Section information: Bands need your help. This section provides certain positions that are needed to be filled. From drums to the triangle; let us know if you"re in need of a band member. It would also help if you messaged us information; for example; Position, experiance wanted, requirements, preferred age range, personality, gender, taste in music, transportation, locations, ect,ect. CONTACT INFORMATION.
We Are Israel
"Looking for a LOW/MID (mychildren mybride) vocalist
here are some requirements:
-live in twin cities
-age 16-21
-has a relationship with God.
-has transportation
-mic/cable. (not required)
-willing to have a fun time."
Message We Are Isreal
New Melodic Hardcore Band
Looking for someone between 19 and 25 that lives in or around Minneapolis/St. Paul. Previous band experience a must. Must have own equipment and transportation. This will most likely be a serious band (i.e. recording/touring). Music interests should include bands like Emmure, For The Fallen Dreams and It Prevails. Demo available for listen on our page.
Message them
New Melodic Hardcore Band
Looking for someone between 19 and 25 that lives in or around Minneapolis/St. Paul. Previous band experience a must. Must have own equipment and transportation. This will most likely be a serious band (i.e. recording/touring). Music interests should include bands like Emmure, For The Fallen Dreams and It Prevails. Demo available for listen on our page.
Message them
"a new band from Forest Lake who are looking for a drummer so they can begin gigging as late as fall of 2008. They play indie/rock music and are all pretty much outgoing and funloving guys. They are a group of highschoolers and would prefer anyone within the age range of 15-18 years old.
Other standards that we have are: Availabilty to practice once a week, have a decent set, have a good variety of drumming skills and be someone with a lot of power and style. And lastly; Would very much prefer someone with confidence and good weekend availability for the occasional weekend gig. No prior band experience is necessary, but would be helpful.
If you have any questions or concerns about audition times or anything please feel free to message us."
Message Intervene
Section information: This is where boys and girls tell us their skills. Message us up giving your background information such as; age, location, experiance, previous bands you"ve been in, personality, ect,ect. and what you do as in instrument/vocals. CONTACT INFORMATION.
Maya Elena
"I'm 14, and I'm from Maple Grove MN.
I started out in a hardxcore traditional childrens choior allowing kids grades 4-6. District 279 Childrens Chorus.I took a break in 7th grade to do orchestra (gag me) but switched to choir in 8th. Sometime in February I found this voice teacher at a local Guitar shop named Siren. She's holding a showcase at Fine Line Music Cafe on THIS THURSDAY where I'll be singing with other bands such as Aesterya, X Ray Hip, F.A.I.T.H and more. I'm fimilar with preforming, and I'm not afraid to be on stage.I just recorded my first song with my friend Mike who owns Pitch Fever Music Acadamy. (The song is on my profile)I'm looking for a band with an accoustic kind of tone and that are willing to be diverse.
I'm primarly a lead singer, but I can do keyboard too.I'm creative and ecclectic and I dress how I want.
I despise lables, and I'm a bit of a wacko.
I love to have fun and I don't care what people think.
I strive to be famous and I'll do whatever I can to get there."
Message Maya
Chris Stob
"Milaca, Minnesota, two years experience in
Screamo vocals and hardcore vocals. I'm 18. influences: shane told, Adam lazzara, Dallas Taylor
Music tastes: (If you meant bands) A skylit drive, Before their Eyes, underoath, Hopes die last (Genres) Post hardcore, screamo. Metal.
Previous bands: Small project called Grace Towards Chaos"
Message Chris
"I'm 16 & live in Maple Grove, MN. I first started playing the guitar in 6th grade but i just read tabs and taught myself how to play. I got my first guitar in 7th grade. Tried to make things up on the guitar and got some things but only bits and pieces. I can learn pretty quickly and will try hard to do what i gotsta do =) haha I'm pretty out going so i'm thinking i won't be shy at shows and whatnot. I've never been in a band but i tried to start one.. just me and the other person kinda stopped chillin haha so that didn't work out."
Message Margaret
well im a drummer looking for a metal hardcore screamo band i been playing drums since i was four and i am now 19 and i love pleasing the ears of fans with music i always have been and i want to get back to doing it. im looking for a people who want to pave their own way to success instead of following in the footsteps of others. and that im looking for two guitarists a bassist and vocals and that i have about approximately 750-800 beats a minute on drums and if you can think of other things that would be totally gnar.
Message Dustin
"Im Tanner, Ill be 15 in 10 days <06.28.08>
Im Located In The Piedmont/Lower Lincoln Area of Duluth MN.
And Iv Been Playing Music Since I Was about 10.
I Have Experience in Jazz, Hardcore,punk, and rock music.
I Play Drums, Guitar, SOME bass And I do vocals (scramz)
My Strong Suit Is Drumming And Screaming.
More So Drumming.Iv been told that I'm pretty nice person, and i don't want to self pro-claim myself so i'm just going to tell you what other people have said about me.
other wise i feel like I'm being a d-bag
Iv been told that I'm easy to get along with.
and responsible.Im really into making music that feels right,
Just real, passionate, honest music.
