I have always loved the clown ministry for the sick. I used to volunteer as "Miss Hilarie" at the H. Lee Moffit Cancer Institute. I also love being with the elderly. I used to work at a nursing home in activities. All they wanted was to be loved and in return they taught me pure love without conditions. I also love music. There is nothing like being part of the "rock show" where the magic happens between the musician and his audience.
You will quickly find out that there are a wide variety of personalities that inspire me...many may "not" fit a profile of a "model" citizen to others...but I only see their spirit that shines with passion and authenticity. There are so many that I would have love to have met: I would have loved to have been one of the chosen following Jesus as He preached and healed..... Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mother Teresa. There are SO many actors from the past that have moved me: Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Maureen O'Hara, Natalie Woods, James Dean, Katherine Hepburn,Clark Gable, Betty Davis, Ingrid Bergman, Irene Dunne, Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHaviland, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Loretta Young, Humphrey Bogart, Christoper and Dana Reeves, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison.Others that I hope to meet one day... Stevie Nicks, Carly Simon, Gino Vanelli, Scott Stapp, Jimi Jamison, Scott Weiland, Craig Ferguson...did get to meet Rick Springfield thanks to the RS girls..... :} Oprah, Chris Evert, Jimmy Buffet, Andre Agessi, Lauren Bacall, Jeremy Irons, Carol Burnett, Diane Keaton, Angelina Jolie, Diane Lane, Debra Messing, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Jeffrey Carlson, Richard Gere, Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, Tom Pelphrey.
Where do I begin?
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Old Movies are my absolute favorite..especially..Fountainhead, Rebecca, People will Talk,Bringing up Baby, Notorious, High Society, .other movies that have affected me...Edward Scissorhands, Field of Dreams, Benny & Joon, Pretty Woman
The Nanny, Friday Night Lights, Inside Actor's Studio, Six Feet Under, Ugly Betty, Oprah, Greys Anatomy, Will & Grace, Becker, Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvement, House, Who's the Boss, Ghost Whisperer, Cheers, I Love Lucy, Carol Burnett Show, Big Valley, Little House on the Prairie, All in The Family, Rockford Files, Magnum PI, Price is Right....Clean House.....I like watching those travel shows..This Old House...and must admit I fall prey to the enjoyment of The Bachelor and some reality shows..my soaps, of course...I also love to watch American Idol...
Jesus The Son of Man by Kahill Grilbran, He & I, Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, Journal of a Solitude by Mae Sarton, Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Cold Fire by Dean Koontz, Poetry of Emily Dickinson, Mount of Blessings
Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Mother Seton A special tribute to my parents...my dad is retired and spends 8 hours, 6 days a week making wooden toys for the immigrant children, while my mom paints them. They are the truest example of dedication, commitment and self sacrifice....My sisters and my special friends (they know who they are) uphold me with their support, and unconditional love.