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Rockstar da paesotto di campagna

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Some reviews:
“These tracks sparkle with the same blinding light of X’s “Los Angeles”. Let ‘em fire you up.”
Elio Bussolino, “Rockerilla”
“Pure and raw rock’n’roll: a homage to the past infused with fresh, new energy. Montecristo’s debut album is a damn fast 40-minute rollercoaster ride, which owes its sounds – and its attitude – to bands such as MC5 and The Stooges, oiled up with Ramones’ unique ointment and wrapped up in Kiss’, AC/DC’s and Motley Crue’s flashy glam packaging. “French Kill” is a deadly mix of Johnny Thunders, The Kills and all the most dangerous and rotten sounds rock’n’roll has spawned. “1975” sounds like a secret tape leaked out from “Raw Power”’s recording sessions. And your head’ll start spinning from the first notes of that dreamy and ethereal power pop gem called “Loader”, a perfect soundtrack to an ideal My Bloody Valentine universe, with its vaporous guitars and velvety vocals in the mouth-watering style of the Casablanca/Specktor’s duo “Modern Girl”.
Barbara Tomasino, “Rumore”
“Fun and lively punk’n’roll in the vein of Marc Bolan’s glam rock.”
Roberto Peciola, “Alias”
“A hard-packed album: punk instincts, hard rock edges and hum-along melodies. The prize goes to “Loader”, a brick wall of raw guitars from whose cracks slips out a delicate and sorrowful melody. You’re heading for a beautiful heart attack.”
Mauro Petruzziello, “XL”
“All 12 songs on this album are genuine, trademark rocks songs: fast, in-your-face and tinged with a melodic sound that’s reminiscent as much of The (International) Noise Conspiracy as it is of The Rolling Stones. It’s hard to single out a specific track, so high is the standard. Montecristo’s music is drenched in sweat and blood: it’s a painful rock’n’ll rally against contemporary apathy; it’s a bonfire of love and hate; it’s a communion of skin and soul, of heart and balls; and most of all, it’s a loud cry to crank up the volume.”
Joyello, “”
“A big round of applause for Montecristo: they’re just born and they already have a rich, mature sound that’s got nothing to envy to that of their colleagues across the Channel and overseas.”
Antonio Bacciocchi, “”
“Bands in Rome are once again creating music in clubs, garages and basements, and Montecristo are the best example of this new Renaissance. Theirs is a fascinating and wide-ranging rock album.”
Daniele Cassandro, “EPolis”
“The best Italian bands in Italy nowadays sing in English. Montecristo are without a doubt amongst these, and their garage rock debut album blows away a whole string of UK and US fashion victims. The first four songs are real energy bombs, but Montecristo can wrestle brilliantly a huge array of sounds. Some of the best tracks are a gorgeous pop song (“Part Time Loser”) and beautiful two-voice ballad (“Loader”).
Cristiano Gruppi, “”
“A fresh and contemporary sound, worthy of so many overseas indie productions, but with a unique Italian feel to it, especially in the powerful harmonic sequences. Finally an album that sounds like a rock album should sound!”
urbanspaceman, “”
“Listening to this album your first thought – and a very pleasant one indeed – is that also us Italians know what rock is. And not any kind of rock, but one that draws its energy from the sound of the ‘70s. Yep, just like The Strokes and Franz Ferdinand. It’s a big responsibility, but Montecristo handle it just fine, with songs like “Ready Steady Nothing” (gripping, explosive, irresistible), what could easily be considered one of the rock singles of the moment, and “I’m a Wheel”, a ballad to dance your way straight to hell. Maybe in search of Iggy Pop and his Stooges.”
Emiliano Coraretti, “Left”
“Montecristo have erupted on the scene with a near-perfect album of psychedelic rock’n’roll, close to English punk rock, but not only. A convincing album from start to finish.”
Stefano Gilardino, “Rocksound”
“The choruses are spot on, the guitar riffs lash out at you where it hurts the most, and every time you think you’ve got them figured out they come up with something new. The result is a bipolar, meaty, bad tempered rock’n’roll album.”
Corrado Monervini, “Rockstar”
“Montecristo’s energy is contagious and is deeply rooted in the sounds of bands such as T. Rex, The Heartbrakers and Generation X, but each of the 12 songs on this album is unique and original in its own way and speak of a freshness that more than a few will envy in them.”
Giancarlo De Chirico, “Extra! Music Magazine”
“A blistering debut. Montecristo have put together 12 songs of raw, visceral rock that encompass more than thirty years of music: from The Stooges to Eagles of Death Metal. It’s an album that strikes out at you with the speed and precision of a whip and will leave you in awe of Emiliano’s vocal talent, halfway betweeen Marc Bolan and Josh Homme. Without forgetting the soaring guitars and solid rhythms that make this album so great.”
Marcello Berlich, “Losing Today”
