I'm interested in talking to people from the heart--I love this kind of sharing! I'm interested in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, liberating the oppressed, accepting the orphan, sheltering the vulnerable, comforting the abandoned, and telling the Good News that God loves us and is alive in every cell of our beings! I'm interested in a little thing called saving our green and blue planet and everything in it!
I enjoy meeting people who have a passion for life and choose to face each day with gratitude, warmth, and a generosity of spirit for others that marks them as "highly evolved." I like people who try to make the world a better place--not selfishly just for themselves, but for every one they meet. I like people who live life on purpose, and love you like they really mean it!
I love Niel Diamond, B.Streisand, Josh Grobin (sp), Celine Dion (all prodigies!) folk music, Gregorian Chant, Native American Indian Chanting, the Tibetan Bell, Islamic religious chants, The work of Hildagard of Bingen (Germany). I love the music little children and angels make in my heart. Whales and dolphins are great singers and dancers! I love classical music, too. YOU ARE THE MUSIC!
I like movies that make me think and re-think. I like the ones that make me laugh till I cry or pee my pants. I like movies that try to tell the truth and inspire us with a sense of our humanity and URGE us to honor that humanity by the way we choose to live daily.
Lou Dobbs tonight(CNN), Frasier, Friends, Disney Channel, Sesame Street (YES! My inner child is in charge of fun!)Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City...A little vice I admit to! Everybody Loves Raymond..I relish watching how sick my family is NOT anymore..at least not under my roof! But I wouldn't trade "endearingly neurotic" for anything!
I like mostly non-fiction books. But I do like all of the classic children's literature, both new and old; Greek and Roman Mythology; Poetry, short stories, Steinbeck, Edgar A. Poe, Essays. I love reading in the fields of religion, theology, psychology, sociology, the behavioral and social sciences.
Jesus Christ, my Healer God! I love all of the prophets of any religion who showed up on the planet to bring light into the darkness. My heroes are those who love and care, who are merciful and compassionate, and who spend their entire lives deepening their understanding of the Great Mysteries while still "keeping it simple" when it comes to how they treat themselves and others. Kind people who risk opening their heart and arms to me! I can't resist!! My beloved children endured with me through the dark days! My Heroes! My godchildren, James and Julie--real survivors with hearts of gold!(Billy Donovan too! and all the kids!)