heart on his sleeve. But he's also capable of clever metaphor, of penning just the right wry observation to ensure that his deeply personal lyrics engage, coming off as universal reather than as maudlin or self-absorbed."
First of all you should know Matt has been a figure on the Southeastern music scene for nearly a decade. This East Tennessee native settled in Knoxville as an eager teenager in the mid-nineties and soon exploded onto the thriving scene which thrust bands such as Superdrag, The Judybats, and The V-Roys into the national spotlight. Since then he has enjoyed musical successes as both a solo performer and with several rock outfits. Along the way, Matt shared the stage with the likes of CAKE, Drivin’ n’ Cryin,’ Will Hoge, Kevn Kinney, Garrison Starr, Tim Lee, Mic Harrison (of the V-roys and Superdrag), Doug Gillard (of Guided by Voices), Col. Bruce Hampton, Graham Colton, Brian Vander Ark (of The Verve Pipe) and a seemingly never-ending list of talented independant artists who aren’t getting the widespread respect they deserve from points around the globe.
It was spring of 2004 when Matt’s Plan A vision started to take hold. Recording with producer Don Coffey, Jr. (Superdrag), the first Plan A album was crafted and then released into the world. 'The View Through These Words' (Disgraceland Records) received much acclaim and the band set out on the road in support of it’s debut. With that, Matt Woods’ Plan A was winning over crowds from New York’s infamous CBGB to Miami’s oldest venue, Tobacco Road (not to mention countless clubs in between).
Having a successful debut release and several supporting tours, the Plan A guys found themselves in Edwin McCain’s new OMG studios in the spring of 2006 to begin work on their follow-up album, 'Caught Up In The Fray.' Having taken time to do things right, Matt Woods’ Plan A is releasing their sophomore effort and will be on the road in support throughout 2007. The album, which has already begun to garner a great deal of buzz, is not to be missed. Rest assured you wil have your chance to catch this rising act along the way as they expand their touring radius expedentially.
In short, Plan A is the latest musical concoction from Matt Woods. This talented singer/songwriter has put together a top-notch rock band and an enchanting collection of tunes. Doing roughly 200 or so shows a year, Matt is bringing his experiences and stories to anyone who will listen.

"It's just a matter of time before Plan A receives greater recognition for what local folks already know them to be: one damned good rock band!”
- Bethany Tomkins (Knoxville 520/WUTK 90.3)


My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

Matt Woods - Vocals, Guitar
Brian Jolley - Lead Guitar
Devan Brewer - Drums Tommie Eakins - Bass





Sounds Like: Plan A, just like Plan A and only like Plan A though some have said we remind them of these:
Drivin n' Cryin
Gin Blossoms
Matchbox 20

View Matt Woods' Plan A's EPK
Record Label: Disgraceland Records (
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Guitar Center Radio

Hey there gang!  Hope everyone's summer is off to a good start.  We are getting ready to hit the road some in July and are looking forward to seeing many of you while we're out there.  ...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:04:00 PST

NEWS: A very Plan A summer

Well as most of you may have already heard, we now have yet another new member, Mr. Tommie Eakins on bass guitar!  If you have followed the band for a while, you already know we have had a rotati...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:18:00 PST

Corner Lounge closed

Hey there everyone, I wanted to pass along to all of you the sad new about the closing of the Corner Lounge.  Knoxville has lost not only one of the coolest bars but a pillar of support for our l...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST

New music posted

Hey there!  Check out the new songs posted here and on my solo page ( while you're online.  I hope to have more up soon!  If you aren't already friends ...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:02:00 PST

Yet more press

Yes, as some of you have noticed (or will eventually) the latest piece of press for Plan A focuses on our debut album, which is now three years old, instead of our latest release, "Caught Up In The Fr...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 01:02:00 PST

Great New Press

In this month's issue of Performing Songwriter magazine, our latest album has been selected as one of their Top 12 DIY Picks! As you can imagine, this is a HUGE compliment to our hard work and other ...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST

Welcome back Devan

We just wanted to drop a line to announce the return of Devan, our skinny little whip-ass drummer.  We are throwing him a big party at the Corner Lounge on Friday October 19th.  If you live ...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

Our digital future

Hey there everyone!  With the upcoming release of our new album this Tuesday, we have decide to digitally offer individual tracks for downloading to you.  I know we are a few years behind wi...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:33:00 PST

CAKE anyone?

"Holy shit!," exclaimed aspiring rock band. We are opening for CAKE!  That's the good news.  Bad news I am just now posting a blog for a show that will be happening in less that 18 hour...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:31:00 PST

New Songs

Hey there guys!  I hope all of you are well.  Starting today, I will be posting sneak peek tracks from the upcoming Plan A album.  I will be changing the track selection periodically to...
Posted by Matt Woods' Plan A on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 05:22:00 PST