“A debut album that throws in together street rock, a sprinkle of garage rock, glam attitude and a mix of Bolan, The Stooges of “Raw Power” and Motley Crue. A real achievement, reminiscent of the best Queens of the Stone Ages, that gives the finger to the so-called rock revolution, doesn’t fall prey to the intellectualisms of some indie bands, and isn’t afraid of a few refrains.”
Ettore Risi, “”
“Try throwing in a blender the albums of The Stooges, MC5, New York Dolls, New Bomb Turks and My Bloody Valentine. Mix thoroughly and you can bet that after having put in a prayer to your favourite saint you’ll end up with a fresh, powerful and magic cocktail. Yes, it’s a miracle. This debut’s incredible. Listen to this album and forget that we’re slipping into 2007 and that Alex Kapranos of Franz Ferdinand is somewhere in the world reading from his recipe book. Nice one, guys. Keep our asses moving.”
Dani Mani,
“This is a dirty little (punk) rock jewel. The style’s reminiscent of The Stooges, The Heartbrakers and Ramones. This is a band wild and honest like few others around. These are already classics: “Shake Your Bones,” “Part Time Loser” and “Loader”.
“Corriere della Sera Magazine”
“Here’s the latest glam-punk phenomenon and it’s made in Italy. Imagine Marc Bolan’s charge, mixed in with a punk attitude. Montecristo have achieved the surprising task of bringing together two different faces of rock that would happily have kicked each other’s ass in the ‘70s. The result is an album that has a distinct old-school feel but is also projected into the future, especially in its more spacey, Sigue Sigue Sputnik moments. Confused? It’s understandable, in the face a musical blend which holds in itself the past, the present and the future. Recorded in Rome in the Spring of 2006 and mastered at Sterling Sounds in New York by Steve Fallone (who’s worked on the albums of The Strokes, Shivaree, Tv on the Radio and Cocorosie, amongst others), this debut album sees Tony James – currently working with Mick Jones on the Carbon/Silicon project – as production artist and second guitarist on a few tracks. chooses Montecristo as most-promising band of the moment and invites you all to listen to the album.”
"Spesso da queste tracce sembrano alzarsi gli stessi abbacinanti bagliori che salivano dai memorabili solchi di "Los Angeles" degli X… Lasciatevi accendere"
Elio Bussolino, ROCKERILLA
"Puro e grezzo rock and roll che attinge al passato ma suona fresco e pieno di energia…Una scheggia di 40 minuti sparata come un treno in corsa, debitrice del sound - e soprattutto dell'attitudine – di band come MC5 e Stooges, tirata a lucido con l'unguento di casa Ramones e foderata con il glam di Kiss, AC/DC e Motley Crue…"French Kill" è un incrocio mortale tra Johnny Thunders, i Kills e tutto ciò che di pericoloso ha prodotto il rock and roll più marcio. "1975" sembra rubata a qualche session segreta per la registrazione di "Raw Power", e infine si arriva a quel piccolo tesoro power-pop chiamato "Loader", eterea e fluttuante in un universo degno dei My Bloody Valentine, una cornice di chitarre vaporose e morbide rotondità vocali che fanno girare la testa come già la "Modern Girl" della coppia Casablancas/Spektor"
Barbara Tomasino, "RUMORE"
"Sano e divertente punk'n'roll con più di un riferimento al glam rock di Marc Bolan"
Roberto Peciola, "ALIAS"
"Un album compattissimo. Urgenze punk, spigoli hard rock e sana melodia. Su tutto 'Loader', un muro di suono sporco su cui, come erbaccia, spunta una melodia delicata e dolente. Sulla strada per un meraviglioso attacco di cuore"
Mauro Petruzziello, "XL"
"Le dodici canzoni dell'album si manifestano come genuini pezzi di rock, tirati, diretti e con una vena melodica che fa venire in mente tanto The (International) Noise Conspiracy quanto i Rolling Stones più grezzi degli esordi. Impossibile scegliere un brano che primeggi sugli altri, talmente alto è lo standard di tutti. La musica dei Montecristo è fatta di sangue e sudore. C'è il dolore del Rock'n'Roll e la neghittosità della società moderna. C'è l'amore e l'odio, il timbro e il fuoco. C'è l'anima e la pelle, il cuore e le palle e c'è, soprattutto, un'insopprimibile voglia di alzare il volume"
"L'esordio dei romani Montecristo strappa immediatamente gli applausi, in virtù di un suono già maturo, pieno, che nulla ha da invidiare a nessuna produzione proveniente da Oltremanica o Oltreoceano"
Antonio Bacciocchi,
"A Roma si è ricominciato a fare musica nei locali, nei garage e nelle cantine. L'album di debutto dei Montecristo è un bell'esempio di questo rinascimento… un disco affascinante e un album rock ad ampio raggio"
Daniele Cassandro, "EPolis"
"Ormai in Italia le band migliori, più innovative e interessanti cantano in inglese. Tra queste, sicuramente i Montecristo, che fanno un disco di garage rock da far impallidire frange di emuli modaioli d'oltremanica o d'oltreoceano. E allora, perchè si faccia giustizia, bisogna sentirli: i primi 4 brani sono autentiche bombe di energia… però andando avanti, i Montecristo dimostrano a tutti che non sanno fare (benissimo) solo questo. Perchè tra i pezzi migliori ci sono una canzoncina pop perfetta ("Part Time Loser") e una splendida ballata a due voci ("Loader").
Cristiano Gruppi,