Iv been looking to get a band together but I'm terrible at networking and meeting new people.
I have a few project going.
But sadly none of them showcase my drumming skill very well
: /
but here is a link to my recording project
Click HereReally, i would love to find some kids who just want to have fun and make some music.
Not to get famous, or be the epic band they see on mtv
But just to have some fun, maybe play some shows, and learn something along the way.
I like my music honest.
I Like My Life Honest."
Message Tanner
Jonathan, age 20, played piano 15 years, keyboard for 3, i do death/grind hardcore vox. i live in rochester, mn, i've been in 3 bands previously, looking for something more rewarding in otherwords more original creativity and passion, stage performance is a big thing in my book for every perfomer in a band that i perform in, i'm highly energetic in every perfomance as well as practice and creativity, improvisation and creative skill balance is a MUST. no arrogance no bullshit attitude either."
Message Jonathan
Thanks for helping with "aligning" the photos Ryley :D
I'd like to meet:
We Want To Meet YOUR Band. =>
Section Information: Display of upcoming shows throughout certain months; give us your flyers and we"ll put them up if it fits the appropriate month range.
comming soon :O
Section Information: Bands you want the word out; so heres your chance. Tell us where to find your codes for graphics and banners and whatnot and we"ll put it up for you.
Section Information: If you support, promote, book, do graphics, photography, streetteams, fansites, ect let us know we"ll put a support thing on you and tell a little info about what you do and draw bands and people towards you.
MN Music Venues
Section Information: These are some of the venues located in Minnesota that a quite popular amongst local bands and whatnot.
The Varsity Theater :
Showcase Skatepark :
[email protected]
First Ave & 7th Entry Street :
Station 4 :
Enigma Teen Center :
[email protected]
Club 3 Degrees :
[email protected]
The Vault :
The Red Sea :
(612) 333-3349
The Triple Rock :
[email protected]
The Encounter :
(218) 722-9820 Ext. 14
[email protected]
The Garage :
R2 Youth Center :
The Depot Coffehouse Live :
The Circuit
Nesting Grounds
(651) 408-8505
What's Up Lounge
Dinkytowner :
Fine Line Music Cafe :
Booking Contacts:
Local Acts & Week Nights:
Brad Danielson
[email protected]
ph (612) 338-8100 ext. 201
First Street Warehouse :
The Myth Nightclub :
Tel: 651.779.MYTH
Fax: 651.779.6986
Local Bands
We've Seen Live.
Captian Standish!
Saluting The Rockies!
The Soviet Machines!
Moving To Pluto!
All Are Fallen Angels!
Just The End!
Twenty Paces!
Hardcore Crayons!
Brace For Impact!
Hating the Love!
No Pride!
Seasons Faded!
A Red Letter Day!
First Thing Tomorrow!
Asylum For You!
All Clear!
Sense Of Gray!
Pull Your Swords!
Last Place Hero!
Jeremy K!
Followed By Fever!
Sleeping Through A Nightmare!
The Fall Into Black!
The Usual Suspects!
Numbered Colours!
Last Line of Defense!
Amerikan Junk!
A Hearless Act!
What Is Truth!
Red Dress White!
The Perfect Season.
Lower The Casket.
No Wings To Speak Of.
Write This Down.
Four Letter Lie.
My Dear Martyr.
Earn Your Strips.
A Short Lived Tragedy.
Whisper Like The Waves.
Review One:
Last Line of Defense.
Band Members:
Ethan – Lead Vocals
Nick – Lead Guitar
Josh – Bass
Dan – Drums
With the combination of impressive sounds and thriving vocals; this four-piece hardcore metal band really knows how to motivate a crowd. Last Line of Defense put on an amazing performance at Showcase Skate Park on the nineteenth of January, oh eight. I can honestly admit that they are one of my favorite local performers I have seen live.
Since the moment I walked into the room it was filled with energy both on and off the stage. From banging beats to strumming cords to screaming lyrics; they illustrated the intensity of all the work they put into the band’s commitment. Also, what kept the show so alive was the insanity of moshing and hardcore dancing from the audience, and not forgetting to mention a few band members who happily jumped off stage to join the circle pit.
Their set flowed through smoothly. No noticeable mistakes were made. They showed everybody all the right skills and moves. Seeing these guys is an opportunity that you will not regret.
Written by:
Laurina Ros.
Section Information: Band"s send us your link to your merch site; we"ll post up your site, photos, payment page. Or if you don"t have a merch site but are selling merch let us know and we"ll post up photos and how to contact you to buy merchandise. All merchandise; clothing items, posters, cds, stickers, buttons, anything.
Section Information: Bands that post blogs and updates that want to keep us current with where you are, upcoming shows or tours, whos leaving the band, new members, injuries and replacements, song information, complications, ect we"ll be happy to link your blogs onto our page; just ask us.
HIGHTECH | View Profile
Also known as Darrin; and Laurinas brother :D
SKYE BOYZ | View Profile
Members: Big P; Hightech; Slippy; DayDay; Toast; C-La
Darrin and Danny are Laurina"s brothers :D