"Un sound fresco ed attuale, in linea con le produzioni "indie" d'oltreoceano ma con quella spiccata italianità che trapela velatamente dalle "potenti" sequenze armoniche. .. Finalmente un disco che suona come dovrebbe suonare un disco di Rock!"

Band born 25th of May 2005.
Former or/and present members of:
Student Zombie, Ardecore, Wow!, Evidence, Moluart, Cosmonauti.
Debut CD produced by Tony James from Gen X, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Chelsea and Carbon/Silicon.
I AM LEGEND - EPCD - Sleeping Star 2006
MONTECRISTO - LPCD - Sleeping Star 2007

My Interests


Member Since: 7/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Emiliano - Vox
Flai - Guitars and vocals
Luca - Bass
Valerio - Drums
Vic Vicious - Guitar

Additional musicians:
Gianluca De Rubertis - Keyboards
Matteo - drums

Former musicians: Checco - Keith Richards


I AM LEGEND ep/cd -2006


Get your copy at:
Self distribuzione
Cargo Records UK
Cargo Records DE
iTunes Store

Influences: Anger, Stones, Donnas, Misfits, Tight Bros, T.Rex, The Sweet, Ramones, Steve Reich, The Nerves, The real kids, MC5, Danzig, Kiss, Undertones, Stooges, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Behead the prophet, Johnny Cash

Sounds Like: Montecristo SHAKE YOUR BONES

Add to My Profile | More Videos
Directed by Stefano Salvatori

Directed by Flai & Pagnonka
French Kill-Live
I'm a wheel-Live
Video by Degiacometti/ Komakino

Record Label: Sleeping Star
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Delucidazioni sulle ns prossime date live

Cari amici e amiche,come potete vedere sulla nostra pagina di myspace, i montecristo si esibiranno dal vivo 4 volte nel mese di Aprile e a questo proposito serve dare dei chiarimenti.A) Il 9 Aprile, a...
Posted by Montecristo on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:21:00 PST

Part time loser

Part time loser Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Montecristo on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 01:23:00 PST

E’ Ri-Uscito il disco!

Da oggi 22 Febbraio abbiamo una nuova distribuzione : SELF.Quindi se volete acquistare il nostro CD con il fighissimitico booklet di 14 dico 14 paginepotete comprarlo online QUI oppure chiedere al vo...
Posted by Montecristo on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:05:00 PST


Hosted By: montecristo When: Thursday Jan 24, 2008 at 10:00 PMWhere: Lettere Caffe'Via san francesco a ripa 100Roma, Roma|295 ItalyDescription:montecristo Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Montecristo on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:47:00 PST


Vote for our new video "Part time loser"clicking HERE!We don't know why but we'll do it anyway......
Posted by Montecristo on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST

25 Novembre no new songs

Ragazzi, il 25 suoneremo con al basso Edoardo di Tocqueville e Snake Cult, aggiunto in settimana in quanto il buon Luca e' momentaneamente all'estero. Quindi non faremo canzoni nuove, ma le solite, tr...
Posted by Montecristo on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 03:33:00 PST

Montecristo nel disco doppio di XL

Con XL di Luglio in tode le edicole da codesta settimana e' in vendita un doppio CD con la "krema" dell'indie/rock internazionale ed Italiano. Come lasciarsi sfuggire l'occasione di sentire la Montecr...
Posted by Montecristo on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:25:00 PST


Per motivi tecnici ilo concerto del 18 a Napoli e' annulato, ragione in piu' per confluire tutti ad Avellino al Rotari Club dove Montecristo e Cokerocket vi attendono per ballare tutta la notte con Vi...
Posted by Montecristo on Fri, 18 May 2007 04:33:00 PST


Some reviews on the web about I AM LEGEND ep. Click to view them.1-Manwell2-Movimentakomakino05-Oct-2006 1:57 PM - Montecristo - I Am Legend (3tx ep, 9'55" - sleeping star rec 'o6) - Preview ep for th...
Posted by Montecristo on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:48:00 PST

Nerdsattack interview (italian)

Click here!
Posted by Montecristo on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:13:00 PST